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By : Liz Martyn. Your school is hosting a bake sale next month for a fundraiser. You want to get involved and help out. They want a volunteer to figure.

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Presentation on theme: "By : Liz Martyn. Your school is hosting a bake sale next month for a fundraiser. You want to get involved and help out. They want a volunteer to figure."— Presentation transcript:

1 By : Liz Martyn

2 Your school is hosting a bake sale next month for a fundraiser. You want to get involved and help out. They want a volunteer to figure out the amount of ingredients they need to make enough baked goods for all the people that will be attending. You think to yourself that to figure out all the ingredients you would use multiplication and division. Since you are learning this in school right now you decide to challenge yourself and volunteer for this task. The bake sale depends on you. Good luck!

3 The school has received many RSVP’s to the bake sale. They estimate that about 85 people will be attending the bake sale. The school wants to sell chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, and apple pies. They believe that they will sell the cupcakes will be the most popular item, They would like to have 70 cupcakes made to sell. Cookies are also pretty popular. They would like to sell bags of cookies with 3 cookies in each bag. They plan to have 55 bags of cookies. Finally they decide the pies will be the hardest seller. They plan to have 30 pies made. It is your job to figure out how many ingredients they will need to buy to make all these baked goods.

4 Cookie Recipe (55 bags of 3): Cupcake & Frosting Recipe (70): Apple Pie Recipe (30): 1.Go to the following links and use what you know about multiplication and division to figure out how many ingredients need to be bought to make all the baked goods for the bake sale. 2.Make a grocery list for with all the ingredients that need to be bought 3.If some of the recipes have the same ingredients, make sure to group them together on the grocery list. Ex: unsalted butter 4.Present the grocery list and the work you did to find your answers to the teacher

5 1234 Organization Grocery list is not understandable, and hard to follow Grocery list layout is somewhat unorganized, but the list is accurate Grocery list is organized, and understood by the teacher Grocery list is perfectly organized with numbers and grouping. It is perfectly neat Answers Few answers are correct 50 % of the answers are correct 80% of the answers are correct All answers are correct Work No work is provided Scarce unorganized work is provided All the work is given but unorganized All work given and organized by each baked good Effort It is clear no effort was put in and it was done last minute Some effort is evident in parts of the project Good effort, and it is evident hard work was put in Evident that significant time & effort was put in. Outstanding

6 Your teacher is so pleased with your work. She is excited to collaborate with you on more projects like this in the future! Did you enjoy this task? Did it challenge your abilities? Would you be interested in doing something like this again? Think about what this experience did for you. Will you be able to use the skills you learned in the future? For example, cooking at home or planning other events

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