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Primary, general objectives  To mainstream gender equality  To promote work-life balance  To tackle gender-based violence  To enhance knowledge and.

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2 Primary, general objectives  To mainstream gender equality  To promote work-life balance  To tackle gender-based violence  To enhance knowledge and raise awareness of gender issues  To foster capacity of gender NGOs  To improve networking and cooperation of NGOs and other key players with national coordinating body  initiate partnerships with Norwegian organizations and institutions

3  Programme area › Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance & Domestic and Gender Based Violence  Grant recipients › NGOs, including academic, research organizations › Municipalities and various government offices – only in cooperation or partnership with NGOs  Realization period › 4 years (cca 1. 6. 2011 – 31. 5. 2015)  Proposed budget › cca 8 300 000,- EUR

4  Minimum grant amount › 30 000,- EUR › The aim is to be able to support a large number of smaller players and to address activities with specific local conditions in regions and municipalities  Drafting, monitoring and evaluation of programme › National coordinator of equal opportunities for women and men (Gender Equality Unit, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic) and the Ministry of Finance  Programme administration › Organization chosen through a tender launched by the Ministry of Finance

5 Specific objectives, activities  support for NGOs providing counseling and services to target groups (persons discriminated against because of their gender, persons disadvantaged on the labor market because of their parental and other responsibilities, victims of gender based violence, including victims of domestic violence and trafficking)  support for advocacy and watchdog activities aimed at achieving gender balance in all sectors of social and public life, including political life, and in the area of tackling gender based-violence  promote work-life balance, in particular through “Leading by Example” projects based on partnership between NGOs and municipalities and public bodies

6 Specific objectives, activities  promote research to enhance knowledge of gender issues, including the collection of statistical data, in selected areas  raise awareness through tackling gender stereotypes, including stereotypes in media  provide systemic support to national umbrella organizations and for the cooperation with the national coordinating body

7  Primary, general objective › Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance  Programme realization › Gender Equality Unit, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic  Realization period › 4 years (cca 1. 6. 2011 – 31. 5. 2015)  Proposed budget › cca 800 000 EUR  Realization › for various activities of the project will be through public tenders chosen subjects from NGOs, academia and business. In addition we will use individual contracts with particular people (cost assessors, sociologists, public relations specialists,...)

8 › To organize workshops and discussion meetings for ministries and other state administration offices to identify their needs for better reconciliation of work, private and family life of their employees › On the basis of discussion, legal analysis and analysis of good practices issue a handbook of de iure and de facto restrains and suggestions for employers to offer tools for better reconciliation of work, private and family life › To disseminate information gained organize seminars and conference for various state administration subjects with estimated overlapping and potential use for other organizations (business, regional and local administration, …) Focus area I  support for reconciliation of work, private and family life of employees in public administration through an analysis of existing legislation and exchange of good practices

9 Focus area II  strengthening capacity and expertise of state institutions in gender mainstreaming › To elaborate on a basis of depth analysis, general discussions and exchange of good practices from other countries and institutions a methodology for impact assessment of state policies on gender equality in the Czech Republic › To present the methodology to state administration and public, as well as other key players and discuss and develop tools for different stakeholders to use it › To elaborate various analyzes:  Annual public opinion survey on gender equality problematic  Analysis of economic inequalities in partnership, particularly marriage  Analysis of economic impacts of domestic violence › To publish annual statistical handbook focused on gender equality data › Provide traineeships to students and young researchers in the GEU ›...

10 Focus area III  campaign to promote principles and benefits of gender equality in the society  TV campaign (TV spots)  Billboard campaign  Website information  Posters, postcards, stickers, badges and other promotional materials  Publication and presentation of final recommendations of CEDAW and other international instruments to promote gender equality  Information leaflets for the public about domestic violence  Conference on gender and media  Conference on stalking  Conference on protection of children against domestic violence  Conference on education for children endangered by domestic violence  Conference to evaluate the National Action Plan for prevention of domestic violence

11 Pavla Špondrová Gender Equality Unit Office of the Government of the Czech Republic tel.: +420 224 002 140 mobil: +420 602 487 525 email:

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