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Using the Phone to Find Planned Giving Donors in Your Annual Fund Timothy D. Logan, ACFRE.

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2 Using the Phone to Find Planned Giving Donors in Your Annual Fund Timothy D. Logan, ACFRE

3 Planned Giving Marketing Planned Giving in the Development Process

4 The Planned Giving Market $40 Trillion in wealth transfer Revalidated 2 times Birth rates New NonProfit Times Study 2.4 million Americans die each year

5 Planned Gifts Benefits to Your Institution Established long-term relationship with the donor Provides future funds Encouraged donors to think about assets as potential gifts

6 Planned Gifts Benefits to the Donor Opportunity to give Income tax deductions Income—fixed or variable Retirement income Reduction of capital gains tax Potential for increased income Asset management Pass an asset to an heir

7 The Pyramid of Giving Donor Contact Donor Growth Donor Commit ment Annual Giving Major Giving Planned Giving Investment Involvement+ Interest+ Information+ Identification+


9 The Pyramid of Giving Annual Giving Major Giving Planned Giving 60% 20% Percentage of Dollars

10 The Second Donor Pyramid Annual Giving Major Giving Planned Giving Planned Giving

11 The “Second” Pyramid Identification Qualification Cultivation Education Stewardship Solicitation

12 Dove, et al. 2002. Integrated Annual Fund Program

13 Three stages of Planned Giving Marketing Gift Planning Stewardship

14 Every Annual Fund Donor is a Planned Gift Prospect Every donor—has capacity to make a bequest Many donors—have capacity to fund a charitable gift annuity (CGA) Some donors—can also fund other gift instruments (charitable lead trust, charitable remainder trust, etc.)

15 Marketing Direct Mail –Check box on reply card Newsletters Planned Gift Mailings Web Telephone E-mail

16 Ladder of Effectiveness Person to Person Personal letter with phone follow-up Personal phone call with follow-up letter Personal letter Personal phone call Fund raising benefit Telemarketing Impersonal letter/direct mail Door-to-door Product sales Media Advertising

17 Continuum of Direct Response Face to Face Telephone Call Video Tape Direct Mail Mass Ads INTERACTIVE NON-INTERACTIVE PERSONALIZATION TARGETING

18 Timothy D. Logan, ACFRE Donor Pyramid with Direct Response Continuum Face to Face Mass Ads Direct Mail Video Tape Telephone Call

19 The Development Gap

20 Integrated Planned Giving Apply direct response techniques to fill the gap –Two way communication –More personal –Measurable and repeatable Direct Response Moves Management –Every contact with the donor affects affinity –Every contact should move the donor toward making a (Planned) gift

21 Gift Planning Will commitment by mail or phone Collecting information for a CGA illustration

22 Planned Giving Essentials What you need to know to talk with donors

23 Planned Giving Alphabet Soup Bequest Property Gifts that generate income for the donor Simple Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) Charitable Remainder Trust (CRUT,CRAT) Charitable Lead Trust (CLUT, CLAT)

24 Planned Gifts Bequest Charitable Gift Annuity Charitable Remainder Trust Life Estate Contract Charitable Lead Trust Life Insurance Policy Pooled Income Funds

25 Bequests –Specific –Residuary –Contingency Trusts –Family –Living –Vs. Annuity or Unitrust

26 Life Income Gifts Gift provides payment to donor during life –Charitable Gift Annuity –Charitable Remainder Trust –Pooled Income Fund

27 Charitable Gift Annuities Guaranteed payment for life Rates recommended by ACGA –Institution to retain one-half of gift Single or dual life Donor’s age is key factor Never quote rates Adds two years to a donor’s life

28 Trusts Remainder Trusts –Charity keeps the remainder –Annuity trust (CRAT) vs Unitrust (CRUT) Lead Trusts –Charity receives interest for a period of years –Annuity trust (CLAT) vs Unitrust (CLUT)

29 Stewardship Thank you calls Birthday cards/holiday cards Caller training –Legacy Society –Events on campus

30 Using the Phone to Qualify Donors Finding the Needle in the Haystack

31 Finding leads is the easy part Enhanced data selects Flag (plus) High Affinity non-donors Total donor relationship Age based/wealth based gifts

32 RuffaloCODY Planned Giving Services Building the relationship –Identify Planned Giving donor prospects Annual Giving is the single largest predicator of future large gifts Use direct response file analysis Pre-call FLAG data analysis –Frequency, LOTOF, Age, Gender Select donors to call Pre-call notification card

