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Meeting #123 Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group March 11 th, 2015 Business Process Automation Using SharePoint Forms.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting #123 Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group March 11 th, 2015 Business Process Automation Using SharePoint Forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting #123 Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group March 11 th, 2015 Business Process Automation Using SharePoint Forms and Workflow Don Donais Donald Donais

2 Meeting #123 Agenda MNSPUG Information What is Business Process Automation? BPA Crawl BPA Walk - Forms BREAK BPA Walk - Workflow

3 Meeting #123 User Group Goal / Objectives Develop and support a local community focused on Microsoft SharePoint Technologies Educate user group members about SharePoint Technologies Transfer knowledge within the community Communicate best practices Introduce new products / solutions

4 Meeting #123 MNSPUG Sponsors Wrox Press ( O’Reilly ( Dedicated Sponsors Avtex ( Microsoft ( Annual Sponsor Currently Looking for Sponsorships! Sponsorships Levels: Gold Sponsorship - $500 Silver Sponsorship - $250 SharePoint User Group Support

5 Meeting #123 MN SharePoint Users Group Website SharePoint Resource Documents SharePoint Resource links RSS Feeds Meeting Schedule Past User Group Presentations Past User Group Recordings Sponsorship Information Email:

6 Meeting #123 Social Networking Linked In group – The most interactive… includes job postings…  Post Job Posting on the Jobs Discussion page  Twitter tags - @MNSPUG and #MNSPUG Yammer – Minnesota SharePoint Users Group 

7 Meeting #123 Upcoming Schedule Next Meeting  April 8 th, 2015 – MNSPUG User Case Study  Microsoft Technology Center, Edina, MN  Check for updates! Ongoing Schedule  2 nd Wednesday of every month  9:00 to 11:30 am  Microsoft Technical Center – Edina Calling All Members! User Case Studies for April 2015 Criteria: Please Submit By March 25 th Solution using SharePoint Does Not Have to Be Large Project Solved a Given Business Issue Email: Calling All Members! User Case Studies for April 2015 Criteria: Please Submit By March 25 th Solution using SharePoint Does Not Have to Be Large Project Solved a Given Business Issue Email:

8 Meeting #123 Local and Online Events

9 Meeting #123 Evaluations & Giveaways!

10 Meeting #123 Vendor Sponsored Lunch Today Nintex Forms and Workflow

11 Meeting #123 Presenter

12 Meeting #123 Donald Donais Solutions Architect – Portals Family: Married to Kelli, Mackenzie (13), & Mitchell (10) Twitter: @dondonais LinkedIn: Email: Blog: Drummer: When I am not working!

13 Meeting #123 Poll SharePoint Version  2007 – WSS, MOSS  2010 – Foundation, Standard or Enterprise  2013 – Foundation, Standard or Enterprise  SharePoint Online/Office 365 Work Roles  SharePoint Administrator  SharePoint Developer  SharePoint Power User  Business User  Other

14 Meeting #123 Approaching Business Process Automation

15 Meeting #123 What Makes Up BPA? Form  Input Information Into System  Dynamic Content Areas  Conditional Formatting Workflow  Automation of a Business Process  Conditional Based on Form Input Workflow Forms

16 Meeting #123 Business Process Management A series of Actions, directed toward a specific aim or goal What is a Process? Activities or set of Activities that accomplish Business Goals What is Business Process? Systematic approach looking at org workflow more effectively, by reducing human error What is Business Process Mgt?

17 Meeting #123 Business Process Automation – Governance Define How Implementing Forms & BPA  How Are You Approaching Workflow Automation  Decide on a Forms Strategy Define Rationale for Automation  Important that Rationale Connect Back to Company Goals and Vision Definition of Roles and Training Around Solution  Who Will Create the Custom Form and Workflow Within the Site  Training – Example: No One Receive SharePoint Designer Until Trained Define Who Will Maintain and Associated Costs  IT vs. Business  Typically – Whomever Creates will have to Maintain

18 Meeting #123 Business Process Automation - Tips Business Analysis Process  Start with Defining Business Process  Include Touch Point Such as Email, Task or Database Connection Define The Fields and Conditions/Rules for Form  Ensure to Include Any Fields Needed for Workflow Build In Flexibility to Account for Anomalies Define the Initial Investment No Need to Automate Every Step of Process Make Sure to Factor in the Human Element to the Automated Process

19 Meeting #123 Answer These Questions Is There a Workflow Involved? Translation of Business Process into SharePoint Workflow/Forms What is needed in the form? Fields for Form Information Fields for Workflow Interactivity within the Form Data Connectivity Browser vs. Client What is the Overall Solution? SharePoint List and/or Workflow InfoPath Form and/or Workflow.NET Form and/or Workflow 3 rd Party Form and/or Workflow

20 Meeting #123 Understanding The Workflow Lifecycle Association  When a workflow is associated with a list  Data can be associated with the workflow Initiation  When the workflow is first started on a list item  Data can be associated with the instance of the workflow Running  Status page reflects state of the workflow  User primarily interacts via Tasks Termination  End an instance of a workflow Remove Association AssociationInitiationRunningTermination Remove Association

