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Misc. Jobs Causes & Effects People Events 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50.

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2 Misc. Jobs Causes & Effects People Events 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

3 This happened on October 29, 1929 Stock Market Crash

4 Long periods of this in the Great Plains cause severe soil erosion drought

5 The farming area in the Midwestern U.S. that suffered severe drought and farming conditions Dust Bowl

6 Election of this President in 1932 became his 1st of 4 Presidential terms Franklin D. Roosevelt

7 This led America out of The Great Depression America preparing for WWII

8 Pianist, composer, and bandleader in the 1930s “swing era.” Duke Ellington

9 African American track star that won the Olympics in Germany in 1936 Jesse Owens

10 President that promised “a New Deal for the American people.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

11 Americans blamed this President for causing The Great Depression. Herbert Hoover

12 Author of Gone With the Wind. Margaret Mitchell

13 In regards to money, people did this in the 1920s. People spent money they didn’t have and went into debt.

14 This happened to farmers as an immediate result of the dust bowl lost farms and had to move west

15 This happened to people after the stock market crash People became unemployed and homeless.

16 People lined up here for a cup of soup and piece of bread. soup kitchen or bread line

17 This program was put into place to help give Americans jobs and keep the economy going. The New Deal

18 Projects for this agency involved soil conservation & tree planting CCC

19 This agency built public highways & buildings WPA

20 This agency build dams & generated electricity to a 7 state region TVA

21 The CCC, WPA, and TVA were part of this program The New Deal

22 What does the acronym WPA stand for? Works Progress Administration

23 This happened to 1in 4 Americans during The Great Depression unemployment

24 The New Deal did this for the people gave them jobs

25 This happens when people spend money The economy becomes stable.

26 This invention allowed FDR to talk to the American people in his “Fireside Chats.” radio

27 The government established this plan so that Americans would begin to trust banks & deposit money there once again. FDIC

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