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Class AgendaClass Agenda  Today we are going to:  Practice taking notes  Learn new vocabulary words.

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Presentation on theme: "Class AgendaClass Agenda  Today we are going to:  Practice taking notes  Learn new vocabulary words."— Presentation transcript:


2 Class AgendaClass Agenda  Today we are going to:  Practice taking notes  Learn new vocabulary words

3 Look for vocabulary in the slides!  Directions: When you see a new vocabulary word, raise your hand. We will discuss what we think it means with a partner.  Record your guesses and the correct definition with a partner  Each person needs his/her own paper

4 Vocabulary ReviewVocabulary Review  Trinity  Eternal  Soul  Sins  Crucified  Blasphemy  Resurrection  Ascension  Messiah  Bible  Orthodox  Protestant  Reformation  Denominations  Catholic  Pope  Disciples  Cathedral  Church

5 New VocabularyNew Vocabulary  Allah  Niyyah  Qu’ran  Hadith  Muslim  Meditate  Mosque  Caliph  Imam  Ayatollah  Sunnites  Shiites  Hajj  Ramadan  Kaaba

6 Quick FactsQuick Facts  Muslims believe in only one God, called Allah.  The holy book is the Qu’ran  The Muslim calendar starts at 622 C.E. This is when Muhammad moved to Medina.  There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world  Can you name 5 regions with the highest Muslim populations? Take 5 minutes to discuss with a partner. Here is a map to help you.

7 Map

8 Answers  Middle East  North Africa  United States – 5 million  England – 1.5 million  Australia – 220,000  Can you point on the map where these places are located?

9 Map

10 Prophet  Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the prophet in Islam.  He was born in Saudi Arabia in 570 C.E.  He was wealthy, but saw bad things happening to people and was sad. One day he meditated and received a message from the angel Gabriel (Jibril, in Arabic). That message is part of the Qu’ran.  In what other religion did the angel Gabriel deliver a message, and to who? What was the message? Take 5 minutes to discuss with a partner. Here is a map to help you.

11 Answer  The angel Gabriel delivered a message to the Virgin Mary, telling her that soon she would give birth to Jesus, who is the prophet in Christianity.

12 Prophet  Two years later, Muhammad started teaching people how to be good and to not worship idols or to make sacrifices (killing animals) to make God happy.  He taught the idea of niyyah, or choosing the right thing to do and to also believe in Allah.  His teachings are called Hadiths. It means “traditions”.

13 5 Pillars5 Pillars  There are 5 things Muslims believe. They are called pillars.  The first is Shahadah, or saying you believe in Allah.  The second is Salat, pr raying 5 times every day.  The third is Zakat, or giving to charity.  The fourth is Sawm, or fasting. They fast during Ramadan.  The fifth is Hajj, or travelling to Mecca.  These are similar to what list of rules in Judaism and Christianity?

14 Answer  The 10 Commandments

15 Holy BookHoly Book  The Holy Book of Islam is called the Qu’ran.  What are the holy books of other religions called? What religions do they belong to?  Take 2 minutes to discuss with your partner.

16 Answer  Hinduism - Vedas  Judaism – Torah  Christianity - Bible

17 Leaders  When Muhammad died, he did not leave a leader for the religion.  People were elected to be leaders of Islam, called caliphs.  Here are the names of some of the most famous caliphs after Muhammad’s death:  Omar  Uthman  Ali (Muhammad’s son-in-law)  Muawiya

18 Leaders  Imams are religious leaders in Islam today.  Some people think they have special knowledge given to them by God.  Other leaders are called ayatollahs. They are models for how Muslims should act.  What are the names of religious leaders in other religions?  Take 2 minutes to discuss with your partner.

19 Answer  Priests – Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity  Pastor - Protestantism

20 Places – MeccaPlaces – Mecca  Muhammad was born in Mecca and returned later in life.  Once in their life, Muslims are supposed to travel to Mecca to ask for forgiveness from God. The journey is called hajj. Muslims on hajj

21 Mecca

22 Kaaba  The Kaaba (the point of adoration) is in Mecca. Muslims all over the world direct their prayers towards the Kaaba. Muslims on hajj at the Kaaba in Mecca.

23 Medina  Medina is in Saudi Arabia. Muhammad made a famous and dangerous journey to Medina to start teaching. People wanted to kill him because they thought he spoke blasphemy against God.

24 Prayer  Muslims pray 5 times a day. At noon (12:00 pm) they have a call to pray. FajrSunriseDhuhrAsrMaghribIsha 6:12 7:251:20 4:40 7:158:28

25 Worship  Muslims worship in mosques. Mosque in Turkey.

26 Islam – DividedIslam – Divided  There are two different sections of Islams – Shi’ah and Sunni Islam.  What other religion has different sections? What are they called?  Take 3 minutes to discuss this with your partner.

27 Answer  Christianity has three different sections:  Protestantism  Catholicism  Orthodox Christianity.

28 Sunnites  90% of Muslims are Sunni Muslims. They believe that caliphs should be elected.  Like Christians, they are waiting for their prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him) to return one day. They call him the “promised one”, or Qa’im.

29 Shiites  10% of Muslims are Shi’ah Muslim. They believe that the caliph should be someone related to Muhammad. The first caliph, in their opinion, should have been Ali.  They believe Muhammad will return one day, but they call him the Mahdi.  How was Ali related to Muhammad?  Take 2 minutes to discuss with your partner.

30 Answer  He was his son-in-law, or the husband of his daughter, Fatimah. FatimaAli

31 Symbols  The moon and star are the symbol of Islam.

32 Symbols  To show respect for Muhammad, when Muslims say his name they say “peace be upon him”. This is the symbol that represents that saying.

33 Halal  When an animal is killed to where it is clean to eat, it is called halal.  What is this similar to in Judaism?  Take 1 minute to discuss the word with your partner.

34 Answer  Kosher

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