21 Meeting #123 Business Process Diagram Example

22 Meeting #123 Translate Form Into Fields

23 Meeting #123 Approaching SharePoint Workflows - Crawl, Walk, Run…

24 Meeting #123 Crawl Start With an Smaller Group to Start  Work Towards More Sites Implementing Start Defining Business Process Automation for Organization Use of Out of the Box Forms  List Forms  Content Types/Metadata Use of Out of the Box Workflows  Associated to List or Library (2007)  Associated to the Content Type (2010+)

25 Meeting #123 Walk Continue Development of Business Process Automation for Organization  Working Towards a Business Process Management Solution Introduce SharePoint Designer  Workflows  CodePlex Actions InfoPath  Create Dynamic Forms Introduce 3rd Party Workflow Tools Use Visio Services to Visualize Business Processes (2010+)  Component of SharePoint Designer 2010+

26 Meeting #123 Run Continue Business Process Management Development and Implementation Develop More Robust Workflows & Dynamic Forms.NET workflows Integrated Systems  External Data Sources Custom.NET Actions and Conditions for SharePoint Designer Advanced 3rd Party Forms & Workflow Tools

27 Meeting #123 How Complex? – It Depends! 80% Complexity and Above Custom Workflow (Visual Studio) 20% - 80% Complexity 3 rd Party Tool (Nintex, K2, etc.) 5-20% Complexity Simple Customized (SharePoint Designer) 0-5% Complexity Simple (Metadata, OOB, Approvals, Etc.) Richard Harbridge -

28 Meeting #123 Why Workflow? One Version of the Truth  Emailed Attachment! Increased Productivity  Inbox Explosion  Tracking in One Place  If Someone is Out! Keep Employees Focused  Automated Reminders for Tasks  One Place to Find Everything Related to Business Process Auditability

29 Meeting #123 Examples of Business Process Automation Expense Reimbursement Employee Onboarding Employee Review Cycle Budget Cycle Company Related News and Announcements Approval Publishing Process for Client Documentation Paid Time Off Request Training Sign Up Etc.

30 Meeting #123 Crawl

31 Meeting #123 SharePoint Workflow OOB Options Approval  Document Routing for Approval  Approve, Reject, Reassign or Request Changes Collect Feedback  Document Routing for Review  Review Feedback is Aggregated for the Owner Collect Signatures  Works with Microsoft Digital Signatures Found within Office Disposition Approval  Document Expirations and Retention  Connected to Information Management Policy Publishing Approval  Found within Publishing Sites  Used Primarily with Web Page Content Three-State  Primarily Used to Trade Progress  Needs a Choice Field

32 Meeting #123 Site Content Types ApprovalCollect FeedbackCollect SignaturesDisposition Approval Lists and Libraries ApprovalCollect FeedbackCollect SignaturesDisposition Approval Content Mgt Lists and Libraries Content Approval Publishing Publishing Approval *WSS 3.0 Out Of the Box SharePoint 2007

33 Meeting #123 Site Content Types Three State* Approval – SharePoint 2010 Collect Feedback – SharePoint 2010 Collect Signatures – SharePoint 2010 Disposition Approval Lists and Libraries Three State* Approval – SharePoint 2010 Collect Feedback – SharePoint 2010 Collect Signatures – SharePoint 2010 Disposition Approval Content Mgt Lists and Libraries Content Approval Publishing Publishing Approval * SharePoint Foundation Out Of the Box SharePoint 2010 & 2013 Online and On-Premises

34 Meeting #123 SharePoint Form OOB Options Content Types/List Form  Metadata Displayed in List Form  Few Options for Customization Need to Use SharePoint Designer (2007 & 2010)  No Rules or Conditions Unless Using SharePoint Designer (2007 & 2010) Tip!  Use Multiple Content Types in List/Library  Form Changes Based on Content Type  Use Workflow to Automate Switching Between Content Types  Sarah Haase: &

35 Meeting #123 SharePoint Out of the Box Workflow Configuration Content Type as Forms

36 Meeting #123 Walk - Forms

37 Meeting #123 SharePoint and Forms Debate! InfoPath Cornerstone of SharePoint Form Automation  End of Support Is 2023  Still Will Be Available and Supported in SharePoint 2016 Alternatives Include  Access Web App -  Word Forms -  Excel Surveys -  Forms on SharePoint Lists (FOSL)- Recently Discontinued  Good Read Options:

38 Meeting #123 3 rd Party SharePoint Forms Applications Forms 7 – Mark Rackley  Light Weight Application  Use SharePoint 2007 – 2013 & SPO  Utilizes HTML, JavaScript and CSS Code to Create the Forms 

39 Meeting #123 3 rd Party SharePoint Forms Applications K2 – Forms  Drag and Drop Features  Rules And Conditions  Connect to External Data  Connect With Workflow  SharePoint 2007 – 2013 and SharePoint Online  Standalone Server Install

