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2010 CODATA Conference and General Assembly, Cape Town Robert S. Chen Secretary General November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 CODATA Conference and General Assembly, Cape Town Robert S. Chen Secretary General November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 CODATA Conference and General Assembly, Cape Town Robert S. Chen Secretary General November 2010

2 2010 CODATA Conference More than 250 participants (including staff and volunteers) Around 80 scientists and students from Africa Strong keynotes, organized sessions Significant support from South African NRF Articles in, Nature CODATA Prize award to Paul Uhlir! Two working sessions prior to the meeting – WDS Scientific Committee – Global Research Data Infrastructure 2020 initiative  Next CODATA Conference: Academica Sinica, Taipei

3 New President, Officers, & Executive Committee Officers – Huadong GUO (China), President (2010-14) – Takashi GOJOBORI (Japan), Vice President (2010-14) – Fedor KUZNETSOV (Russia), Vice President (2010-14) – Krishan LAL (India), Past President (2010-12)* – Robert CHEN (USA), Secretary-General (2008-12) – Michel SABOURIN (Canada), Treasurer (2008-12) Executive Committee (2010-12) – Niv AHITUV (Israel) – John BROOME (Canada) – Dora Ann Lange CANHOS (Brazil) – Antony COOPER (South Africa) – Françoise GENOVA (France) – Sara GRAVES (USA) – Hiro-o HAMAGUCHI (Japan) – Mark THORLEY (UK) * Just elected President of the Indian Academy of Sciences!

4 CODATA Task Groups Renewed – Anthropometric Data and Engineering – Data Sources for Sustainable Development in SADC Countries – eGY Earth and Space Science Data Interoperability – Exchangeable Materials Data representation to Support Scientific Research and Education – Fundamental Constants – Global Information Commons for Science initiative EU activities – Polar Year Data Policy and Management – Preservation and Archiving of Scientific and Technical Data in Developing Countries New – Data at Risk – Data Citation Standards and Practices – Global Roads Data Development

5 Other GA Issues WDS-SC – co-opted membership approved Dues committee to report back in 2012 (new ICSU scale?) Increase in dues and conversion rates approved Young scientist WG renewed for 2 years, disaster WG 1 year – Encourages national committees to appoint a young scientist Minor changes in Constitution approved Membership and funding committees approved Resolutions passed on Data Science Journal, Education and Training in Data Management International Data Academy concept referred to next EC for further planning and implementation Nominating Committee: Lal, Carroll, McMahon, Roussow Recommends EC establish new WG on ethical issues in data science – Antony Cooper; Horst Kremers; Ann Watts; Peter Fox; Paul Laughton, Paul Uhlir and DT Lee

6 GEO Data Sharing Task Force - 1 GEO Data Sharing Task Force formed in early 2009 based on open invitation to GEO members and participating organizations – Meetings in Geneva in 2009 and in Reading UK in 2010 – Six co-chairs: China - Goufu Wang India – V. S. Hegde European Commission – Alan Edwards Japan - Chiyoshi Kawamoto USA - Linda Moodie DA-06-01 Task Team – Paul Uhlir/Robert Chen/Joanne Gabrynowicz – Other members: Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Slovenia, UK, GSDI, ICIMOD, OGC, UNEP, UNOOSA …

7 GEO Data Sharing Task Force - 2 New Action Plan accepted at GEO-VII plenary and 2010 Ministerial Summit in Beijing next week – Established new “GEOSS Data-CORE” – Addresses key implementation issues such as data access categories, data tagging, possible open data licenses – New Task Force to be established – GEO EC resolved issues regarding attribution, costs – Action plan seen as major accomplishment of Ministerial Summit CODATA visible at GEO-VII Plenary and 2010 Ministerial Summit – Side event organized by CODATA on 2 November (>50 participants) – CODATA part of ICSU delegation and booth DSTF extended for one year to follow up – Meeting tentatively planned in early 2011 (late January?)

8 APN-CODATA Workshop APN-CODATA workshop on implementation of the GEO Data Sharing Principles in the Asia-Pacific region Proposal accepted by APN, still need to negotiate final agreement between Columbia U. and APN Tentatively to be held in spring 2011 in Kuala Lumpur (in cooperation with ICSU Regional Office) – Alternate venues: GEO Asia-Pacific Symposium in Japan, ISRSE in Australia Organizing committee: Chen, Uhlir, Gabrynowicz, Guo, Lal Co-sponsorship with DSTF?

9 Strategic Planning ICSU Strategic Plan, 2012-2017 – ICSU Foresight Analysis, scenarios for the development of international science over the next 20 years – Earth System Visioning Process – Strategic review on science education – Review of ICSU Regional Offices – New ICSU programs, e.g., hazards, urban health & wellbeing – Review of CODATA CODATA Strategic Plan, 2013-2018 – GA approved need and process for developing new Strategic Plan Review current plan accomplishments Complete draft ready for approval by 28 th GA in late 2012

10 Interactions with ICSU - 1 Ad hoc Strategic Coordinating Committee on Information and Data (SCCID) – R. Harris is chair – R. Chen, P. Fox are members in their personal capacities – K. Cass an ex officio member representing CODATA – B. Minster also an ex officio member representing WDS-SC – 3 meetings to date; interim report in preparation – Includes consideration of data policy issues as well as review of ICSU data coordination, with specific attention to CODATA and WDS-SC – Not sure if SCCID will be reappointed for a second 3-year term – Potential for CODATA to assume some of the SCCID functions/activities in the long run

11 Interactions with ICSU - 2 World Data System - Scientific Committee (WDS-SC) – B. Minster is chair, M. Diepenbrook elected as vice-chair – M. Zgurovsky is a member – No formal ex officio representation of CODATA on WDS-SC – WDS-SC now a co-opted member of CODATA – WDS-SC meeting held in conjunction with CODATA 2010 – Plans for a WDS General Assembly next September in Kyoto – New WDS International Programme Office under consideration, to be announced soon – ICSU and others have recommended linking WDS General Assembly with future CODATA conferences

12 Interactions with ICSU - 3 Potential interactions with IRDR, hosted by CEODE in China CODATA has supported ICSU membership in GEO, represented ICSU at WSIS and other international activities CODATA has provided inputs to ICSU foresight analysis, Earth systems visioning ICSU invited to send representative to CODATA GA (Minster) CODATA coordinating a submission to ICSU 2011 project RFP on harmonization of data standards across the ICSU family Joint IUBS/CODATA meeting around ICSU GA in Rome in 2011 Review of CODATA to be undertaken by ICSU – Probably conducted or commissioned by CSPR; details not yet determined

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