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FIPP International B2B Conference Munich 2002 B2B Media in China – Case study of a German-Chinese Joint Venture.

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Presentation on theme: "FIPP International B2B Conference Munich 2002 B2B Media in China – Case study of a German-Chinese Joint Venture."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIPP International B2B Conference Munich 2002 B2B Media in China – Case study of a German-Chinese Joint Venture

2 Vogel Media Group- Brief History  Established 1891  Launched MM Maschinenmarkt 1896  Leading B2B Publishing House in Industrial, Automotive and Electronic field  Launched Automobil Industrie, Elektronik Praxis, Process, Umweltmagazin...  New field of IT Industry  Launched CHIP Das Computermagazin 1978

3 •Vogel Media goes Asia =International editions of Export Markt (Chinese edition in 1968) =Established a Joint Venture in HongKong in 1990 =Launch of Tranfer –Magazine (Asia edition) =Launch of Export Channel 1990 =Launch of TT&M (Technology Tranfer and Management) 1993, later MM China

4 •Internationalisation Strategy •Follow the clients •Clients go international •Clients want more than „just an ad“ •Follow the markets •Limited growth in Europe •Asia plays a new role in global market •Expand Brands and consolidate leadership Why going to Asia?

5 Vogel goes from Hong Kong to Beijing – Key reasons Acceptance by the readers – „only a local market leader is a real market leader“ (not Hong Kong imported) Acceptance by the government Acceptance by the market/clients Financial reasons

6 Vogel Media meets STIP (Scientech Information & Publication)  First Meeting in Beijing in November 1994  Why STIP  Introduced by Ministry of Machinery Industry  Relationship to government and industry  Publishing Permissions  Image  Target  Key people: Mr. Wu Guosheng and Ms. Lucy Xiao

7 Major difficulties in the beginning of the partnership  Publishing Concept  Human Resources  Management  Right way of cooperation  Investment

8 Publishing Background of STIP  Book publisher  Traditional magazine publisher:  No controlled circulation: Subscription based  Scientific content  No business model  No professional ad sales

9 The Business model – Right way of cooperation Move in a restricted environment: Publishing Joint Ventures not allowed Advertising Agency: Minority Shares Distribution: in Local hands Publishing License in the hands of Chinese publisher

10 Organization  Human resources  Salary structure: 2-class organization?  Who is the boss? Foreigner in a foreign country  Establish a business model

11 6 Years later...  Internal  Proof your partnership  Expansion and investment  Contracts- a piece of paper  External  Competition  Advertising development and prices  Rentability

12 The right business model Get close to the partner Secure your part of cooperation and knowledge License agreements Renew the targets

13 How we solved the main problems?  Understanding of  People  Market  Time and patience  Set concrete targets:  With German headquarters  With Chinese partner  And...


15 Thank you!

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