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Famous People Great Depression Vocabulary Stock Market Crash The New Deal $500 $400 $300 $200 $100.

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3 Famous People Great Depression Vocabulary Stock Market Crash The New Deal $500 $400 $300 $200 $100

4 Click here to go back to the main board You have selected an area of the board not in play.

5 The New Deal - $100 During the Depression, many people lost their homes and were forced to live in shantytowns. Why did some people refer to these as Hoovervilles? ANSWER

6 The New Deal - $200 ANSWER After Roosevelt took office, Congress passed laws to deal with the Depression called ________.

7 The New Deal - $300 ANSWER What were some programs included in the New Deal?

8 The New Deal - $400 ANSWER What did the CCC do?

9 The New Deal - $500 ANSWER How were farmers assisted by the New Deal?

10 Stock Market Crash- $100 What caused stock prices to drop in the fall of 1929? ANSWER

11 Stock Market Crash- $200 ANSWER How did bankers try to save the stock market from crashing?

12 Stock Market Crash- $300 When people went to the banks to get out their savings, what did the banks do with everyone’s money? ANSWER

13 Stock Market Crash- $400 ANSWER At the end of the 1920s, what were businesses doing to their employees?

14 Stock Market Crash- $500 ANSWER What was the last resort for a business suffering from the Stock Market Crash?

15 Vocabulary - $100 ANSWER a spending plan in which you do not spend more money than what you actually have

16 Vocabulary - $200 ANSWER poor, not having enough money for your needs

17 Vocabulary - $300 ANSWER successful; having enough money for your needs

18 Vocabulary - $400 ANSWER The money you receive after retirement is called ______.

19 Vocabulary - $500 ANSWER the many workers and groups that are needed to run government programs

20 Great Depression- $100 ANSWER What made the great depression “GREAT”?

21 Great Depression- $200 ANSWER Who believed that direct economic relief would hurt American spirit, that the Government should keep a balanced Budget, and thought the relief should Come from state and local government?

22 Great Depression- $300 ANSWER During the Great Depression, People who were able to keep their jobs found that as prices Dropped, were they able to buy More or less goods?

23 Great Depression- $400 ANSWER Why did farmers leave the Dust Bowl states during the 1930s?

24 Great Depression- $500 ANSWER What caused the Dust Bowl of the 1930s?

25 Famous People- $100 ANSWER Who wrote Gone with the Wind?

26 Famous People- $200 ANSWER Who was an African American Olympian who won 4 gold medals?

27 Famous People- $300 ANSWER Who was a solo trumpet player who was famous for playing jazz?

28 Famous People- $400 ANSWER Who was an African American poet during the Harlem Renaissance?

29 Famous People- $500 ANSWER Who was a famous big band composer?

30 ****Answers****

31 The New Deal - $100 DONE President Hoover didn’t do anything to help end the depression.

32 The New Deal - $200 DONE The New Deal

33 The New Deal - $300 DONE Job programs Bank holiday and FDIC Social Security Act

34 The New Deal - $400 DONE Gave men ages 17-23 a job, clothing, shelter, and money for their family.

35 The New Deal- $500 DONE The government passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act to get higher prices for their products

36 Stock Market Crash- $100 Too many people were selling their stocks. DONE

37 Stock Market Crash- $200 DONE By buying large amounts of stocks in important industries.

38 Stock Market Crash- $300 DONE Loaned the money to businesses, so they couldn’t give it back to the people.

39 Stock Market Crash- $400 DONE Laying their employees off

40 Stock Market Crash- $500 DONE Closing down the business altogether

41 Vocabulary - $100 Balanced Budget DONE

42 Vocabulary - $200 Poverty DONE

43 Vocabulary - $300 Prosperity DONE

44 Vocabulary - $400 Pension DONE

45 Vocabulary - $500 DONE bureaucracy

46 Great Depression- $100 DONE It was deeper and longer than any depression before it.

47 Great Depression - $200 DONE President Hoover

48 Great Depression- $300 DONE MORE

49 Great Depression- $400 DONE Because they were unable to farm the land anymore.

50 Great Depression- $500 DONE Drought Strong winds Plowing created loose dirt

51 Famous People- $100 DONE Margaret Mitchell

52 Famous People- $200 DONE Jesse Owens

53 Famous People- $300 DONE Louis Armstrong

54 Famous People- $400 DONE Langston Hughes

55 Famous People- $500 DONE Duke Ellington



58 Directions for Changing the Game To change the questions and answers, just type over the problems…Use the “replace” feature to change the categories easily The daily doubles were originally set to category #4 for $500 and category #2 for $300 To change the daily doubles you must –1. Change the hyperlink for the links on the main board to go to the appropriate question, therefore bypassing the daily double slide –2. Change the hyperlink on the continue button on each daily double slide to go to the new question.

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