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LEADED vs UNLEADED GASOLINE. Brief Background Tetraethyl lead was first added to petrol during 1922. Outbreak of acute neuropsychiatric disease developed.

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2 Brief Background Tetraethyl lead was first added to petrol during 1922. Outbreak of acute neuropsychiatric disease developed among workers soon after the production of leaded gasoline started. Despite strong public health warnings, leaded gasoline is continuously produced By 1970s, almost all petrol produced worldwide had lead.

3 Why is lead added to gasoline? Adding lead helps the petrol to burn more slowly and smoothly, preventing engine knock and improve octane ratings It basically improves engine performance

4 Much later it was discovered that lead had some undesirable side effects, and governments started to discourage the use of leaded petrol and urged companies to develop unleaded petrol as an alternative. The combustion of leaded petrol causes the lead to be released into the air.

5 Impacts to society Urban air pollution: a key issue Leaded gasoline is the highest source of atmospheric lead 1.3 million deaths each year as estimated by WHO due to air pollution About 1 million premature deaths

6 Health Impact Lead is toxic to multiple organ systems, distributed to liver, kidney, brain and bones Lead impairs development of brain function in children, more especially in infants, and lowers IQ In pregnant women it can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and low birth weight, and minor malformations

7 Use of unleaded gas over leaded gas: Benefit for vehicles Leaded petrol has negative effects on a vehicle’s engine and exhaust systems, such as the corrosion of various components, fouling of spark plugs, and contamination of engine oil by corrosive acids. It has been estimated that using unleaded petrol can extend engine life by 1.5 to 2 times. Unleaded petrol will allow for introduction of catalytic converters that will reduce other emissions (e.g carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons) by up to 90%

8 Worldwide campaign to eliminate use of leaded gas

9 Leaded Gas Phase Out Countries all over the world have been taking out lead in their fuel because studies confirmed its harmful effects on our health as well as on the environment. In United States, leaded gasoline is no longer available starting 1996. In the Philippines, all oil companies have stopped selling leaded gasoline since December 23, 2000 in accordance with the provisions of Clean Air Act of 1999.

10 Economic analysis has found that the costs of removing lead are generally low, less than 0.02 USD per liter for most countries.

11 References Akumu, J. (2012). Harmful effects of leaded gasoline. Division of Technology, Industry and Economics UNEP. Landrigan, PJ. (2002). The worldwide problem of lead in petrol. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80(10). Retrieved from on May 2, 2014. Torres, TP. (2001). Leaded gasoline finally phased out. Retrieved from finally-phased-out on May 2, 2014.

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