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Demystifying Spinal Cord Injury Suzanne L. Groah, MD, MSPH Director of Spinal Cord Injury Research Director of the National Capital Spinal Cord Injury.

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Presentation on theme: "Demystifying Spinal Cord Injury Suzanne L. Groah, MD, MSPH Director of Spinal Cord Injury Research Director of the National Capital Spinal Cord Injury."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demystifying Spinal Cord Injury Suzanne L. Groah, MD, MSPH Director of Spinal Cord Injury Research Director of the National Capital Spinal Cord Injury Model System National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, DC

2 NEW LOGO Funded by: the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), Office of Special Education Services, U.S. Department of Education Washington, D.C. Grant # H133N060028

3 NEW LOGO Definition of Spinal Cord Injury  Any injury to the spinal cord via blunt or penetrating trauma  Contrast with spinal cord disease  Manifests as variable loss of neurological function below the injury site: Motor and sensory impairment Autonomic, bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction  Catastrophic injury with long-term medical and psychosocial consequences

4 NEW LOGO Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems  The Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems (SCIMS) program was established by the Rehabilitation Services Administration in the early 1970s  The SCIMS are specialized programs of care in SCI which gather information and conduct research with the goal of improving long-term functional, vocational, cognitive, and quality-of-life outcomes for individuals with SCI Lammertse, Jackson and Sipski, 2004; NIDRR

5 NEW LOGO Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems  Model System grantees contribute data to a national statistical center that tracks the long-term consequences of SCI and conduct research in the areas of medical rehabilitation, health and wellness, service delivery, short- and long-term interventions, and systems research.  Each Model System also is charged with disseminating information and research findings to patients, family members, health-care providers, educators, policymakers and the general public.

6 NEW LOGO Current SCI Model Systems

7 NEW LOGO National SCIMS Database  Captures approximately 13% of all new SCI occurring in the U.S.  Established at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1983  Coordinates data collected by all SCI Model Systems Centers Registry – 10,357 participants Form I – 25,415 participants Form II – 115,448 participants, up to 30 years post injury

8 NEW LOGO SCI DESCRIPTIVE DATA SUMMARY, 1973 - 2007 Source: Annual Report (2007) for the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center Birmingham, AL

9 NEW LOGO SCI Epidemiology  Incidence* 40/million 12,000 new cases per year Does not include those who die at scene  4/million or 1,000 per year  Prevalence* 255,702 (range 227,080 – 300,938) *Data estimated from several studies

10 NEW LOGO SCI Epidemiology  Age at injury Mean 39.5 years (since 2005) More people 60 years+ at time of injury  77% male  Etiology 42% MVC, 27% falls, 15% violence, 7% sports MVC #1 cause if <45 years Falls #1 cause if >45 years

11 NEW LOGO Age at Injury

12 NEW LOGO Education

13 NEW LOGO Marital Status

14 NEW LOGO Occupational Status

15 NEW LOGO Race

16 NEW LOGO SCI Epidemiology  Severity of injury Complete49% Sensory incomplete10.3% Motor incomplete (weak)11.2% Motor incomplete29.1% “Normal” function0.8%

17 NEW LOGO SCI Epidemiology  Neurologic level of injury (LOI) Incomplete tetraplegia34.1% Complete paraplegia23.0% Complete tetraplegia18.3% Incomplete paraplegia18.5% Full neurologic recovery<1%

18 NEW LOGO Spinal Cord Injury Mortality  6.3% die in first year  Mortality associated with Older age Male Violence C4 or higher injury level Vent dependent status Neurologically complete injury Medicare/Medicaid

19 NEW LOGO Life Expectancy Individuals Surviving 1 Year Post-SCI Age at SCI No SCIMotor Fxl Any Level ParaLow TetraHigh Tetra Vent 2058.453.045.841.037.423.8 4039.534.528. 6022.


21 NEW LOGO Classification of Spinal Cord Injury  Level of injury (LOI) Motor, sensory, and sacral examinations  Severity of injury Complete (ASIA A) Incomplete (ASIA B, C, D, E)  Incomplete syndromes Anterior Cord Syndrome Central Cord Syndrome Brown-Sequard Syndrome Cauda Equina Syndrome

22 NEW LOGO ASIA Impairment Scale

23 NEW LOGO Prognosis for Recovery  Neurologic assessment at 72h – 1 week superior to earlier testing  Repeat testing within 72 h – 1 week window  Sensory exam better for predicting motor recovery in LE than UE

24 NEW LOGO Prognosis for Recovery  50-67% of total 1-year recovery occurs in first 2 months  Slower recovery during 3-6 mos  Motor recovery documented up to 2 yrs

25 NEW LOGO Recovery by ASIA Impairment Grade  Proportion of subjects exhibiting spontaneous AIS grade conversion 75-80% AIS A remain A 35-40% AIS B convert to C or D 60-80% AIS C convert to D Nearly all AIS D remain D

26 NEW LOGO Anterior Cord Syndrome  Compression of the anterior spinal artery, bony fragments or herniated disc  Loss/decreased strength bilaterally  Incomplete sensory loss  Loss/decreased pain and temperature  Preserved vibration sense

27 NEW LOGO Central Cord Syndrome  Seen in older persons, hyperextension injury secondary to a fall  Greater motor and sensory impairment of the hands and arms than the legs  Variable bowel and bladder impairment

