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The countries of Guatemala and Honduras Two countries in Central America.

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1 The countries of Guatemala and Honduras Two countries in Central America

2 Guatemala Land of Forests World Studies:Latin America. 2008. Prentice Hall. Boston, Massachusetts. Culture of Guatemala - traditional, history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customsCulture of Guatemala - traditional, history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs Copyright © 2011 Advameg, Inc

3 Capital- Guatemala City Population: 1,022,000 (2001)

4 La gente- the people Native Americans make up the majority of the population. There are 23 ethnic groups total. Each with their own language. Mayan families are often poor. Ladinos- mestizos who are descendents from Native Americans and Spaniards- own much of the land.

5 Many Mayans would refer to themselves as Mayans rather than Guatemalans.

6 Mayan art includes distinctive fabric patterns woven by each group.

7 The Ancient Maya ayer/news/history-archaeology- news/apocolypto-consultant-vin.html ayer/news/history-archaeology- news/apocolypto-consultant-vin.html

8 Tikal- The Ancient City Tikal was once the most powerful city in the Mayan World encompassing over 23 square miles and supporting a population of over 100,000. Copyright © 2004, International Zoological Expeditions (IZE Belize). All rights reserved. Click on the link below to explore Tikal Tikal 360 Tour

9 Religion- Roman Catholic, Protestant, Traditional beliefs Roman Catholicism, which was introduced by the Spanish and modified by Maya interpretations and syncretism, was almost universal in Guatemala until the early part of the twentieth century, when Protestantism began to make significant headway among both Ladinos and Maya. Many Maya combine membership in a Christian fellowship with a continued set of beliefs and practices inherited from their ancient ancestors. Rituals may still be performed to ensure agricultural success, easy childbirth, recovery from illness, and protection from the elements and to honor and remember the dead. Many of the indigenous people believe in spirits of nature, especially of specific caves, mountains, and bodies of water, and their religious leaders regularly perform ceremonies connected with these sites. Read more: Culture of Guatemala - traditional, history, people, clothing, women, beliefs, food, customs, family It/Guatemala.html#ixzz1EpjRbPdnCulture of Guatemala - traditional, history, people, clothing, women, beliefs, food, customs, family It/Guatemala.html#ixzz1EpjRbPdn

10 Government- constitutional democratic republic President Alvaro Colom Caballeros Colom is married to businesswoman Sandra Torres, his second wife. They have three children. He practices traditional Maya religion.

11 Civil War Began in 1960 and raged for more than 30 years. Those who fought for human rights or opposed the government were treated harshly by a series of military rulers. Political movements began and still take place that fight poverty and bring human rights to Mayans. Mayans have gained a voice in their government.

12 Las lenguas de Guatemala Spanish (official), Quiché, Cakchiquel, KekchiQuichéCakchiquel 23 total

13 Dinero- quetzal 100 quetzales = $12.87

14 Honduras

15 History Columbus first set foot on the American mainland in 1502. Named the region Honduras (meaning great depth) for the deep water off the coast. The Spaniards moved into the cooler highlands and were constantly battling with native tribes including Chief Lemira’s army of 30,000, who almost drove the Spanish out of the region until he was murdered while attending peace talks in 1537.

16 Government Independence from Spain- September 15, 1821. Honduras has a democratic constitutional republic. President Porfirio Lobo Sosa

17 La gente Most of the population lives in the Central Highlands. In the countryside, each ethnic group has a distinct architectural style. Most of the homes of poor rural people are made of local materials, with floors of packed earth, walls of adobe or wattle and daub, and roofs of clay tiles or thatch. The kitchen-a special room outside the house, with a wood fire built on the floor or on a raised platform. Porches- very common and often with hammocks. The porch often runs around the house and sometimes connects the house to the kitchen. The house is often plastered with mud, and people paint designs on it with natural earths of different colors. Read more: Culture of Honduras - traditional, history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs of Honduras - traditional, history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs


19 Tegucigalpa- capital city

20 Religion: Roman Catholic, Protestant Mary, Our Lady of Suyapa Click on the link below to read the legend

21 Language: Spanish- official, Black Carib, English Creole English (Français) Garifuna One (Un)Ában Two (Deux)Biáma Three (Trois)Ürua Four (Quatre)Gádürü Man (Homme)Eyeri Woman (Femme)Hiñanru Dog (Chien)Aunli Sun (Soleil)Weyu Moon (Lune)Kati Water (Eau)Duna

22 Economics: Lempira 1892.24 Lempiras = $100 The lempira is named in honor of the native leader who fought the Spaniards. His name translates to "gentleman of the mountain." His picture is on the 1-lempira bill and the 50-cent coin. In the early 1900s foreign-owned banana plantations dominated the economy.

23 Art-Literature The novel Prisión Verde ( Green Prison ) by Ramón Amaya is perhaps the best known work of fiction. It describes the sufferings of workers on an early twentieth century banana plantation.

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