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TEAM PCG MARCH PROGRAM REVIEW Garrett Gustafson (Spring Team Lead) Benjamin Co (Fall Team Lead) Wendelin Mueller Julia Weimar-East Project LightBox Primary.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM PCG MARCH PROGRAM REVIEW Garrett Gustafson (Spring Team Lead) Benjamin Co (Fall Team Lead) Wendelin Mueller Julia Weimar-East Project LightBox Primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM PCG MARCH PROGRAM REVIEW Garrett Gustafson (Spring Team Lead) Benjamin Co (Fall Team Lead) Wendelin Mueller Julia Weimar-East Project LightBox Primary Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nuxoll Secondary Faculty Advisor: Dr. Crenshaw Industry Advisor: Andy McConnell Client: Dr. Kevin Cantrell

2 Background Combines the utility of an x-ray viewing light box with the ability to change colors Assists in Dr. Cantrell’s research regarding color balancing GUI => Microcontroller => LEDs

3 Methods Project Proposal Functional Specification Design Document Hardware Design LED CircuitryConstruct Box Assemble Circuits Test and Debug Founder's Day Display Software Design Microcontroller Programming Windows 7 Program

4 Methods  Researched optics  Color mixing  Diffusion  Created small-scale LED grid prototypes  Held many light mixing tests  Various LED configurations  Multiple colors  Software models hardware  Proof of concept programs

5 Architecture 2 main components GUILEDs µC

6 Architecture – Hardware (Circuitry)  Digital System  We used an Arduino microcontroller that we programmed to accept integers from the GUI representing different duty cycles  15 output pins on the Arduino were used to illuminate 5 tri-colored LEDs

7 Architecture – Hardware (Circuitry)  Pin Connections

8 Architecture – Hardware (Physical)  Physical LightBox  Trapezoidal shape - built with angled walls in order to allow the box to be positioned differently based on how it is being used  Diffuser plate on top to mix the light illuminating from within  Circuitry is installed at the bottom (Arduino at based with the LED grid on top)

9 Architecture – Hardware (Physical)

10 Architecture – Software (LightBox GUI)  Programmed in the Python programming language  Allows the user to manipulate the intensity of each of the LEDs within the LightBox  Sends signals in the form of 8 bit integers to the microcontroller

11 Architecture – Software (LightBox GUI)

12 Demonstration

13 Issues  No major issues  A few minor ones…  Time Management  Circuit (Sockets)  Confusing Arduino documentation

14 Conclusion  Our development process went smoothly throughout the entire year  Hardware Requirements  Complete!  Software Requirements  Complete!  GUI => Microcontroller => LEDs  The Light Box is able to produce a wide variety of colors  Our client, Dr. Cantrell, is very happy with the final product

15 Any Questions?

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