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Changes for European Women AP Review Mr. Cady Lynnwood High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes for European Women AP Review Mr. Cady Lynnwood High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes for European Women AP Review Mr. Cady Lynnwood High School

2 Renaissance Gained education, but limited in public affairs Young upperclass women marry older upperclass men Lower classes wait to marry, but pregnancy resulted in marriage until around 1750 Some upperclass women contributed to Humanism: Christine de Pizan, Laura Cereta, Isabella d'Este

3 Reformation Women & girls taught to read Bible Protestants allow clergy to marry Anabaptists allow women to preach New orders for Catholics nuns: Ursulines (education), St. Teresa of Avila & Carmelites Accusations of Witchcraft rise

4 New Monarch Rulers Isabella I (Sp.) Catherine de Medici (Fr.) Mary I & Elizabeth I (Eng.)

5 Enlightenment Madame Geoffrin & Madame Necker – salon hostesses Enlightened thinkers & Scientists looked down on women and marginalized their abilities but… Accusations of Witchcraft die out due to rise of Science and Enlightenment

6 Enlightened Absolutists Maria Theresa (Aust.) Catherine the Great (Rus.)

7 French Revolution Marie Antoinette – Austrian princess & Fr. Queen Women's March on Versailles Olympe de Gouges – Dec. of Rights of Women Mary Wollstonecraft – Vindication of Rights Gains are limited during Fr. Rev. and reversed by Napoleon

8 1 st Half of 19 th Century Illegitimacy boom from 1750-1850, Foundling Homes Jane Austen, Bronte Sisters, Mary Shelly, George Sand Novelists commenting on social limits for women Flora Tristan – Feminist & Socialist (John Stuart Mill) – Defender of women’s rights Marriages still often arranged but concept of marrying for love more common

9 2 nd Half of 19 th Century Queen Victoria rules for 50 years! Victorian Ideal, separate spheres, strict moral code for women Ibsen's A Doll's House critical of marriage role Florence Nightingale – Crimean War & Red Cross Marie Curie – Scientist, Radioactivity Emmeline Pankhurst – achieve right to own property, divorce, but no women’s suffrage

10 The New Woman circa 1921

11 1 st Half of 20 th Century WWI women support war effort (Total War) Russian Rev. – women granted legal equality Communist women work, esp. as doctors Suffrage Granted Post WWI to rest of European women Fascists encouraged large families WWII women again support war effort Postwar Baby boom

12 2 nd Half of 20 th Century Simone de Beauvoir & Betty Friedan – Feminism Childcare, Birth Control, Divorce, Abortion Married women regularly enter workforce, Baby Bust Margaret Thatcher – Conservative Brit. PM (Iron Lady)

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