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MTT Prep Study Guide Competency 005 F,G,H Itza Moses Spring 2012.

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1 MTT Prep Study Guide Competency 005 F,G,H Itza Moses Spring 2012

2 Competency 005 F  Knows how to create specifications and instructions (e.g., hardware/software requirements, instructions for use) for technology- based tasks.

3 Comp 005 F: Software  The entire set of programs, procedures, and documentation associated with a system and especially a computer system. ( Definition taken from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)  Examples of software: Anything that makes your computer do something; Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Firefox

4 Comp 005 F: Hardware  Major items of equipment or their components used for a particular purpose such as computer equipment (Definition taken from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)  Examples of Hardware: Computer, Digital Camera, Graphing Calculator

5  Creating instructions  Software for web tutorials such as Jing, Wink, Screencast- O-Matic, Copernicus, Camtasia Studio, Snag it Comp 005 F

6 Competency 005 G  Knows how to use technology applications to facilitate evaluation of work including both process and product.

7 Comp 005 G: Evaluation of Work  Use surveys to evaluate process and product  Survey Monkey

8 Comp 005 H  Knows how to create rubrics to evaluate technology based processes and products against established criteria

9 Comp 005 H: Rubric  A guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, products, or tests.  Online Software to create rubrics: Rubistar

10 BATTLESHIP  Play Battleship on Quia Play Battleship on Quia

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