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There are several different methods used in performing abortions, depending upon how far along the pregnancy is. Some methods involve physically extracting the baby and others involve the use of chemicals injected into the womb or taken by the mother.
ABORTION Abortion is a time when a person is having difficulties and they get pregnant and can’t have their baby so they go to the doctor and they take it out which is called abortion. Well abortion is caused for different reasons.
ABORTION One way how abortion could be caused is because sometimes girls get pregnant by mistake and then their parents make them abort. Sometimes the girls just want to abort them selves either because their not ready or they just don’t want to deal with kids because they just want to party.
ABORTION Think about what your going to do before you do it.
I know sometimes its hard for teens to have a baby because their parents are against it. If they know that their parents are going to be against it then they have to think twice before they have sex.
THINK BEFORE YOU DO IT Sometimes girls come out with excuses such as “my boyfriend said that if I don’t have sex with him he is going to break up with me”. Then if their having sex by pear pressure might as well let go of the guy your with. If your going to take the risk you have to be able to deal with the consequences.
Theirs a lot of stories of girls out their that have regret aborting their children for the reason that later they see some mommies playing with their babies or feeding them or just taking care of them and giving them love. Theirs also a lot of women out their that can’t have babies and are dying to have some while theirs people on the other side just killing their babies without even thinking about it.
I was 16 years old when I found out I was pregnant. I hadn’t had my period and I was so scared. I told my 15-year-old boyfriend, and he said we should get a pregnancy test. When I walked out of the bathroom I started crying, and he knew that meant I was pregnant. I did not tell my mom. I told my aunt, but my aunt told me I was going to have to tell my mom so I could get help. When my mom finally found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. She set up an appointment for me at Hope Clinic for Women. My boyfriend and I did not want to have an abortion, but my mom refused to let me live in her home with a baby, so at the time I thought I had no other choice. When I got to the clinic I had my ultrasound, and that is when it hit me that I was pregnant!! It was so emotional for me. After the abortion I was so depressed, and I could not believe that I killed my own flesh and blood. I asked God to forgive me and to bless me with another child in the future, and I promised to love it and care for it. It is now two years later, and I still go to sleep dreaming of what it would have been like to wake up at 4:00 AM to feed my baby, to love it, and for my baby to love me. The father and I are no longer together. I broke up with him three months after my abortion. I was depressed and angry and was taking it all out on him.
consequences San Francisco (AP) September, Holly Marie Patterson went to a Planned Parenthood clinic earlier this month to quietly consider ways to handle a life change she wasn't ready for. One week later, the 18-year-old lay dying on an emergency room table, the victim of complications after she took the abortion pill. Her death has already caused her grief-stricken father to hope that the tragedy will encourage other women considering abortion to seek support, especially from their families. Holly Patterson, who lived in the San Francisco suburb of Livermore, visited a Planned Parenthood clinic Sept. 10 to take the pill. She followed the prescribed procedure for using RU-486, taking two more pills at home in the following days. After experiencing bleeding and cramps so severe that she was unable to walk, her boyfriend rushed her to the hospital, where she was given painkillers and sent home. She was back in the hospital a few days later and died Sept. 17. Monty Patterson said he learned from an attending physician at the hospital that she had died after a massive infection caused by fragments of the fetus left inside her uterus caused her to go into septic shock.
I was 16 and in the 11th grade when I found out that I was pregnant. I missed my period, and then I took a test. I went to my boyfriend’s house to tell him, and he was there with another girl. When I told him he told me to leave and that we would talk about it later. That hurt so much. So I went home and told no one. Two months later I started getting really sick, and my mom made me take a test. When she saw that I was pregnant, she called my boyfriend and told him that he had to come with me to the clinic. I did not want to kill my baby, but they made me. It hurt so bad, emotionally, I mean. I felt like they had taken a piece of me. I wish I would never have killed my first child.
I found out I was pregnant in August of The guy I was with said he wanted me to have an abortion because he had to finish school and he did not want any kids. So I listened to him, and I killed my baby. I did not listen to my heart, and I regret it to this day.
