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LIBRARY & ARCHIVES CANADA Canada’s Knowledge Institution for the 21 st Century OnLine Audiovisual Catalogers Conference Montréal, Canada October 2, 2004.

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2 LIBRARY & ARCHIVES CANADA Canada’s Knowledge Institution for the 21 st Century OnLine Audiovisual Catalogers Conference Montréal, Canada October 2, 2004 Anne Draper Published Heritage Branch

3 4 4 Context 4 4 New Legislation 4 4 Future Directions Library and Archives Canada Outline of Presentation

4 CONTEXT A New Institution “I believe you are blazing a path that all of us in the cultural heritage field will ultimately follow.” Dr. Robert Martin Director, Institute of Museum and Library Museum and Library Services, USA

5 Separate institutions no longer made sense Complementary and converging holdings The digital environment was blurring the distinctions between our holdings Skills and competencies of staff were highly complementary, extremely valuable, and yet underused as a strategic resource A single institution offers much more Synergy of collections, skills and external constituencies Accessibility to the breadth and depth of Canada’s documentary heritage Enhanced outreach to Canadians Better use of resources Leadership in information professions Towards A Single Institution Why? Towards A Single Institution Why?

6 LegislationLegislation Internal TransformationInternal Transformation Towards A Single Institution How?

7 Towards a Single Institution: How? 4 4 Announced in Speech from the Throne, September 30, 2002 4 4 Bill is tabled in the House of Commons, May 8, 2003 4 4 Act to establish the Library and Archives of Canada proclaimed into force May 21, 2004 4 4 National Library of Canada and National Archives of Canada cease to exist 4 4 Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is created

8 “If you want to understand something, try to change it …” “If you want to understand something, try to change it …” - Anonymous Towards a Single Institution: Internal Transformation

9 Library and Archives Canada Statistics 4 4 Budget: $84.3 million 4 4 No. of staff: 1168 4 4 Collections: 20 million published items (63,000 added last year) 200 linear km of textual records 24.5 million photographs 400,000 documentary art objects 340,000 hours of film, video and audio 3 million maps and plans

10 Library and Archives Canada Collections 4 4 About 3.18 million megabytes of information in electronic formats, including more than 9500 Canadian periodicals and books available online 4 4 Textual records and publications for federal, provincial, territorial and foreign governments 4 4 Largest collection of Canadian sheet music in the world, documentation related to music in Canada, and about 200,000 recordings on disks and records of all formats, piano rolls, reels and spools; eight-track tapes

11 Library and Archives Canada Collections 4 4 The Canadian Postal Archives 4 4 National, provincial, and territorial newspapers from across Canada, from dailies to student newspapers, and from Aboriginal magazines to ethnic community newsletters (all given full descriptive and subject access) 4 4 Portraits of over one million Canadians since 1710 4 4 … and much, much more @

12 The New Structure The New Structure Towards a Single Institution: Internal Transformation

13 Towards A Single Institution Aligning structure with our legislated mandate To make known: Programs and Services sector Programs Services Portrait Gallery of Canada To acquire and preserve: Documentary Heritage Collection sector Collection development and resource descripton Intellectual management Care of collection To facilitate information management in GoC: Government Information Management Office IM Strategies IM Solutions IM Services Corporate Enablers Strategic Office Communications Information Technology Services Corporate Management

14 NEW LEGISLATION Library and Archives of Canada Act

15 The Legislation Part of the Advancement of Canada The Legislation Part of the Advancement of Canada Canada be served by an institution that is a source of enduring knowledge, accessible to all, contributing to the cultural, social and economic advancement of Canada as a free and democratic society

16 4 4 New concept: Canada’s documentary heritage – includes both publications and records 4 4 Modernization of mandate   Enable collection and preservation of documentary heritage, in any medium   Legal deposit to include online publications   Authority to archive a sampling of Web sites of interest to Canada The Legislation Protecting Canada’s Heritage The Legislation Protecting Canada’s Heritage

17 Resource Description: Implications New types of publications will become subject to legal deposit:New types of publications will become subject to legal deposit: Electronic publicatonsElectronic publicatons

18 4 4 Strong mandate to make known and interpret Canada’s documentary heritage through   Programs   Exhibitions   Publications   Performances   Advisory Council to advise the Librarian and Archivist of Canada 4 4 Technology and networking with libraries and archives across Canada for unprecedented reach The Legislation A Source of Knowledge About Canada The Legislation A Source of Knowledge About Canada

