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Copyright The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 How Collaborating with Neighboring Institutions Can Enhance Professional Development and Cut Costs David Stack David Heffner Carol Sabbar

3 “Would you be my neighbor?” Only Private Institutions? Only Public Institutions? Both Private and Public Institutions? Include Businesses?

4 Panelists & Their Associations PresenterRepresenting David StackPublic David HeffnerPublic & Private Carol SabbarPrivate, P, P & Business

5 How “Big” is the Neighborhood? Geographically? Numerically? Politically? Technically?

6 Private WAICU Institutions

7 Public UW System Institutions

8 Private & Public PA Institutions

9 Private, Public, and Business Wisconsin Packeteer User’s Group Educational institutions include: –Private Colleges –Public Universities –Technical Colleges –K-12 schools –Banks, hospitals, etc. All Packeteer Users

10 The details are in the handout, but there are a few points we’d like to emphasize…

11 Collaborating with Competitors? Students presume good technology Technology trends become evident Can compare experiences using vendors Have similar issues Have similar resource constraints Need to stretch budget Win-win proposition

12 Examples of Collaboration Consortial Purchasing Equipment/Expertise Sharing Training Meetings for Peer Support Listserv Discussions

13 Consortial Puchasing Have you ever seen it work? Why does it often fail? What are the critical success factors? Examples

14 Equipment/Technician Sharing Beginning a “barter group” Excess equipment shared with others Sharing technicians and placements Future plans include web site to list surplus equipment for sale or free

15 Training (WAICU example) Quarterly except fall Full-day, at member location Sample topics: –HelpDesk Organization and Management –Selecting, Managing, and Training Student Help –Patch and Virus Management –Disaster Recovery Constituent Groups

16 Why Meet On a Campus? Inexpensive Technology is readily available Special presentation by host Easy for staff from the host institution to participate Campus tour!

17 Why Meet Off Campus?




21 Only $62/night! “State government rate” Off-season September - April

22 Why Meet Off Campus? seriously… Coordinate all details through a single site representative Meet longer - accommodations right there No parking/shuttle issues Creates a “time-out” for everyone

23 Accept Vendor Sponsorship? All of us say no, except for the Packeteer User Group, which has an inherent vendor focus.

24 Discussion!


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