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Objectives Revise Basic Life Support (BLS) skills
For diving incidents: understand the conditions recognise signs and symptoms understand how oxygen administration benefits these conditions Understand appropriate equipment and the practicalities of its use Revise oxygen administration skills breathing casualties non-breathing casualties
Outline BLS In-Water Rescue Medical conditions Casualty Assessment
Oxygen administration equipment Oxygen administration in practice
Lesson Outline BLS skills: Essential rescue skills
Deteriorate quickly if not frequently exercised Advice/techniques evolve
Assessing the Need Indicators of the need for BLS: no response
no chest movement no feel of air movement
D r A B C Priorities Danger – to casualty and rescuer Response (AVPU)
Airway Breathing Compressions
Head tilt/chin lift clears airway Airway blocked by tongue
Clear Airway Foreign objects Tongue Head tilt/chin lift clears airway Airway blocked by tongue
Priorities Danger – to casualty and rescuer Response
A – Alert V – Responds to Voice P – Responds to Pain U – Unresponsive Airway – clear of obstructions Breathing – check for normal breathing (10 secs.) Compressions – Cardiac Compressions
BLS: Decision Process Unresponsive Leave casualty and get help No Yes
Shout for help, open up airway Breathing normally? Leave casualty and get help, return & give 30CCs No Yes Stop to recheck only if breathing resumes, else continue until: Qualified help arrives Normal breathing You are exhausted Recovery position
Basic Life Support Sequence of 30 compressions: 2 breaths by one rescuer Two rescuers: change role every 1-2 minutes Monitor effectiveness Stop if normal breathing resumes/medical assistance arrives
Basic Life Support - CC Place heel of hand in centre of chest
Place heel of other hand on top of first hand Straight arms – press down on sternum 5-6 cm Repeat at times/min
Basic Life Support - RB Expired air can sustain life
Monitor effectiveness Don’t over ventilate Sight Feel Sound Appearance Continue until qualified help comes, the casualty is breathing normally or you are exhausted
Basic Life Support - RB Breaths are to be Regurgitation
No more than 1 second each 2 breaths to take no more than 5 seconds Don’t attempt more than 2 breaths each cycle Don’t over ventilate Regurgitation Not always normal vomiting Monitor exhalation sounds
Recovery Position If casualty breathing place in recovery position
The ‘how’ position More stable position
In Water Life Support Sequence
Make Buoyant Extend Airway RB for 1 minute Tow, RB - 2 every 15 secs. Standing depth/Boat 1 min. RB De-Kit & Land
Rescue - to the surface Diver out of gas Incapable/unconscious diver
AS Ascent Incapable/unconscious diver CBL Rescue ascents - Urgent Ascend directly to surface May mean ignoring decompression stops Divers safer at surface DCI can be treated Actions to take in case of oxygen convulsions Controlled Buoyant Lift AS ascent
Surface Tows to Shore Summon help Conscious casualty
Ensure casualty buoyant at surface Fully inflate BC - face clear of water Consider removing weights Summon assistance Conscious casualty Reassure Unconscious casualty Remove mask, mouthpiece and extend airway Non Breathing casualty Remove mask, mouthpiece and give RB for 1 minute i.e. 10RBs
