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OUTLINE  Motivation  Introduction  Problem Statement  Assumptions  Proposed Solution  Results  Conclusions  Future Work  References  Acknowledgements.

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2 OUTLINE  Motivation  Introduction  Problem Statement  Assumptions  Proposed Solution  Results  Conclusions  Future Work  References  Acknowledgements 2

3 MOTIVATION  RFID based door systems are used world-wide in a variety of industries.  Problem is they aren’t as secure as people think.  Someone can steal a valid RFID card and gain access.  Or someone could clone someone’s valid RFID card.  I wanted to find a way to make RFID based door systems more secure. 3

4 INTRODUCTION  I’ve always been interested in RFID technology.  After a little research I found a problem in one area of RFID technology implementation.  RFID card reader based door systems aren’t very secure.  Anyone with a little common sense could find a way in through a door using traditional RFID based systems.  All they RFID reader based door systems on the market are basically the same. 4

5 INTRODUCTION  I set out to design a system to fix this security issue.  I wanted to develop a custom RFID card reader door system with an Arduino. 5

6 PROBLEM STATEMENT  RFID card reader based door entry systems are insecure.  This gives people using these systems a false sense of security.  It provides a possible entry- point for criminals… 6

7 ASSUMPTIONS  People assume that RFID based entry systems are expensive.  That these systems are hard to install, implement or manage.  The system I designed can be installed at a residence, business or warehouse.  My system cost about ten times less than commercially available systems.  This system does require someone to have knowledge about electronics and how they operate.  You also need to have some understanding or experience programming with C++, C, Java and HTML. 7

8 PROPOSED SOLUTION  List steps taken to solve the problem such as but not limited to:  Research RFID systems and how they work.  Research Arduino microcontrollers.  Design an RFID based system with an Arduino microcontroller.  Finding reasonable resources to obtain hardware needed for this project.  Writing custom code for Arduino.  Configuring hardware and software.  Troubleshooting issues with hardware/software.  Testing in a real-world environment.  Verifying results 8

9 PROPOSED SOLUTION  My system uses an IP cam to let the other person see who’s on the other side of the door.  Then they can make a decision to either unlock the door, lock the door or to sound an alarm.  This system is available over the internet and can be seen from any where in the world with an internet connection.  This allows for being able to control the door remotely. 9



12 RESULTS  To build my system it costs a total of $315.89  Most RFID based entry systems can costs thousands of dollars.  My system adds another layer of authentication that involves interaction from a human to identify the person trying to access the door.  This two-factor form of security makes my system superior to other similar systems. 12

13 CONCLUSIONS  This project proposes a viable and practical solution to the security flaws with most available RFID based door systems.  Before starting this project I couldn’t tell you what an Arduino even was.  My understanding of electronics, microcontrollers and my programming skills in C++, C, Java and HTML have improved tremendously. 13

14 FUTURE WORK  This project could be customized in many ways.  Due to the limitations of the Arduino because of it’s small amount of memory and limited processing power, I would look for a better microcontroller.  I would recommend moving away from the Arduino microcontroller and implementing the Raspberry Pi.  This project can be scaled up to incorporate multiple doors and cameras.  Thank you for watching this presentation.  If you have questions, comments or suggestions, you can send them to me at 14

15 15 QUESTIONS???

16 REFERENCES  Long, T.( 2013,May 05) Remote Security Solutions. Retrieved from: http://www.eku- NET_Capstone2013_presentation.pptxhttp://www.eku- NET_Capstone2013_presentation.pptx  Long, T.(2013,May 05) Remote Security Solutions Tutorial. Retrieved from: http://www.eku- ne2013_video.wmvhttp://www.eku- ne2013_video.wmv 16

17 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  Margolis, M. (2011). Arduino cookbook. Beijing: O'Reilly. Provide a thumbnail of image/video along with online/author information  RFID card swipe image. Retrieved May 05,2013 from  Arduino Uno image. Retrieved May 05, 2013 from  Burglar image. Retrieved May 05, 2013 from  Security Guard image. Retrieved May 05, 2013 from  Special thanks to Andrew Six for his help. 17

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