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Chapter 5 THE RISE OF ROME. WHY STUDY ROMAN CIVILIZATION? The Roman Republic has been a model for present-day democracies Roman Architecture, which is.

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1 Chapter 5 THE RISE OF ROME

2 WHY STUDY ROMAN CIVILIZATION? The Roman Republic has been a model for present-day democracies Roman Architecture, which is argued as the most beautiful in the world, has had a major influence on current buildings and cities To analyze how they were so successful at sustaining an Empire. What factors lead to their success? How does our Western ideals compare to that of Rome’s?


4 WRITE DOWN THE DEFINITIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING (TEXTBOOK/DICTIONARY) Republic Empire Aristocracy Tribune Patricians Plebeians

5 Key people – Write down Romulus and Remus Lucretia Tarquin the Proud Tiberius Gracchus Gaius Gracchus Marius Julius Caesar

6 The Italian Peninsula – Geographical Factors that protected rome from Surrounding territories

7 TURN TO PAGE 165 Locate the Adriatic Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea and the Gulf of Tarentum Now locate Po River, Tiber River, Arno River - Fertile regions, heavily populated The port of Ostia, close to Rome, was a supply city for eventual Rome. The word ‘port’ comes from the Roman name Portus. Romans did not travel much by boat. They relied heavily on Sicily and Egypt for grain. They were successful with the mild conditions and advanced agriculture – essentially self-sufficient

8 Etruscan – Prior to the ROmans These people were extremely advanced and known to be great traders. They controlled Land from the Tiber River all the way down to the port of Cannae. They had mutual respect with the Greeks to the South, who at the time, inhabited the lower portion of What is present Day Italy.

9 Read page 167-168 in your text 1.How many kings of Rome were there according to your text? 2.How and why did Rome become a democratic Republic? 3.What did the Etruscan civilization pass along to the Romans?

10 THE ROMAN REPUBLIC The term aristocracy comes from the Greek word aristokratia meaning “rule of the best” People were upset with the tyranny and domineering attitudes of the previous Etruscan Kings. This paved the way for relationships between the landowning aristocracy (patricians) and the landless poor (plebeians). Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR, the Senate and People of Rome)

11 November 13, 2012 -How was the weekend? -You read up to pg. 178 and did Questions 1-3. -Tomorrow library? Activity – based. -Today continue with rise of Rome. Next week is Roman Empire, Pompey, Jesus (possible movie(s) ), project. -November 22 nd is parent interview??

12 THE DECLINE OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC (155-86 BCE) Gaius Marius developed a standing army as opposed to a Roman citizen army. What’s the difference? Is a standing army similar to today’s enlistment? Romans developed a mindset that a constitutional government could be overrun by powerful armies. (IE: Pompey the Great, Crassus and Julius Caesar – Rule of Three Men) Split the government into 3 but their demise was that they were all militaristic and lost many battles near the end of their reign.

13 Julius Caesar’s Reign Julius Caesar appointed himself dictator for 10 years in 45 BCE. All decisions went through him. March 15, 44 BCE the day known as ‘Ides of March’ Julius Caesar was stabbed to death in Pompey’s theatre by several defenders of liberty. He created the Julian Calendar. Which calendar do we use today?


15 DAILY LIFE IN THE REPUBLIC Read pages 180 (Beliefs) to 185 and write down the appropriate amount of notes per section.

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