19 4 4 Permanent repository of government publications and government and ministerial records 4 4 No record can be disposed of without the consent of the Librarian and Archivist of Canada 4 4 The Librarian and Archivist of Canada may request transfer of government records 4 4 Explicit mandate to facilitate information management in government institutions The Legislation The Memory of Government Institutions The Legislation The Memory of Government Institutions

20 Library and Archives Canada We are undergoing massive change 4 4 Increased emphasis on service and access: results for Canadians 4 4 New legislation, new regulations 4 4 Larger role in facilitating IM in GoC 4 4 New organizational and structural governance 4 4 New initiatives taking us into the future 4 4 New ways of working together – a multidisciplinary environment and new partnerships 4 4 New accommodation

21 Challenges Keeping transformation aliveKeeping transformation alive Maintaining quality serviceMaintaining quality service Including everyoneIncluding everyone Supporting our peopleSupporting our people Human resources issuesHuman resources issues Physical move to new accommodationsPhysical move to new accommodations

22 THE FUTURE What’s In Store

23 WHAT 4 4 A new kind of knowledge institution 4 4 A truly national institution 4 4 One national collection for Canadians by working with others 4 4 A prime learning destination 4 4 A lead institution in information and knowledge management HOW 4 4 Access is the primary driver - a clear focus on the client 4 4 Effective stewardship of Canada’s documentary heritage 4 4 Strategic approaches to description and metadata 4 4 Mainstream digital 4 4 Strengthened leadership and strategic focus 4 4 Integrated and holistic approaches What the Future Holds DIRECTIONS for Our Change What the Future Holds DIRECTIONS for Our Change

24 What the Future Holds 4 Initiatives to meet the digital future Digital Collections initiative Metadata Strategy initiative Service Delivery Transformation “AMICAN” – integrated systems initiative Developing programs and services Portrait Gallery of Canada Learning program Centre for Newspapers and News Canadian Genealogy Centre Virtual Reference Canada

25 What the Future Holds Catalytic Initiatives DIGITAL COLLECTIONS INITIATIVE 4 4 To acquire, manage, make accessible and preserve our digital materials for Canadians 4 4 To “mainstream” the management of digital materials at LAC Vision: - infrastructure in place - LAC able to play leadership role within government & nationally - accurate comprehensive view of Digital Collection is available

26 What the Future Holds Catalytic Initiatives DIGITAL COLLECTIONS INITIATIVE 4 4 Year One (2004-2005) - Legal Deposit regulations implemented - acquisition of Canadian Web sites implemented - preservation of e-publications and textual e-records implemented - program performance measures identified and collection overview underway - life-cycle issues for government records identified and being addressed

27 What the Future Holds Catalytic Initiatives METADATA INITIATIVE - Metadata: sets of descriptive and organizational elements that serve to contextualize, describe, preserve and provide access to information resources in any medium - User-focused description - tools and protocols to enhance productivity - seamless and integrated access - maximize partnerships and provide leadership

28 What the Future Holds Catalytic Initiatives SERVICE DELIVERY TRANSFORMATION - Transform orientation: - digital access to LAC services - digital delivery of LAC content 4 4 Achieves seamlessness for the client in the search-identify-obtain process 4 4 Allows LAC to meet increased client expectation and increased demand for information delivery

29 What the Future Holds Catalytic Initiatives AMICAN 4 4 An IT system to support the management of information related to the intellectual and physical management of and access to LAC’s holdings 4 4 Combines “AMICUS” and “MIKAN” and various other systems and databases 4 4 Improved integration of business processes and services 4 4 Improved integration of our holdings information

30 What the Future Holds Integration Implementation 4 4 Implementing the new legislation; passing and implementing new legal deposit regulations 4 4 Implementing our integrated structure 4 4 Merged ILL 4 4 Merged reference services 4 4 Merged preservation activities Harmonizing policies and processes Designing and implementing our part in the government IM Program Developing new programs Developing new partnerships with the library and archival communities

31 Resource Description and Access

32 Resource Description AA3AA3 FRBRFRBR MetadataMetadata Away from “traditional” cataloguingAway from “traditional” cataloguing

33 Library and Archives Canada Bibliothèque et Archives Canada Thank you! Merci! Anne Draper Chief, Government Publications and Serials Cataloguing Division Library and Archives Canada (819) 994-6894 You are cordially invited to visit us at to learn more about our vast, exciting collections

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