40 Meeting #123 3 rd Party SharePoint Forms Applications Nintex – Forms  Drag and Drop Features  Rules And Conditions  Connect to External Data  Connect With Workflow  SharePoint 2007 – 2013 and SharePoint Online  Installed on SharePoint Server  Mobile Forms – Hosted in Azure

41 Meeting #123 What Is InfoPath? Drag and Drop Experience  WYSIWYG InfoPath Forms Divided Yet United  Template =.xsn  Data =.xml Data Permanently Connected to Template  Template Changes – So Does the XML  In Other Words – Delete a Field, There Goes Your Data Client Options  InfoPath 2007 = One Application  InfoPath 2010 & 2013 = Designer and Filler Applications Using InfoPath  Customize a List Form Using InfoPath – SharePoint 2010, 2013 & Online  Forms Library – All Versions

42 Meeting #123 Validation Create Custom Validation Scenarios Require Something to Exist Validate the Format

43 Meeting #123 Formulas Functionality Without Coding Compare Fields Change Field Values Work with Dates/Times Simple Math Functions Retrieve User Name (userName)

44 Meeting #123 Rules Based on Formatting or Action Actions Include:  Set a field’s value  Query for Data  Submit data  Send Data to Web Part (2010 & 2013) Use Conditions to Control When the Rule is Used

45 Meeting #123 Views Different Layouts Possible Still Based on the Same Data Not All Fields Need to be Displayed  ‘Read Only’ View  Print View Restrict View to a Specific User Role

46 Meeting #123 Web Based Forms SharePoint 207-2013 InfoPath Form Services Fill Out Forms Via the Web  InfoPath Client NOT Required.NET Code-Behind Supported  Requires Publishing to Forms Server Smart Client Only Features:  Most Controls  Filters, Roles, Conditional Formatting, Rules and Validation  Some Script, Custom Task Panes

47 Meeting #123 Customize SharePoint List with InfoPath InfoPath Form Library

48 Meeting #123 End Result - Workflow Process Expense Report Routing  If Grand Total Less Than $500 Automatically Approve  If Grand Total is Between $500 and $1000 then Manager Approval  If Grand Total is More than $1000 then Manager and Finance Approval

49 Meeting #123 Break

50 Meeting #123 Walk - Workflow

51 Meeting #123 SharePoint Designer Application Used to Customize Out of the Box SharePoint Based on Microsoft FrontPage Used for Branding, Creation of Lists/Libraries, Custom Content Types, Web Part Pages, etc. Includes the Ability to Designing Custom Workflows Utilizes a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) View  2007 – 2010  2013 Removed This View of the Content Can Also  Access SharePoint Page Code  Customize Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)  Customize Master Pages  Create Custom Pay Layouts

52 Meeting #123 SharePoint Designer 2007 Next version of FrontPage! UI comprised of multiple panels Only Compatible with SharePoint 2007 (all versions) Allow Users to Create Workflows Associate Workflow to List or Library Workflow Designer Conditions & Actions – Augmented by CodePlex

53 Meeting #123 SharePoint Designer 2007 Workflow

54 Meeting #123 SharePoint Designer 2010 Redesigned for SharePoint 2010 New UI Only Compatible with SharePoint 2010 Allow Users to Create New Workflows Associate Workflow to List, Library or Reusable (Content Types) Import/Export to Visio Professional New Workflow Designer Wizard New Actions and Conditions Include:  Assign Item for Approval or Feedback  Set Workflow Status  Permission Setting – Inherit, Remove, Replace or Impersonate  Lookup Manager of a User  If any values equal value  If current item field equals value

55 Meeting #123 SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow

56 Meeting #123 SharePoint Designer 2013 Designed Only for SharePoint 2013 Similar UI to SharePoint Designer 2010 Allow Users to Create New Workflows Associate Workflow to List, Library or Reusable (Content Types) Use Visio 2013 Professional for Visual Designer New Actions and Conditions Include:  Start Workflow Action – Call a SharePoint 2010 Workflow  Stages- Specify a Stage to Go To On a Condition  Loop n Times and Loop with Condition

57 Meeting #123 SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow

58 Meeting #123 3 rd Party Workflow Applications K2 Visual Designer Based Implement Workflow Logic Without Code Also has Visual Studio Integration Rich Visual Designer from SharePoint  WYSIWYG Editor Connect to Active Directory or Line of Business Data Sources Higher End Workflow Capabilities Standalone Server Install

59 Meeting #123 Nintex Works with SharePoint 2007 – 2013 and Online Expand Workflows Beyond SharePoint Designer Implement Workflow Logic Without Code Rich Visual Designer from SharePoint  WYSIWYG Editor Connect to Active Directory or Line of Business Data Sources Installed on SharePoint Server

60 Meeting #123 SharePoint Designer Text Designer SharePoint Designer Visual Designer

61 Meeting #123 Workflow Process Expense Report Routing  If Grand Total Less Than $500 Automatically Approve  If Grand Total is Between $500 and $1000 then Manager Approval  If Grand Total is More than $1000 then Manager and Finance Approval

62 Meeting #123 Last But Not Least Please Fill Out Evaluations Drawings for Giveaways Online Participants Eval  Today’s Presenters: Don Donais

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