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6 th Grade Chapter 1 & Vocabulary. Vocabulary Health ◦ A state of well being that includes physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Grade Chapter 1 & Vocabulary. Vocabulary Health ◦ A state of well being that includes physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Grade Chapter 1 & Vocabulary

2 Vocabulary Health ◦ A state of well being that includes physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects. Wellness ◦ the attainment and maintenance of a moderate to high level of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health.

3 Vocabulary Hygiene ◦ Conditions or practices that serve to promote or preserve health; habits of cleanliness. Health-Related Physical Fitness ◦ the personal fitness component most associated with health (cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, body composition, and muscular endurance.)

4 What is Health?

5 Your Physical Health Physical Health: deals with the condition of your body ◦ Eating balanced meals ◦ Engaging in physical activity ◦ Getting 8 hours of sleep every night ◦ Maintaining good hygiene. For example: washing your hands before eating. ◦ Avoiding alcohol, drugs, and tobacco

6 Your Emotional Health Emotional Health: is the way you express your feelings. ◦ Express their emotions in healthy ways ◦ Deal with sadness and ask for help if they need to ◦ Accept both their strengths and weaknesses

7 Your Mental Health Mental Health: The way that you cope with the demands of daily life. ◦ The ability to handle stress effectively and to solve problems ◦ Openness to new ideas and new ways of doing things ◦ The ability to adjust to change

8 Your Social Health Social Health: the way you interact with people ◦ Are you considerate of others? ◦ Do you show respect to other people? ◦ Are you dependable? ◦ Do you support your friends when they make good choices? ◦ Do you share your feelings with your friends?

9 Conditioning ◦ engaging in regular physical activity or exercise that result in a improved state of physical fitness. Exercise ◦ physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and results in the improvement or maintenance of personal fitness. Vocabulary

10 Vocabulary Aerobic ◦ the form of energy production in the body that requires the presence of oxygen; it is used for activities such as walking or jogging. Behavior Movement Skills ◦ Locomotor: movement skills are: gallop, hop, jump, leap, run, skip, slide, and walk. Manipulative: catch, kick, strike, and throw.

11 What is Wellness? Stay physically healthy by taking care of your body. Stay mentally healthy by dealing with stress appropriately. Stay emotionally healthy by expressing your feelings in a healthy way. Stay socially healthy by being considerate of others.

12 Wellness Quiz On a piece of paper, write “true” or “false” for each of the following statements to check your overall health.

13 Wellness Quiz Physical Health ◦ I am physically active at least 3 days per week. ◦ I eat well-balanced meals. ◦ I rarely snack on junk food. ◦ I sleep 8 hours almost every night. ◦ I avoid risky behavior. ◦ I brush and floss my teeth daily.

14 Wellness Quiz Emotional and Mental Health ◦ I do well in most of my subjects at school. ◦ I tell others about how I feel. ◦ I can talk about problems. ◦ I am a responsible person. ◦ My family is important to me. ◦ I am not afraid to be alone. ◦ I enjoy many different activities.

15 Wellness Quiz Social Health ◦ I have at least one good friend. ◦ I can say no to others. ◦ I can get along with different kinds of people. ◦ I keep my promises to friends. ◦ I enjoy doing things with my family. ◦ My friends trust me. ◦ I can communicate with others.

16 Your Score!! Give yourself 1 point for every question that you answered “true”. A score of 6 or 7 in any area indicates excellent health in that area. If you scored below 4 in an area, you probably need to improve that part of your overall health.

17 What Influences Your Health?

18 Who You Are What makes up who you are? ◦ Heredity: the passing of traits from a parent to a child. ◦ These traits determine your physical features.  Color of your eyes  Hair

19 What Is Around You? Your health can be effected by your environment. Environment: all of the living and nonliving things around you. ◦ You can’t always control your environment.  Air pollution can trigger asthma, which is a lung disease, and can contribute to allergies.

20 Healthy Attitudes

21 Healthy Living Lifestyle: set of behaviors by which you live your life. Healthy lifestyle begins with a good attitude. Attitude: is the way in which you act, think, or feel that causes you to make certain choices. A good attitude allows you to make choices that are good for you and your health.

22 Being Responsible As you get older, you become more responsible for taking care of yourself. Taking steps to prevent illness and accidents before they happen. For example: going to the doctor for regular exams is preventive healthcare. Also includes, when you eat right, avoid risky behavior, and buckle your seat belt, you are protecting yourself from possible illness or injury.

23 Life Skills to Improve You Health

24 The Life Skills Life Skills: are skills that help you deal with situations that can affect your health.

25 The Nine Life Skills 1.Assessing your healthEvaluating each of the four parts of you health and assessing your health behaviors 2.Making good decisionsMaking choices that are healthy and responsible 3.Setting goalsAiming for something that will give you a sense of accomplishment and achievement. 4.Using refusal skillsSaying no to things that you don’t want to do as well as avoiding dangerous situations. 5.Communicating effectively Avoiding misunderstandings by expressing your feelings in a healthy way.

26 The Nine Life Skills 6.CopingDealing with problems and emotions in an effective way 7.Evaluating media messages Judging the accuracy of advertising and other media messages 8.Practicing wellnessPracticing good health habits, such as getting plenty of exercise and eating good foods 9.Being a wise consumer Comparing different products and services for value and quality

27 Using the Life Skills Make a decision or set a goal Say no to someone Express your feelings to other people Practice good health habits Cope with problems and emotions Become a better consumer

28 Life Skills and Staying Healthy Staying healthy takes some effort. Your goal is to keep all parts of your health in balance. When you health is balanced, you will feel good physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially. And feeling good is what wellness is about.

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