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Spelling – The New Curriculum Programme of Study includes: the spelling rules and guidelines children should be taught. a long appendix of words children.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling – The New Curriculum Programme of Study includes: the spelling rules and guidelines children should be taught. a long appendix of words children."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling – The New Curriculum Programme of Study includes: the spelling rules and guidelines children should be taught. a long appendix of words children should be able to spell by the end of each year 19 August 2015

2 How is it taught at Syresham? Reception and Year 1: Phonics using the Read Write Ink program. 4 sessions per week with children grouped by ability. 19 August 2015

3 How is it taught at Syresham? Year 2: Read Write Ink Spelling. 4 sessions per week in year groups. Years 3-6: Read Write Ink Spelling. 3 sessions per week in year groups. 1 session of consolidation activities. Extension activities for able spellers. Some children may need to remain on the phonics until ready to move on. 19 August 2015

4 Read Write Ink Spelling 19 August 2015

5 New Curriculum Spelling Lists Key Stage 2: Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6 19 August 2015

6 New Curriculum Spelling Lists The spelling list content is covered within RWI Spelling Link on our website. Possibility of a spelling-style competition. 19 August 2015

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