Landing Casualty - Shore
Standing depth Continue RB for a further 1 minute De-kit and land as quickly as possible WITHOUT further rescue breathing Lift from water Contact emergency services Continue BLS
Landing Casualty - Boat
Assistance available At boat prior to landing Continue RB for a further 1 minute De-Kit and remove from water as quickly as possible WITHOUT further RB Contact emergency services Continue BLS
Effective Rescues Typical indications Concerns need to be resolved
Nervous or reluctant Excuses or repeated questions Stress indicators Slow kit up or constant fiddling Concerns need to be resolved Adapt the dive plan More suitable dive site Peer pressure
Pre-Dive Buddy Awareness
Buddy reactions Stopping for no reason Preoccupation with kit Slow response to signals Rapid breathing Wide staring eyes Resolve quickly Stop or move to buddy OK? Problem? Not OK, gentle but firm contact Abort dive
Oxygen Exposure Oxygen Partial Pressure Scale (bar)
Hyperoxic Oxygen Partial Pressure Scale (bar) 1.0 .5 .21 1.6 .16 .10 .08 1.4 Short term toxicity risk Long term toxicity risk Hypoxic Unconsciousness Abilities impaired AIR At high concentrations oxygen is toxic PO2<0.16 bar does not support life Need to remain within accepted oxygen exposure limits
Hypoxia What is it: Hypoxic Lack of oxygen PO2< 0.16 bar .21 .16
.10 .08 Hypoxic Unconsciousness Abilities impaired AIR What is it: Lack of oxygen PO2< 0.16 bar
Hypoxia Symptoms: Hypoxic
.21 .16 .10 .08 Hypoxic Unconsciousness Abilities impaired AIR Symptoms: Inability to think clearly, confusion, sense of losing it Loss of co-ordination Unconsciousness, death Primary danger is symptoms may be vague or absent It can occur suddenly and without warning!
Hyperoxic What is it: There are two different effects of Hyperoxia:
1.0 .5 .21 1.6 1.4 Short term toxicity risk Long term toxicity risk AIR What is it: Too much oxygen Oxygen becomes toxic at elevated partial pressures There are two different effects of Hyperoxia: Whole Body Oxygen Toxicity when PO2>0.5 bar for long periods Central Nervous System (CNS) toxicity when PO2>1.4 bar for even short periods
Whole Body Toxicity Cause: long exposures to PO2>0.5 bar
Monitored to allow for recompression treatment Physiological reactions including: Inflammation in the lungs Reduction in vital capacity Congestion, oedema, bronchitis, swelling of alveolar walls, thickening of pulmonary arteries Visual impairment Symptoms: Dry cough, discomfort in breathing cycle, increased breathing resistance, shortness of breath, Severe pain, sub-sternal pain or burning Temporary short sightedness (Hyperoxic Myopia)
CNS Toxicity Also known as Acute Oxygen Toxicity
Reaction to PO2 generally > 1.4 bar Symptoms: CON - Convulsions V - Vision E - Ears, hearing disturbances N - Nausea T - Twitching I - Irritability D - Dizziness Until convulsions begin, minor symptoms: Can occur in ANY order or combination Increase in severity
CNS Toxicity Convulsions Tonic phase – do not assist
Muscles become tense Casualty becomes rigid and holds breath Clonic phase – do not assist May occur seconds or minutes after the tonic phase Casualty jerks violently (convulsion) Depressive phase - assist Casualty relaxes and is unconscious Potential loss of mouthpiece Loop flood – loss of buoyancy Need for Basic Life Support?
