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FAO Investment Days, December 2014 – Jan Lundqvist, SIWI 43 km 3 irr. water about same as South to North transfer All food produced has consumed water.

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Presentation on theme: "FAO Investment Days, December 2014 – Jan Lundqvist, SIWI 43 km 3 irr. water about same as South to North transfer All food produced has consumed water."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAO Investment Days, December 2014 – Jan Lundqvist, SIWI 43 km 3 irr. water about same as South to North transfer All food produced has consumed water & energy, occupied land, incurred investments and environmental costs; at least 1/3 lost & wasted Recent estimate for China: Source: Liu, J. et al. (2013) ‘Food losses and waste in China and their implication for water and land. Environmental Science & Technology 47(18): 10137-10144 Nexus is also about land, environment, etc. 26 mill ha

2 Investment opportunities food storage, India About 30% waste of fruits & veg: $7.2 bn/year Cold chain: fruits & veg. 1.07% Fish: 0.73% Milk & dairy: 0.65% Meat: 0.15% Potatoes:92.82 % Sources: Food Navigator Asia; Union Food Processing Industries, India

3 A vision of zero waste

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