33 Robert F. Sharpe, Jr. The Later Years

34 Age Based Gifts FLAG Frequency of giving –Over a specified period Length of time on the file (LOTOF) Age Gender Title Recent death in household Specific School or College

35 Age Based Gifts FLAG (plus) Title Recent death in household Specific School or College

36 Gifts of Wealth Length of time on the file (LOTOF) Largest one-time gift (LOTG) Total cumulative giving Wealth rating indicator Prospect research

37 Dove, et al, 2002. Continuous Lifetime Giving The Giving Lifecycle

38 Lifestage Annual Fund New RuffaloCODY program Identify and target older, lapsing Annual Fund donors Develop relationship with Institution Begin Planned Gift Marketing

39 Who we don’t want Anyone assigned to a gift officer Off the chart wealth Legacy Society Members* –* unless to discover the specifics of their gift Board Members, Development Committee, etc.

40 RuffaloCODY Planned Giving Services Qualify prospects interest –Based on admissions recruitment –Meaningful call by specially trained, interested callers –Gather important and useful information Gift discovery—Named, Planned to Name Knowledge of Planned Giving Appropriate follow-up Passion for (making gift) to client

41 The One thing The one hard and fast rule: Do not combine asks in one message

42 RuffaloCODY Planned Giving Services Cultivate donor interest RuffaloCODY DRPG Donor Matrix –Combines Data analysis Call results –Provides accurate assessment of annual fund donors value as a Planned Giving prospect

43 RuffaloCODY Planned Giving Services Educate high potential planned giving prospects –Named/Planned to Name –Desires visit from client development staff –Additional information on planned giving –Additional information on institution

44 RuffaloCODY Planned Giving Services Stewardship—An on-going commitment RuffaloCODY committed to working with our clients to build lifetime relationships –Hot leads –directly to PG Officer –Warm leads—second call

45 RuffaloCODY Planned Giving Services Solicitation Done by client’s Planned Giving Staff Data Integrity Do not have to register

46 Probability/Possibility Capacity Likelihood Data Wallet Propensity Affinity Current Interest Heart

47 Does this really work Client builds the relationship Refusal rate Does not affect annual fund Length of call

48 Does this really work- part deux Success stories 250 new prospects and a house $500,000 in confirmed gifts at 9 cents cost We’ve been waiting for your call More bequests than last three years combined $455,000 in confirmed gifts at 2 cents cost

49 Results 8 out of 10 participate in survey 5% were quality Planned Giving Prospects Additional 27% requested educational materials 50% RuffaloCODY identified important other information about finances, advisors, etc.

50 Planned Giving in the Annual Fund Call

51 Annual Fund vs Planned Giving Annual Fund Call is transaction oriented Call follows script Caller part of process Solicitation done by caller Planned Giving Call is relationship oriented Script follows call Caller visible Solicitation done by client

52 Caller Profile Gender Age Life Experience PG Knowledge Training

53 Train Your AF Callers Planned Giving Knowledge Listen Capturing comments –What to listen for Planned Giving Clues –Financial –Lifestage Repeat and Ask

54 In the Will Thank you! What is the donor’s interest/passion Do you have any specific areas of interest? What motivated you to make this gift? Have you made gifts like this to other charities?

55 Planned Giving Comments Personal Spouse is recently deceased Prospect in bad health Spouse in bad health Prospect is facing retirement Prospect is primary caregiver for spouse/relative

56 Planned Giving Comments Financial Mentions sale of assets (business) Gives information about assets (stocks, property) Expresses concern about market Has concerns about limited income Is very knowledgeable about Life Income Gifts Mentions tax savings

57 Talking Planned Giving Mr/Mrs Donor, if you were able to do____and make a gift to _____ would you be interested in finding out how Mr/Mrs Donor, many gifts, like a CGA provide income for life and allow you to make a gift to ______. Would you like to find out…..

58 Working with the Planned Giving Office Provide name of Planned Giving Officer –Include in script –Callers provide to donors Transfer comments to Planned Gift Officer –Report back to callers

59 Planned Giving Comments Lifestage Can’t help like I used to You send me too much mail I get too much mail asking for money Since spouse passed away, trying to “stay involved”

60 Progress Growth Chart

61 Telephone Fund Raising Negative Attitude –Most of us measure telemarketing by the attitudes and perceptions we personally hold about it –Ken Burnett, Relationship Fund Raising

62 RuffaloCODY Timothy D. Logan, ACFRE Vice President, Senior Consultant Planned Giving Services 800-756-7483

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