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Restricted Use Pesticide Exam Procedures & Policies Administrators’ Guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "Restricted Use Pesticide Exam Procedures & Policies Administrators’ Guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restricted Use Pesticide Exam Procedures & Policies Administrators’ Guidelines

2 Background

3 Background Established: –Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) –Providing a list of “contacts” of administrators


5 Why is This Important? Assure uniformity in all 67 county offices Credibility issues Competency issues

6 Exam Session Rules No visitors No food, beverages, tobacco products No cell phones No hand-held electronic devices –Only issued calculators

7 Exam Session Rules Maximum session time: 3 hours Administrators not responsible for personal property Personal items brought into exam room: –Stored away from seating area –Designated by administrator –Remain stored until completion Separate visits to the restroom

8 Exam Session Rules All exams are CLOSED BOOK Exam not in use – answer form and scratch paper turned face down Before reclaiming personal items, administrators acknowledge return of: –Notification form –Exam booklet –Answer sheet –Scratch paper

9 Conducting the Exam Seat examinees apart Introduce yourself and your role Allow 1 st 15 minutes for paperwork

10 Conducting the Exam Distribute: –The document, “Exam Session Rules” –The Notification of Exam Results (NER) form –One exam answer sheet –One sheet of clean scratch paper –Two #2 lead pencils Orally go over filling out forms, show visuals to assist for proper completion






16 Correct Side



19 Conducting the Exam Assign exams: –Large groups – by row or table –Take government-issued ID card –Assign only a single exam requested –Alternate exam versions to those seated adjacently

20 At an Exam’s Completion… Verify: –Names on answer sheet and NER match ID –Exam title and number –Return of booklet, answer sheet, NER, all scratch paper –Administrator’s name and county on NER –Exam booklet is mark-free

21 Privacy and Confidentiality If photocopying any forms or sheets: –Do not provide to anyone except FDACS –All documents should be destroyed within 1 yr

22 Exam Handling and Storage Limit exam booklet access to UF/IFAS and FDACS employees only Always keep exam booklets stored under lock and key

23 Exam Handling and Storage Record serial numbers when taking out Keep exams in your possession Be sure exams are mark-free

24 Exam Handling and Storage If exams contain markings: –Disfigure the booklet’s front cover –Return to the UF/IAS PIO ASAP

25 Exam Handling and Storage If a booklet is missing, or defective in any way, contact the UF/IFAS PIO ASAP UF/IFAS Pesticide Info. Office Bldg. 164, Box 110710 Gainesville, FL 32611-0710 (352) 392-4721

26 If You Need Additional Booklets… ***DO NOT BORROW EXAMS FROM OTHER ADMINISTRATORS*** The UF/IFAS PIO will provide more exams UF/IFAS Pesticide Info. Office Bldg. 164, Box 110710 Gainesville, FL 32611-0710 (352) 392-4721

27 Cheating Situations

28 Privately note the situation Allow individual to complete exam, then: –Do not submit exam; contact the UF/IFAS PIO and FDACS –Email circumstance notes to FDACS to create awareness of situation –Attach notes to exam prior to sending to FDACS

29 Questions? UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office (352) 392-4721 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (850) 488-3314

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