28 NEW LOGO Brown-Sequard Syndrome  Hemisection of cord  Usually due to penetrating injury  Ipsilateral loss of motor function, proprioception, and vibration  Contralateral loss pain and temperature

29 NEW LOGO Cauda Equina Syndrome  Peripheral nerve injury  Variable loss in motor and sensory function of lower extremities


31 NEW LOGO Changes to the System of Care  Financial resources declining for trauma and emergency care  More patients are arriving at acute rehabilitation with significant secondary conditions  Fewer ventilator-capable rehabilitation centers  Acute rehabilitation length of stay declining Rehospitalizations increasing People leaving rehabilitation less prepared to care for themselves and often without proper equipment

32 NEW LOGO Secondary Conditions  Neurologic system Late neurologic deterioration  Musculoskeletal system Overuse syndromes  Genitourinary system Bladder – infections, stones, cancer Kidney – infections, stones, other  Gastrointestinal system

33 NEW LOGO Secondary Conditions  Integument Skin breakdown  Pulmonary system Pneumonia, impaired cough, other  Cardiovascular system Autonomic imbalance, low/high blood pressure Risk for early cardiovascular disease  Sexuality/Fertility

34 NEW LOGO Secondary Conditions  Metabolic Altered body composition Carbohydrate and lipid disorders  Bone Universal osteoporosis  Psychosocial Adjustment to disability, depression, fatigue Participation Substance abuse


36 NEW LOGO Emerging Rehabilitative Research  Once solely focused on prevention of secondary conditions  Now, with increasing numbers of clinical trials Body-weight supported ambulation Neuromuscular electrical stimulation Functional electrical stimulation Activity-based rehabilitation Therapies for neurorecovery and restoration

37 NEW LOGO Challenges of Translational Research  Lack of refined outcome measures ASIA motor and sensory exam Ashworth Functional Independence Measure (FIM)

38 NEW LOGO Problems With Outcome Measures  Using AIS  Ex: 2 grade changes in AIS (A to C) as in Sygen trial  Baseline: C5 AIS A with UEMS=15  Recovery: After treatment UEMS=42 Functional paraplegic  Outcome: Subject still AIS A and according to trial did not respond to treatment

39 NEW LOGO Problems With Outcome Measures  Using AIS  Ex: Using 10 point improvement of motor  Baseline: C4 AIS A  Recovery: After treatment subject acquires sensation/motor at S4-S5 and some muscles have non-functional improvement (UEMS=14, LEMS=10); No functional change  Outcome: Subject had 20 point motor improvement and is considered a success but little functional change

40 NEW LOGO Functional Independence Measure  A measure of disability (functional limitation), burden of care, performance  18 items in 6 categories (self care, sphincter control, mobility, locomotion, communication, social cognition)  SCI – inter-rater.83 for total score, individual items.42  Recommended by ASIA in 1992, dropped in 2000  Significant floor and ceiling effects for patients with SCI This is our second most common tool, Not all aspects relevant to SCI

41 NEW LOGO FIM by ASIA Change – A to C

42 NEW LOGO Emerging Outcome Measures  ASIA sub-scores  Electrophysiologic testing  QST  SCIM III

43 NEW LOGO Power Issues  Number of enrolled subjects necessary to show a statistical difference between experimental and control groups using modest change in AIS motor score Approx 60 AIS A tetra subjects to show 10 point difference Approx 200 AIS A tetra subjects to show 5 point difference Number of participants may increase 4X when incomplete subjects enrolled

44 NEW LOGO Timing of Intervention  Most functional change occurs within 3 months of injury and plateaus after 1 year  Thus, number of subjects needed decreases with delayed treatment  Highest probability for detecting clinical benefit is during chronic SCI  However, this is potentially most difficult time biologically to influence the cord

45 NEW LOGO Clinical Targets  Many pharmacologic and cell-based therapeutics are applied near the site of injury Consider how to track segmental improvement  Spontaneous functional improvement of one spinal level is common  Spontaneous improvement of 2 spinal levels less common (5-20%) in AIS A tetraplegics

46 NEW LOGO Translational Research  Public pressure Lack of knowledge about scientific evidence development Impatience with slow methodical pace of science  Impact of quasi-scientific case series masquerading as research

47 NEW LOGO Anderson, 2004 Consumers Preferences Tetraplegia:  Arm/hand 48.7%  Sexual 13%  Trunk stability 11.5%  B&B 8.9%  Walking 7.8%  Sensation 6.1%  Chronic pain 4% Paraplegia:  Sexual 26.7%  B&B18%  Trunk stability16.5%  Walking 15.9%  Chronic pain12%  Sensation7.5%  Arm/hand 3.3%

48 NEW LOGO References  Lammertse DP, Jackson AB, Sipski ML. Research from the model spinal cord injury systems: Findings from the current 5-year grant cycle. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2004;85(11):1737-1739.  National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research - Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program - Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers and Disability Rehabilitation Projects. Federal Register. Vol 70.238; December 13, 2005:73738-73741.  Compilation of database research contributed by SCIMS investigators Books (1986, 1990, 1995) and special issues of Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (1999, 2004)

49 NEW LOGO References  Online Syllabus and Data Collection Forms (  Facts & Figures at a Glance   Mid-year and Annual Statistical Reports 


51 NEW LOGO Paralyzed Veterans of America

52 NEW LOGO Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence

53 NEW LOGO THANK YOU For more information, email Suzanne.L.Groah@Medstar.Net

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