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 Please go to a new page in your notebook. Title this entry Pictorial information. There will be several segments to this notebook entry.

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Presentation on theme: " Please go to a new page in your notebook. Title this entry Pictorial information. There will be several segments to this notebook entry."— Presentation transcript:

1  Please go to a new page in your notebook. Title this entry Pictorial information. There will be several segments to this notebook entry.


3  Please consider the following questions after listening to the NPR clip about women and views on wearing the hijab.  Respond in your notebook:  1. What thoughts, questions, wonderings are you left with after listening to this piece?  > > > continued

4  2. How does listening to this piece add to, change, or cause you to reflect further on the identity of either Mariam or Laila?  Choose one character and explore your understanding of her in light of the NPR segment. Support with text.

5  Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Gramins (Mrs. Fairman’s brother), Cardio – thoracic surgeon, formerly US Navy  Pictures –  After viewing pictures, answer the following prompts n your notebook:  What is the most informative idea you learned from viewing these pictures? Elaborate with details.  How does Dan’s demographic profile (Dr. surgeon, military (on a base), white, male, U.S. citizen, age, etc.) seem likely to influence his perspective? Explain.


7 “As they climbed, Babi told them that Bamiyan had once been a thriving Buddhist center until it had fallen under Islamic Arab rule in the ninth century” (147-148).  Created in 6 th century  Destroyed in March 2001 by Taliban– required significant work to do this as they were molded into cliffs, dynamite etc.  Rationale for destruction: they were “idols”  WYb7Y WYb7Y

8  What further thoughts or reflections do you have after listening to the NPR clip (hijab / coverings), seeing the pictures from Kandahar military base, and watching the video of the Bamiyan Buddhas being destroyed?  What is most prominent in your thinking about this information; what is sticking with you the most?

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