CNS Toxicity Convulsions
Phases can occur on surface or after PO2 is reduced (‘Off effect’) Progressive damage to nervous system with each successive convulsion
Hyperoxia Causes: Hyperoxic Inaccurate dive planning
1.0 .5 .21 1.6 1.4 Short term toxicity risk Long term toxicity risk AIR Causes: Inaccurate dive planning Failure to analyse gas Incorrect marking or fitting of cylinders
Hyperoxia Aggravating factors: Hyperoxic Actual PO2
1.0 .5 .21 1.6 1.4 Short term toxicity risk Long term toxicity risk AIR Aggravating factors: Actual PO2 Duration of exposure Level of exertion Cumulative O2 exposure
Hyperoxia Avoidance: Hyperoxic
1.0 .5 .21 1.6 1.4 Short term toxicity risk Long term toxicity risk AIR Avoidance: High PCO2 predisposes to oxygen toxicity Accurately track your oxygen exposure
Monitoring Oxygen Exposure
CNS and Whole Body Toxicity need to be monitored separately Data for both provided in BSAC Oxygen Toxicity Table Dive planning software Nitrox & mixed gas decompression computers
CO2 Hypercapnia What is it: Cause: Excess CO2 in the blood
High inspired PCO2 Poor ventilation of diver’s lungs at depth due to increased gas density Absorbent material exhausted in rebreathers Channelling in absorbent material rebreathers CO2
CO2 Hypercapnia Symptoms
0.03 bar PCO2 doubles breathing rate (dyspnea) 0.06 bar PCO2 distress, confusion, lack of coordination 0.10 bar PCO2 severe mental impairment 0.12 bar PCO2 loss of consciousness, death CO2
CO2 Hypercapnia Further impact Avoidance Resolution
Increases oxygen toxicity potential Increases potential for DCI and narcosis Avoidance Meticulous preparation & monitoring of absorbent life - rebreathers Avoiding over exertion Resolution Stop, slow down breathing rate, relax Bail out to open circuit - rebreathers CO2
Decompression illness
Causes inadequate elimination of nitrogen from the body during ascent Physical damage to the alveoli due to overpressure introduces bubbles of air (emboli) into the blood Patent foramen ovale (PFO) allows bubbles to pass from venous to arterial circulation Bubbles blocking blood flow Bubbles in tissues compress blood vessels
Decompression illness
Signs and symptoms Denial! Itches, rashes Numbness, tingling, joint pains Vision disturbances Dizziness, nausea, headaches, confusion Weakness, paralysis, loss of bladder/bowel control Shortness of breath Shock, unconsciousness Any abnormality after a dive Signs and symptoms appear from seconds to many hours after surfacing
Decompression illness
On-site first aid Lie casualty down flat Keep casualty quiet Administer 100% oxygen Increased nitrogen pressure gradient assists in nitrogen elimination from bubbles in blood and tissue The higher the percentage of oxygen the more effective – whenever possible administer 100% Improved oxygen supply to tissues where blood flow is reduced due to bubble blockage Treat for shock Evacuate to a recompression facility as soon as possible
Burst Lung Cause Physical damage to lung tissue from over-extension due to over-pressurisation Types Bubbles between organs and tissues (emphysema) Collapsed lung (pneumothorax) Both types can occur in isolation but are usually accompanied by air embolism
Burst Lung Signs and symptoms
chest discomfort/pain, bloody froth shortness of breath changes to vocal tone, crepitation shock unconsciousness, death Signs and symptoms of burst lung are frequently accompanied by those for decompression illness
Burst Lung On-site first aid Lie casualty down Keep casualty quiet
Administer 100% oxygen Assists in re-absorption of the nitrogen content of air in pneumothorax or emphysema Offsets reduced effective lung surface area for gas transfer due to collapsed lung Treat for shock Evacuate to a recompression facility as soon as possible
Near Drowning Cause Signs and symptoms
Respiratory interruption due to fluid inhalation Signs and symptoms Circumstances No breathing Cyanosis – ashen grey / blue appearance Weak or absent pulse
Near Drowning On-site first aid Rescue Breathing
Oxygen-enriched if possible Concentration of oxygen reaching the casualty’s lungs during RBs is increased Chest compressions if required Recovery position Evacuate to medical attention Even if apparently fully recovered Complications of secondary drowning
Shock Definition Present to a greater or lesser degree in all injuries
inadequate circulation leading to tissue damage due to inadequate oxygenation and waste removal Present to a greater or lesser degree in all injuries Mechanisms reduced blood volume (bleeding, burns, oedema) massive dilation of blood vessels (e.g. fainting) inadequate cardiac output (e.g. heart attack) allergic reaction to drugs, food or stings removal from the water after prolonged immersion