I was 16 when I found out I was pregnant. When I told my boyfriend who I’ve been dating for almost two years, at first we were really scared, but we were excited too and really wanted to raise our baby. I never thought abortion would come into play. When we finally told our parents, things changed for the bad!!!!! Our moms decided that the best thing to do was to have an abortion, and I didn’t get a say! Two weeks later his mom took me to the clinic. It was the scariest thing in my life, and I regret it every day. There isn’t a day that passes when I don’t wish I would have just walked out!!! Really think about what you’re doing and if this is really what YOU want, not everyone else!!!!! I just want my baby in my arms!!
Two weeks after my 16th birthday I got pregnant. I was terrified
Two weeks after my 16th birthday I got pregnant. I was terrified. I did not know what to do. The first thing I did was tell my boyfriend. He did not know what to do either, but he said he would support me in whatever decision I made. All of my life I always said I would never get an abortion; but I am not going to lie, when I first got pregnant, it sounded like the best solution. I thought about it for a long time, did a lot of research, but when it came down to it, I just could not do it. When I was 6 ½ months pregnant my parents finally found out. I was so scared, and they were very upset. After a week they finally got used to it. I decided to give him up for adoption; and honestly, it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. In October I had a beautiful baby boy. The adoptive parents are AMAZING! It is a completely open adoption. They fly down here, and they fly my boyfriend and me up to see them too. My little boy is the favorite, and he is so cute! I love him so much. I could not picture my life without him. Now I can continue growing up, and he can get everything he needs in life. My boyfriend and I are still together, and we are hoping to get married and have another child to raise ourselves.
Choose your Decision Some girl’s Decide to Abort there baby’s because they think its Embarrassing to be seen with a baby. I Know there still young but they should think before they risk there selves they should have the baby and give it away on a foster home . They should put there selves in there baby’s Shoe’s they would of not like it if there mom would of abort them would they think twice before they do it.
Persuade by friend’s .. Some teenage young girl’s just have sex because some of there friend’s persuade them. They Make Fun of them by telling them being Virgin is a bad thing. Many girl’s actually do it so they won’t make fun of them some of them they don’t have nobody on there family that actually pays attention to them they have dought’s they don’t know what the right thing to do there scared of telling there parent’s. Now in day’s some girl’s use protection they think by using them they won’t risk by having a baby. There wrong you never know if you used it right month’s past they notice there pregnant and there boyfriend dosen’t want it They have to know what’s the right decision abort or keep it a girl should always know there not alone know in days things are different you could be a young mom by letting people help them have there baby’s.
Young Mother’s Now in day’s they are some girl’s that actually do have there baby's. They know they have to drop out of school but they know it’s there fault for risking thereselve’s.Some girl’s have them because they know there parent’s are gonna help them out by taking care of them to some don’t drop out.Obiessly they know there gonna missed school for some day's. But there parent’s help them out by taking care of them and there baby too. They don’t care about what other people think or say about them as long as there family and friends help them out.
Young Mother’s Under modern conditions, teen pregnancies are considered not a blessing but a curse. This is so because most of the children of these pregnancies will grow up fatherless and at high risk themselves for various social and behavioral problems, the education and work lives of their mothers will be seriously impaired, and the welfare and social cost will help them out there under age.
Teenage Pregnancy Each year in the U.S. almost one million teenagers become pregnant--at enormous costs to themselves, their children, and society. While the facts are clear, the issues of teenage pregnancy are complicated by our conflicting attitudes and behaviors. Talk of sex fills the airwaves; younger and younger girls are portrayed as sex objects; and sex is used to sell everything from clothing to news. Yet we are shocked at the rising numbers of teens who are sexually active. If we are truly concerned about the welfare of babies, children and adolescents, we must move beyond the moral panic and denial that so often distort the discussion. Designing effective solutions will require the thoughtful separation of fact, assumption and wishful thinking and an honest acknowledgment that much is still not fully understood about the causes of teenage pregnancy.
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