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Careers in Psychology. Overview What kind of knowledge, skills and abilities do you have as a result of your psych major? What kind of jobs can you get.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Psychology. Overview What kind of knowledge, skills and abilities do you have as a result of your psych major? What kind of jobs can you get."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Psychology

2 Overview What kind of knowledge, skills and abilities do you have as a result of your psych major? What kind of jobs can you get with a psych degree? How will I know which job is right for me? How do I land a job?

3 Knowledge and Skills Psychology Majors Develop: Problem solving Effective oral and written communication Critical thinking: analysis, synthesis, evaluation Social perception and sensitivity Information literacy skills Knowledge of social behavior Research skills: statistical analysis, research design measurement, and evaluation Perform and interpret descriptive and inferential statistics Written communication skills Ability to work comfortably in collaborative settings Understand issues from a variety of perspectives Gather and organize information from multiple sources

4 Leaders in business, industry, and government have identified certain knowledge, skills, and dispositions as especially important for success in the global economy The ability to apply knowledge and skills to real-world settings Conscientiousness, personal responsibility, and dependability Skill in oral and written communication Interpersonal and team work skills Skills in critical thinking and solving complex problems Respect for people different from oneself The ability and desire for life long learning Hart (2006). How should colleges prepare students to succeed in today’s global economy? Report prepared on behalf of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Hart Research Associates, Inc: Washington, DC

5 Possible career settings for psych majors Adoption and child care agencies Court system Advertising depts and agencies Educational agencies Air, bus, rail lines Government agencies Business corporations Hospitals Churches and religious organizations Mgmt consulting firms Colleges and schools Mental health agencies and associations Community organizations Personnel departments Correctional institutions Social services agencies

6 Helping Professions: Mental Health & Social Services Areas Bachelors level case worker child protection worker behavior analyst director of volunteer services probation/parole officer substance abuse counselor program manager psychiatric technician rehabilitation advisor family service worker residential youth counselor group home coordinator social service director daycare center supervisor veterans' advisor employment counselor

7 Business-Related Areas advertising trainee insurance agent personnel worker/administrator administrative assistant job analyst public information officer advertising agent loan officer public relations airline reservations clerk management trainee occupational analyst sales representative claims specialist marketing representative small business owner customer relations marketing researcher store manager employee counselor media buyer staff training and development employment counselor

8 Jobs with a bright outlook (numerous job openings or rapid growth) 2012 Child, family, and school social workers Correctional officers Educational, guidance, school, and vocational counselors Loan officers (mortgage and bank industry) Marketing specialists Real estate sales management Sales, scientific products Human services specialists Marriage and family therapist* I/O psychologists* Market research analysts and specialists* Mental health and substance abuse counselors*

9 Rajecki & Borden (2011) Mean starting salary = $ 35 K Psychology (median $39,640) Administrative assistant 35,100 Social services manager 34,900 Social worker 41,000 Mental health counselor 36,500 Mental health case manager 32,800 Applied behavior analysis therapist 40,700 Nonprofit organization program coordinator 38,600 Human resources administrator 44,500 Employment/recruitment or placement specialist 54,800 Substance abuse counselor 37,500

10 How do I know if the job is right for me? Informational interviews Purposes: Learn about a career & network Steps: 1) identify occupation 2) identify people to talk to 3) request an interview 4) research organization and job to develop questions to ask Identify people to talk with Alumni Friends of friends LinkedIn Send a formal letter/email with your resume (formality will depend on relationship) During the interview Ask appropriate and important questions Never ask for a job during an informational interview Send a thank you note afterward

11 How do I know if the job is right for me? Volunteer or internships Contact career services to locate organizations Or identify organizations in the community Send a letter/meet with someone Offer your time/volunteer/intern

12 How can I get a job? Resume Should be flawless and not wordy (45 second rule) Evaluate your skills and abilities and highlight these on your resume These include KSAs developed during your coursework, extracurricular activities, work experiences, volunteer experiences etc. Remember which skill employers seek: writing and public speaking ability, problem identification and solving, small group and teamwork skills, leadership, flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity, organizational skills Include Heading, education, experience, activities and affiliations Optional: executive summary, key skills or accomplishments Keep in mind Use action verbs Don’t use passive voice, don’t change verb tense thoughout

13 How can I get a job? Cover letters 3 – 4 short paragraphs Why I am writing Introduce yourself and state why you are interested Be specific about what job you seek and what you can offer How I’m qualified Describe your academic and professional qualifications and how they relate to the job requirements Why I’m right for this job Relate yourself to the company and provide reasons you should be considered Demonstrate that you know about the company or industry) What steps I’ll take to make sure we talk further about my qualifications Request an interview or let them know that you will contact them to follow up

14 How can I get a job? Network! Uncover the “hidden” job market Use “cold call” letters Cover letters & Resumes rs/ rs/ A general site for psych majors\ Job sites Quintessential careers, job hunter’s bible, college grad job hunter, job web, monstercollege

15 Graduate school: Programs in psychology Basic/Experimental Cognitive Social Health Developmental Physiological/Biological/Neuroscience Quantiative

16 Graduate school: Programs in psychology Applied Human Factors/Engineering/Ergonomics Industrial/Organizational/Organizational Behavior/Consumer Forensic/Legal Counseling/Clinical Sports School/Educational Psychology

17 What do you need to apply? GRE (Graduate Record Exam) (or other exam) High GRE scores (+1200 Q + V), Medium (+1100 Q+V) Q portion more important for basic vs. applied settings (except HF) Application for admission Personal statement Why do you want to pursue graduate study at the specific program you are applying for? How do you “fit” in the program? Transcripts GPA of 3.0 or above 3.5 Resume/CV Letters of recommendation Often three, usually anonymous

18 Importance of criteria Depends on basic vs. applied Things that look good Internships Independent or collaborative research projects Leadership or service activities Important non-objective criteria Letters of recommendation Interview Experience


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