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PCI GSMS Bid-to-Bill Solution for SPP Market

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0 PCI Outage-Management & GADS Modules August 11, 2011

1 PCI GSMS Bid-to-Bill Solution for SPP Market
PCI GenManager Bid Formulator Bid Evaluator LMP Manager ISO Communication Wind Module Pre-Settlement Shadow Settlement Settlement Allocation P&L Analyzer PCI GenPortal & GenBase Datamart Deal Capture Gas Management Outage Management & GADS PCI GenTrader Unit Commitment Page 1 1

2 Who currently Uses PCI Software Solutions?
PCI GSMS Suite is currently used to Manage around 50% of the US Generation Capacity. ERCOT (80%), MISO (70%), CAISO (90 %), PJM (30%), SPP (85%)

3 Who currently Uses PCI Software Solutions?
PCI GSMS Suite is currently used to Manage around 50% of the US Generation Capacity. ERCOT (80%), MISO (70%), CAISO (90 %), PJM (30%), SPP (85%) Customer PCI GT GP GM American Electric Power X City Public Service – San Antonio ERCOT NV Energy CAISO Consumers Energy MISO CDWR Alliant Energy Ameren Energy (UE & AEM) Dominion PJM Kansas City Power & Light SPP Empire District Florida Power & Light Madison Gas & Electric Calpine Energy Topaz Power Lower Colorado River Authority City of Ames Southern California Edison Oklahoma Gas & Electric Customer PCI GT GP GM Duke Energy X Direct Energy Xcel Energy MISO SPP Optim Energy ERCOT Sempra Energy CAISO Pacific Gas & Electric NRG (Texas) Bryan Texas Utilities GDF Suez North America MidAmerican Energy Progress Energy PA Westar Energy Orlando Utilities Commission NIPSCO FirstEnergy PJM San Diego Gas & Electric GenOn

4 Objectives for PCI Outage-Management Module
Automate workflow to: Capture all Plant Outage information required by ISO Submit outage & deratings to the new SPP Outage Scheduler system Manage all Communications and approval process with ISO schedulers Manage Communications and approval process with Plant Managers Submit outage data to NERC GADS and produce plant performance reports Use outage & derating data to formulate DA & RT offers and forecast DA awards for generators Page 4 1/1/2007 4

5 SPP Outage Management SPP is replacing their “OPS1” Outage Scheduler Solution SPP Go-Live is 9/13 using SPP Web page. API becomes available on 9/20. Option to keep existing business process or migrate to direct submit by Generators. SPP Outage Scheduler will be integrated into Current Market now and pushed over to future market. PCI Outage Management can implement with SPP API so clients can manage outages from PCI instead of from SPP Web page. PCI Outage Management functionality can be delivered for use with new SPP Outage Scheduler. Page 5 1/1/2007 5

6 Major changes from OPS1 Important Differences between OPS1 and CROW
No longer limited to submission at a Balancing Authority level, may submit at the GOC level. SPP’s CROW will use complete names. PCI automatically translates from your in house names to the SPP names. Generation derates will be handled differently from what is currently in OPS1. Generation derates reflect the unit’s Net Available Capacity. Ex: 100 MW unit is derated to 75 MW. Unit is available to produce 75 MW. (In OPS2 you would enter a 25 MW curtailment.) Page 6 1/1/2007 6

7 Capabilities of PCI Outage-Management Module
Enter, edit, and submit outage requests: Planned (>= 48 hours Lead Time) Urgent (>= 24 hours to 7 days Lead Time) Emergency (<= 24 hours Lead Time) Forced (<= 1 hours Lead Time) Manage 3-way communication between plant managers, portfolio managers, and ISO operators: Submit requests internally for approval and manage approval process Submit outage requests to ISO Outage Schedule for ISO approval Track ISO approvals Manage pending requests Track submissions and alarms Page 7 7

8 Main Outage-Management Screen
Provide Web-Based GUI to enter & update outages Provide XML data links to communicate with ISO Provide filters & validation rules to speed up and automate outage-management workflow Page 8 1/1/2007 8

9 Sections divide up read-only, required, and optional fields
Access to historic reviews Create recurring outages on new Page 9

10 Sample Workflow Process
Single, coordinated stream of data.

11 Provide Gantt Chart to Easily Track Ouatges
View outages using a Gant chart. Filter units and types of outage. Select / Edit outage details. Page 11 1/1/2007 11

12 Using PCI Outage-Management Module to Automate NERC GADS Reporting
Capture all outage & derating data required to support NERC GADS reporting: Assign unique GADS Id for each outage Provide combo box to allow user to select GADS cause code Allow user to specify unit code and utility code required for NERC reporting Assign a 2-character event type to describe outage Specify an equipment type associated with outage event Page 12 12

13 Using PCI Outage-Management Module to Create GADS Performance Reports
Capture EMS Breaker Status. Can automatically Generate Outage Tickets based on the breaker status Compute GADS Performance Statistics Generate GADS Performance Reports by Plant/Unit Generate NERC-compliant files Option to ETL GADS Data to PCI Data Warehouse for BI Reporting Page 13 13

14 Business Intelligence / Data Warehouse Analytics
Example 1 GADS Reporting Event Reporting and Analysis Example 2 “In the Money” Analysis Compare GADS Performance Records to Performance History in the ISO Page 14 14

15 Sample PCI Report to Summarize Turbine Service Hours
Page 15 15

16 Fully Integrated with PCI GSMS Modules
PCI Outage Manager is fully integrated with other PCI Modules Outages can be entered in the PCI Outage-Management Module. After outage is approved: PCI Bid Formulator can automatically adjust offer parameters to reflect the current outage status PCI Bid Evaluator can be run to Forecast DA Awards PCI GenTrader can use outage information for unit-commitment and production costing runs Page 16 16

17 Summary of PCI Extended Outage-Management Module
Manage outage lifecycle: Submit new outage requests Update existing requests Download status of existing outages Fully integrated with: ISO Outage Scheduler Other PCI GSMS modules (GenTrader, Bid Evaluator, Bid Formulator) Automate NERC GADS Reports Page 17 17

18 303-940-1444
For More Information Ali Merchant Stuart Wright Bryan Kelly Jason Hebert PCI GENERATION SUPPLY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM™ Operations & Trading Optimal unit commitment and economic dispatch Fuel scheduling Ancillary services optimization Post Analysis P&L Analyzer Gas Management Forecast Gas Burn Optimize Pipeline Uses Nominate Gas & Pipeline Volumes Bid-To-Bill Automation Forecast LMPs Automate XML Communications with ISO Create Unit & Demand Bids Evaluate Bidding Strategies Perform Shadow Settlement Manage Outages & Deratings Transaction Management Deal Capture Create MISO Financial Contracts Settlement of Bilateral Transactions

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