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Lost Lake Elementary Curriculum Night September 4, 2012.

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1 Lost Lake Elementary Curriculum Night September 4, 2012

2  Melissa McCormick   (352) 243-2433  9 th Year Teaching  Purdue University ◦ Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education ◦ Reading Endorsed ◦ ESOL Endorsed

3  RESPECT for everyone  Absence of threat  Agendas  Welcome procedures  Character Traits

4  Connecting students, staff, parents, and community by building relationships  Building a culture of respect and responsibility  Behavior procedures – discipline plan  Collaborative Learning Groups – study buddies, shoulder buddies, learning clubs, community circles

5  8:00 – 8:45Students Arrive, Journal, A.R.  8:45 – 9:15ROAR  9:15 – 11:06Literacy Block  11:06 – 11:36Lunch  11:36 – 12:15Science/Social Studies  12:15 – 1:00Specials  1:00 – 2:00Math  2:00 – 2:15Recess  2:15 – 2:45Writing, Finish Journals and A.R.  2:45 – 3:30Dismissal Procedure

6  Sunshine State Standards are taught by using Brain Compatible teaching strategies.  First hand experiences  Curriculum is meaningful  Standards are taught and assessed  Student application  Adequate time  Choices provided

7  Reading Series: Storytown  Accelerated Reader  Journaling  Writer’s Workshop  One on One Writing and Reading Conferencing  Small Group Guided Reading Groups  Small Group Instruction/The Daily 5 ◦ Word Work ◦ Work on Writing ◦ Listen to Reading ◦ Read to Someone ◦ Read to Self  Whole Group Instruction ◦ Vocabulary ◦ Spelling/Phonics ◦ Grammar ◦ Writing ◦ Read aloud

8  Students are assessed for a new reading level at the beginning of each nine week grading period.  Students keep a book bin of “good fit books” in their cubbies.  Students are to take and pass a minimum of 3 A.R. tests each week.  Earning points gives students tags and prizes for motivation.  Students have the opportunity DAILY to take A.R. tests.

9  Spelling Test – Thursday  Grammar Test – Thursday  Reading Test – Friday  Math Test – varies (but will be indicated on newsletter in advance)

10  Practice spelling words however your child learns best  Study Robust Vocabulary Words  Read story selection for the week and ask comprehension questions after each page  Think Central  Math Practice Pages that supplement what was taught that day  Math addition and subtraction facts  Read for 10 minutes daily!!!

11  Great resource for accessing the reading and math textbook and practice books at home   User Name: Student ID#  Password: password

12  Accelerated Reader  Book Projects  Peer Tutoring  Leveled Guided Reading Groups

13  100%-90%A  89%-80%B  79%-70%C  69%-60%D  59% and belowF

14  Reading ◦ Robust Vocabulary20% ◦ Fluency20% ◦ Cold Read35% ◦ Comprehension25%  Language Arts ◦ Spelling20% ◦ Writing40% ◦ Assignments10% ◦ Grammar30%  Math ◦ Tests55% ◦ Assignments45%

15  Word Smart ◦ Learns best through reading, writing, and discussing; communicates effectively; has a good vocabulary; writes clearly; spells easily  Number Smart ◦ Thinks in numbers and patterns; solves logic problems easily; good at math  Picture Smart ◦ Thinks in pictures and images; is good with spatial relations; learns through visuals; likes to draw and create; has a good eye for details  Music Smart ◦ Has a good sense of rhythm and melody; likes to sing, hum, chant, rap; enjoys listening to and creating music  People Smart ◦ Makes and maintains friends easily; understands and respects others; resolves conflicts; learns best by interacting with others; enjoys working and being with others  Self Smart ◦ Needs time to process information; things about their own thinking; knows themselves well; likes quiet time alone; has strong opinions and beliefs  Body Smart ◦ Highly coordinated; uses gestures and body language; learns best through hands-on activities; enjoys acting out and role playing; enjoys dancing and athletics  Nature Smart ◦ Aware of natural surroundings; good at sorting and classifying; keen observational skills; enjoys gardening or caring for pets

16  Students start entering our classroom at 8:00. All students need to be in the classroom by 8:30.  If your child is absent, please send a note on a separate piece of paper in the yellow folder to excuse the absence.  Pre-arranged absences need to be approved by administration at least 5 days in advance.  Dismissal is from 2:50 – 3:30. A note is required for any change of transportation.  As much as possible, please avoid checking your child out early, as it is very disruptive during instruction.

