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The prophet M___________________, peace be upon him, is the f_______________ of Islam. He grew up in the city of M___________________ and became a successful.

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Presentation on theme: "The prophet M___________________, peace be upon him, is the f_______________ of Islam. He grew up in the city of M___________________ and became a successful."— Presentation transcript:


2 The prophet M___________________, peace be upon him, is the f_______________ of Islam. He grew up in the city of M___________________ and became a successful businessman. He married K____________________ and they had six children. He sometimes went to a cave on Mount H________ to think and to pray. One night he had a v___________________ and believed that Allah was calling him to be a p____________________. He began to preach in Mecca, telling people to worship the one god A____________________. But the prophet Muhammad was forced to leave Mecca and go to M_____________. The people of Medina liked his message and he soon became the l________________ of the city. Muhammad later went back to Mecca with a large army. He announced that the K____________________ would be a shrine to the one God Allah, and Mecca would be the holy city of I____________________. The prophet Muhammad died in the year ________ aged 62 years.


4 5 pillars of Islam Shahadah ( Belief) Salat (Prayer) Zakat (Charity) Sawm (Fasting) Hajj (Pilgrimage)


6 Shahadah (Creed) Before prayer Muslims recite this creed “there is only one God and Muhammad is his messenger” Devout Muslims will say this Creed twice a day first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. These words are whispered into a new born baby’s ear The Shahadah is the main declaration of faith for the Muslims and all other practices flow from it.

7 Salah (prayer) Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day. Wudu: this is the washing that takes place before prayer. Consists of washing hands, mouth, nostrils, face and arms up to the elbow, the head, neck and the feet and ankles.

8 During prayer they also remove their shoes, because prayer involves kneeling on the ground. Muslims pray on a prayer mat. Muslims carry around the prayer mat with them.

9 When Muslims pray the face Mecca In the mosque there is a niche on the wall which shows them which way to face Mecca. Some prayer mats may have a compass on them to show them which way to face.

10 Adhan: is the call to prayer Ra’ka: the sequence of movements that the Muslims do during prayer.


12 The 5 daily prayers are: Fajr: early morning between dawn and sunrise Zuhr: early afternoon Asr: late afternoon before sunset Maghrib: straight after sunset Isha: evening time after dark

13 Zakah (charity) The idea of this pillar is to share the wealth that Allah has blessed you with Each Muslim gives 2.5% of their annual income Some pay it during Ramadan Some give it to their local mosque to distribute to the poor and the needy.


15 Sawm(fasting) Fasting and abstaining from food and drink at particular times Fasting takes place during the month of Ramadan Every Muslim who is well and has reached puberty is expected to participate.

16 Muslims eat a light breakfast before dawn and a light meal after sunset If they miss a day for some reason they are expected to make up for it the next day Elderly people who cannot fast provide a meal for a poor person.


18 Hajj (Pilgrimage) Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca that each Muslim should try to make once in their life. They come to pray to Allah and to remember Muhammad Hajj takes place during the 12 th month of the Islamic year. All pilgrims wear white to show equality. The simple white dress is called the Ihram.

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