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A Nation Divided Against Itself

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1 A Nation Divided Against Itself
Chapter 10 Section 5 A Nation Divided Against Itself

2 Border States Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri
Held moderate views on slavery

3 Lower South Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina Voted for John C Breckinridge for President in 1860 Favored aggressively expanding slavery

4 Why did the Democratic Party Split in 1860?
Over the issue of slavery This split allowed a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, to win the Presidency without a majority

5 Secessionist Those who wanted the south to secede
They argued that since they voluntarily entered the union, they could also choose to leave it South was outraged that a President (Lincoln) could be elected without winning a single Southern state

6 Confederate States of America
South Carolina leave the U.S. on 12/20/1860 Rest of Lower South follows over the next few weeks Created the Confederate States of America Elected Jefferson Davis as President

7 How did President Buchanan react to the secession of the southern states?
He said it was illegal, but refused to take any action

8 Fort Sumter Federal fort off the coast of South Carolina
Running out of supplies Confederates would not allow supplies to be delivered Lincoln said he would send in supplies, but no troops

9 Fort Sumter Confederates said the Fort should be handed over, or they would be forced to take it Lincoln refused to hand it over 4/12/1861 Confederates bombard the Fort and seize it Civil War begins

10 Upper South Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas

11 How did the Lower South respond to Lincoln’s election and the attack on Fort Sumter?
The Lower South seceded when Lincoln was elected without any southern votes. Senator Crittenden from Kentucky attempted unsuccessfully to mediate

12 How did the Upper South respond to Lincoln’s election and the attack on Fort Sumter?
After the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, Southerners saw Lincoln’s call for volunteers as an act of war against them This caused the Upper South to secede and join the Lower South in the Confederacy

13 How did the Border States respond to Lincoln’s election and the attack on Fort Sumter?
The Border States remained temporarily uncommitted to either side

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