Shock Signs and symptoms weakness, dizziness pallor, sweating
rapid pulse rate rapid breathing, feeling breathless unconsciousness
Shock On-site first aid Treat prime cause Reassure casualty (TLC)
Keep casualty quiet Lay casualty down with legs raised (not in the case of DCI or burst lung) Keep warm and comfortable Administer oxygen Increased oxygen dissolved in the blood offsets effects of inadequate circulation Monitor condition Nothing by mouth (except for DCI) Evacuate to medical attention
Shock Immersion shock Extreme form of blood vessel
dilation due to prolonged immersion Muscles relax due to water supporting body weight If removed from water upright, blood can pool in lower limbs – potentially fatal Keep casualty horizontal at all times Discourage any movement or activity by the casualty
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Cause breathing gas contaminated with carbon monoxide Effect carbon monoxide combines about 200 times more readily with haemoglobin than does oxygen interferes with the blood's ability to transport oxygen may act as a cellular poison CO
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Signs and symptoms headache pale or greyish appearance weakness dizziness, nausea tunnel vision vomiting rapid pulse rapid breathing coma convulsions CO
Incident Procedure - Front
Incident Procedure - Back
Casualties Incident statistics show that the majority of casualties will be Breathing Conscious Suffering from decompression illness Will need the use of a demand valve and oro-nasal mask for maximum oxygen concentration Incidence of casualties requiring Rescue Breaths is much lower
Administering Oxygen Start at the earliest opportunity
Greater nitrogen pressure gradient Earliest reduction in tissue hypoxia Don’t ration oxygen Tender loving care (TLC) For a second casualty Use second demand valve and oro-nasal mask, if available Otherwise use a pocket mask Accept faster consumption of oxygen
Administering Oxygen Be prepared for a possible transient worsening of casualty’s condition Initial reaction of brain to increased oxygen Oxygen diffusing into bubbles Oxygen toxicity Not a problem at surface pressure / durations involved Casualties of underwater O2 toxicity? – administer O2 on surface once any signs or symptoms have disappeared No pain killers
Administering Fluids Counter dehydration with fluids
Still isotonic drinks best, or water/squash Do not administer caffeinated or fizzy drinks Small amounts, at a rate of approx 1 litre/hour Do not allow to interfere with or delay Administration of oxygen Evacuation to a recompression facility Do not administer fluids if Casualty is likely to vomit Casualty is likely to inhale fluid A general anaesthetic may be required If no oxygen, fluids alone are beneficial
Evacuation Don’t delay call to emergency services
Coastguard: VHF Channel 16 DDMO / BHA DCI Helplines: England, Wales & N. Ireland: Scotland: On Land (other) Ambulance/Police/Coastguard Telephone: 999 or 112 DCI Irrespective of any apparent improvement, casualty must get medical attention Casualty’s buddy? All relevant information must accompany any casualty
Oxygen Supply Exhausted?
Closed Circuit Rebreather Can be set to deliver 100% oxygen Nitrox Open Circuit or Semi Closed Circuit Rebreather Reduces the amount of inspired nitrogen Not as effective as 100% oxygen but better than breathing air Common Considerations Mouthpiece may not be tolerated Oxygen % reduced by air inspired via nose
Missed Decompression If a diver misses decompression stops for any reason, or is subject to a rapid ascent such that it is considered that they may suffer decompression illness as a result… Do not wait for signs/symptoms to appear Lay casualty down and keep quiet Administer oxygen/fluids Seek specialist medical advice on further action from the DDMO/ BHA Help lines
Entonox Mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide
Nitrous oxide is very soluble in blood Large quantity of nitrous oxide passes into nitrogen bubbles to re-establish equilibrium Causes size of bubbles to increase Never administer to a casualty suffering from a diving accident Do not administer to a casualty of a non-diving accident if this follows diving Ensure emergency personnel fully understand - Do this tactfully!
Final Summary Signs & symptoms can be similar for different conditions
Knowledge of pre-incident history helps Oxygen administration & TLC are beneficial to all diving illnesses & incidents
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