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Setting Healthy Goals Ruth Sullivan Keene State College Dietetic Intern November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting Healthy Goals Ruth Sullivan Keene State College Dietetic Intern November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting Healthy Goals Ruth Sullivan Keene State College Dietetic Intern November 2013


3 Objectives O Set SMART, realistic goals O Choose effective strategies O Identify barriers and solutions O Tools: O Worksheet O Table & list of strategies

4 Sharing Success O Share one change, big or small, that you made successfully in the past few years. O Share a bit about how you did it.

5 SMART Goals O S: Specific O M: Measurable O A: Attainable O R: Realistic O T: Timely or time bound

6 Sample Goal 1 O THIS: I want to go to bed by 10 pm every weeknight for one week O NOT THIS: I want to get more sleep O NOT THIS: I want to reduce my stress O NOT THIS: I want to lower my blood pressure

7 Sample Goal 2 O THIS: I want to go for a walk every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after work for a half an hour for two weeks O NOT THIS: I want to walk every week O NOT THIS: I want to exercise more O NOT THIS: I want to lose weight

8 Sample Goal 3 O THIS: I want to bring a good, home-made lunch to work three days a week for one month O NOT THIS: I want to eat better at work O NOT THIS: I want to control my sugar cravings O NOT THIS: I want to lose 15 pounds

9 Goal Setting Worksheet O Problem O Goal O Purpose O Pathway O Set a Timeframe O Barriers O Solutions O Resources O Reward

10 Reward Yourself

11 Health Issues O Weight O Blood Sugar O Cholesterol O High Blood Pressure O Your personal issue:_____________________

12 Note about diabetes O The recommendations on the handout are geared for pre-diabetes O If you’re on insulin, make sure to talk to your doctor or registered dietician before making dietary changes.

13 Ideas for Health Goals O Eat regular balanced meals and snacks O Eat breakfast O Manage stress O Increase physical activity O Increase fiber-rich foods O And many, many more possibilities

14 Your Turn

15 Share

16 For More Information O Article on Setting SMART Goals O See “Making Healthy Changes” handout: O Websites O Books O Smartphone Apps

17 Evaluation O Please fill out comment card and leave it with me today….

18 Questions?


20 Sources General Food and Nutrition Information Online: Worlds Healthiest Foods at Setting SMART Goals: Derocha, G. 2011. How to Get Smart About Goal Setting. Accessed at Emotional Eating/Mindful Eating: Albers, S. 2009. 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food; Wansink, B. 2007. Mindless Eating; Altman, D. 20011. One Minute Mindfulness; David, M. 2005. Slow Down Diet. Cholesterol: Prevention Online. Twelve Foods that Lower Cholesterol Naturally. Harvard Health Publications. 11 Foods That Lower Cholesterol. cholesterol cholesterol Mayo Clinic. Cholesterol: Top Five Food That Lower Your Numbers. Accessed at: Blood Sugar: Mayo Clinic. Diabetes Diet. Blood Pressure: Web MD. High Blood Pressure Diet. pressure/high-blood-pressure-diet?page=2 pressure/high-blood-pressure-diet?page=2

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