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Stop Worrying and Start Living Stop Worrying and Start Living Part 1: Be Not Anxious.

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1 Stop Worrying and Start Living Stop Worrying and Start Living Part 1: Be Not Anxious

2 What Is Worry? “Worry” comes from the Gr. word merimnao translated “take thought” or “care”; from merizo, “to divide” and nous, the “mind”; lit. “the mind drawn in opposite directions; divided; pulled apart” (anxious, worry) “Care” (Gr. merimna) can be used in a good sense (2 Cor. 11:28), but it is often used in a bad sense (Mt. 13:22; Mk. 4:19; Lk. 8:14; 21:34)

3 What Is Worry? “Care” (Gr. merimnao) can be used in a good sense (1 Cor. 12:25; Phil. 2:20), but is often used in a bad sense (Mt. 6:25-34; Lk. 10:41; 12:22-24; Phil. 4:6) “Worry” is not just concerned care; one may care for his health, family, job, religion, etc. “Worry” is care over things that one cannot control or change (Mt. 6:27, 34; 10:19-20)

4 What Is Worry? Many worry over what has already happened in the past (past mistakes) Many worry over what has not yet happened in the future or what will never happen Many worry over what will inevitably happen (old age, death) Many worry over what is happening now but is trivial

5 Jesus and Worry: Mt. 6:25-34 Worry is distracting: Worry is distracting: You cannot properly serve God and put him first while distracted with earthly materialism and distorted priorities (vv. 19-25) Worry is absurd: Worry is absurd: You, who are more valuable, will not be neglected by God while he is caring for the birds and the flowers (vv. 26, 27-30) Worry is futile: Worry is futile: You cannot change what cannot be changed; it’s worthless (v. 27)

6 Jesus and Worry: Mt. 6:25-34 Worry is faithless: Worry is faithless: You will not be showing proper faith in God as your Father (v. 30) … [ comp. with Mt. 8:26 (fear), Mt. 14:31 (doubt), and Mt. 16:8 (human reasoning) ] Worry is worldly: Worry is worldly: You do not need to be acting like the world (v. 32) Worry is unnecessary: Worry is unnecessary: You do not need to concern yourself with what God will take care of anyway (v. 32)

7 Jesus and Worry: Mt. 6:25-34 Worry is prohibited: Worry is prohibited: You will be going against what Jesus said: “Take no thought…” or “Be not anxious…” (vv. 25, 31, 34) Worry is hindering: Worry is hindering: You will be hindered from putting God’s kingdom/righteousness first (v. 33) Worry borrows troubles: Worry borrows troubles: You can live only one day at a time (v. 34)

8 Stop Worrying & Start Living Many, including Christians, are wealthy, healthy, intelligent, advanced; yet, they are paralyzed by worry and anxiety, they are robbed of their peace of mind Paul agrees with Jesus: “Be anxious for nothing…” (Phil. 4:6)

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