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Dayton’s Bluff Achievement Plus Elementary School Saint Paul, MN Presenter: Andrew Collins, Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "Dayton’s Bluff Achievement Plus Elementary School Saint Paul, MN Presenter: Andrew Collins, Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dayton’s Bluff Achievement Plus Elementary School Saint Paul, MN Presenter: Andrew Collins, Principal

2 2 Demographics School Population:District Population: 375 Students (PK-6 th ) 37,875 Students 40% African-American30% African-American 25% Hispanic 14% Hispanic 20% Southeast Asian29% Southeast Asian 13% Caucasian25% Caucasian 2% American Indian 91% Free and Reduced Lunch Status*70% Free and Reduced Lunch Status*(Income eligibility based upon Federal Poverty guidelines) 35% ELL Students41% ELL Students 12% Special Education Students16% Special Education Students 40% Mobility Index* (Students who enrolled or left after October 1 st ) 12% Special Education Students * Note = Statistics taken from 2008-09 School Year

3 Critical Themes Climate and culture Forgetting about the past and defining our future together Clear and high expectations for all Creating a belief structure Capacity building and strategic empowerment Collaboration is key Establishing data points Effective analysis of formative and summative results Creating academic coherence Implementing research-based practices Having the right mix of strategies to make it work Targeted staff development Supporting the instructional framework 3

4 Climate and Culture Vision – All students achieving at high standards Clear and specific building-wide mission and vision  Why are we here? Continuous dialogue (Acknowledgment of input vs. benevolent dictatorship)  Consensus among staff  Interpreting and operationalizing monthly expectations  Identify non-negotiables We have an academic urgency…  Let students know where they are and where they are headed  Examining the school calendar Accelerating the decision making process  Focus – Making decisions that are in the best interest of our children Clear and high expectations for student behavior Smile – We have the best job in the world!

5 How much time do we actually have?







12 Building Capacity Collaboration… Truly a team approach (Staff and Students) Ownership through empowerment Teacher resource room Strategic mentorship Accountability – High expectations for all stakeholders Environmental factors – Instructional and Structural  Rituals and routines  Adequate classroom resources  School-wide behavior model  Common prep times  Low class size - priority  Inclusion model with support staff  Meaningful committee structure

13 Turn and Talk How has your analysis of data positively affected your instruction?

14 Analyzing the Data Where do we find our data? BELIEF: Data drives instruction (Differentiated and Action Oriented)  Individualized instructional plans Deepening and strengthening of instructional practices Examination of data from high stakes assessments  MCA-II, TEAE and NNAT Authentic classroom assessments  Formative reading assessments (Running Record, PALS, QRI, MONDO) Formally - 4x/year (September, November, March, and June) Informally – as needed, but with grades K-3, at least once every two weeks  Writing benchmarks  Math progress reports (Everyday Math Secure Skills chart) Teacher – Student Conferences Observations and analysis of student work  Grade level and cross-grade level

15 Academic Coherence Standards and frameworks – Implement with fidelity Clear understanding of academic needs Curriculum mapping and alignment  Academic continuity (MN Standards); Identification of Power Standards Workshop model  Uninterrupted blocks (at least 60 minutes) in all core content areas  Focused mini-lesson (strategy/concept), work time (practice of strategy), and sharing (linked to concept being taught) Research based best practices (supplemented and aligned)  Flexible grouping by strategy, concepts, etc. Support staff inclusion in the classroom (planning and team teaching) Continuous monitoring of progress  PLCs, Formative Assessments and Student Portfolios Common language across building (staff development)

16 Targeted Staff Development How do we support our instructional framework? BELIEF: We are a nested learning community - We build our own capacity…  Model delivered in small incremental steps  Introduction, dialogue, implementation, reflection  Based on building level and individual teacher needs from accountability measures Opportunities for collaboration  Analysis of Data; Learning Walks; PLC’s  Open-door policy regarding observations (learning from each other) Implementation schedule: Integrated School/Meeting Calendar  Common prep. times  Integrated meeting schedule  Participation in PLCs by all staff (Full day) – reflective dialogue  Intervention schedule - Systematic and timely (response time) On-site support and coaching District staff development

17 Achievement Results



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