17 2012-2013 Uniform Dress Code Policy The Lost Lake Elementary School Advisory Council has established our mandatory uniform policy as follows: Monday through Thursday-  Tops: Knit polo style collared shirts in white, navy blue, hunter green, light blue or pink. No T-shirts allowed Monday through Thursday. Tucked in shirttails are preferred.  Bottoms: Shorts (fingertip length) or long pants (not baggy or form fitting), skirts, skorts, jumpers, or culottes in black, navy or khaki (solid color only). No athletic shorts please. Belts are preferred but optional. Leggings or stockings in solid black, blue or white only must be worn under a jumper or skirt.  Footwear: Tennis shoes or shoes with an enclosed heel are preferred. Sandals must have a heel strap. Fridays only-  Jeans on Friday must be fully intact appropriately worn jeans (not baggy or form fitting), without fashionable rips or tears. Jeans can be worn with any Lost Lake shirt or solid color polo.

18  Please sign your child’s agenda each night, stating that you reviewed his or her homework and checked the yellow folder.  Read your child’s sentence about what he or she enjoyed learning that day and discuss.  PLEASE put all notes on a separate sheet of paper and in the yellow folder, rather than in the agenda. Thank you!

19  Enrichment is on a 9 day rotation. Check the yellow folder to see what specials class we have each day.  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 12:15- 1:00  Wednesday 11:45-12:20  Make sure students have appropriate shoes for P.E. days.

20 Red – Media Orange – P.E. Yellow – P.E. Green – Science Blue – P.E. White – P.E. Purple – Fine Arts Silver – P.E. Brown – P.E.

21  Respect yourself and others  Follow the teacher’s instructions.  Follow the character traits posted in our classroom. ◦ Effort, Problem Solving, Common Sense, Flexibility, Responsibility, Curiosity, Active Listening, No Put Downs, Friendship, Caring, Integrity, Sense of Humor, Organization, Pride, Resourcefulness, Personal Best, Perseverance, Trustworthiness, Initiative

22  Each student has a card.  If they break a rule, they move their card. ◦ 1 st move – warning ◦ 2 nd move – lose 5 minutes of recess ◦ 3 rd move – “Think Sheet” ◦ 4 th move - office  Green Thumb Awards ◦ Earned each Friday by not moving your card at all for the entire week.  Character Counts Day ◦ At the end of each 9 weeks grading period ◦ For students who lose 5 consequences or less for the 9 weeks

23  Mission Statement: To provide a safe learning environment where students enjoy learning and can grow.  Rewarding students for positive behavior  School-wide behavior system ◦ Hallways, cafeteria, classrooms


25  Blue Lion Loot – Specials ◦ Given by specials teachers ◦ Earn loot as a class ◦ Entire class must follow the rules for specials ◦ Reward once a semester (Lion Loot Day)  Pink Lion Loot – Cafeteria ◦ Given by lunchroom assistant ◦ Earn loot as a class ◦ Entire class must follow posted lunchroom behavior ◦ Reward once a month for top class from each grade level and top class overall

26  Yellow Lion Loot ◦ Classroom teachers may reward students with yellow lion loot for following classroom rules ◦ Students can redeem their yellow lion loot for rewards. Write a summary of Arthur’s Reading Race. What are the main parts of the story? Write at least 3 sentences. Remember to put the date at the top. Remember to skip lines. ◦ Given in hallways for:  Being quiet  Keeping hands to your sides  Straight line  Keeping to the right

27  Due to limited instructional time, it is school policy that we will not be able to have celebrations or parties for birthdays. If you would like to send in a treat for his or her birthday, the child can pass them out during lunch.  Treats must be store-bought and peanut- free.  We are not permitted to pass out invitations at school. If interested, I can put together a list of parent contact information.

28  Volunteer information needs to be up to date in order to chaperone  More information to come!

29  Graded tests  Book orders  Completed work  Other important information  Please empty and return folder on Mondays

30  Comes back and forth from school to home daily  Weekly newsletter will be up to date in yellow folder  Robust Vocabulary flashcards will be in the back of the folder.  *******PLEASE put anything that is for me to see in the pouch in yellow folder. I look at the yellow folder first thing every morning. Please be sure to put notes in there rather than in the Friday Folder or in the agenda. THANK YOU!!

31  Feel free to send in a small umbrella or poncho for your child to keep on his or her hook.  Feel free to send in a sweatshirt for your child to keep in the classroom.  Please send your child with a water bottle every day, as we do not have a drinking fountain in our classroom.

32  11:06 – 11:36  Feel free to join your child for lunch, meeting us at the picnic tables. Parents can eat with their child only.  Due to limited space in the cafeteria, parents are to eat at the picnic tables with their child.  Lunch money can be send in yellow folder or paid online.

33  Pillow Pets (for The Daily 5)  Fine Point Expo Markers (for student use)  ANY A.R. books to add to our classroom library are greatly appreciated!

34  Thank you so much for coming, and I look forward to a great school year!

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