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Results from development of Glass RPCs for INO detector

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1 Results from development of Glass RPCs for INO detector
B.Satyanarayana (For INO Collaboration) TIFR, Mumbai XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

2 Plan of the presentation
Introduction Principle of operation of a glass RPC Overview of the field Our prototype designs and fabrication RPC gas mixtures and gas system Cosmic ray muon telescope Data acquisition system Preliminary results RPC aging problem Future work plan XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

3 Introduction Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles of matter.
Electrically neutral and were initially thought to be mass less. Three types or flavors (ne,nm,nt) of neutrinos known. Recent evidence indicates that neutrinos have mass and also experience mixing among these flavors. Neutrino oscillations can explain the discrepancy between theory and observations about its flux; can be used to estimate its mass. Pioneering experiments at the KGF underground laboratories. Formation of Indian Neutrino Observatory (INO) collaboration. Feasibility studies for setting up of a neutrino experiment in India is in progress. XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

4 Magnetised iron calorimeter
Proposed INO detector RPC dimension: 3m X 2m No of chambers: 11K No of channels: 220K No of TDC channels: 3K Magnetised iron calorimeter 140 layers Iron RPC 35KTons XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

5 Principle of operation of a RPC
V-I model Each discharge locally deadens the RPC. The recovery time is approximately XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

6 Our prototype designs: Single gap
Gas inlet Two versions Graphite coat Spacer Gas outlet HV terminals XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

7 Our prototype designs: Double gap
Double gap RPC for better detection efficiencies XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

8 Jigs for RPC fabrication
Glass handlers Resistivity measurement jig Glue and dispensers RPC fabrication jig A finished small area RPC A glued RPC XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

9 Gas mixing and flow control unit
Flow monitor Gas mixing unit XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

10 Schematic of Cosmic ray muon trigger
XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

11 Cosmic ray muon telescope setup
Mounting structure for flexible and precise telescope alignment Paddle alignment detail XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

12 Schematic of data acquisition system
XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

13 Data acquisition system electronics
NIM CAMAC XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

14 V-I characteristics Small RPC Large RPC
XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

15 Typical RPC pulse profile
Muon trigger XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

16 Noise rate and efficiencies
XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

17 Charge performance XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

18 Timing performance XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

19 Charge-time linearity
XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

20 RPC aging problem Drop in efficiency, increase in noise rate and chamber current seen after a few weeks of continuous operation Reports in the literature (Monolith, Belle etc) Moister contamination in Freon gas, the culprit? Use of SF6 instead of Freon preferred XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

21 Controlled humidity test
Carlo Gustavino et al, LNGS XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

22 AFM images of damaged electrodes
2 scans 10 scans Damaged electrodes Raw glass Damaged electrodes Raw glass 500nm structures of 100nm thick seen in the images XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

23 SEM image of damaged electrode
6 scan 2 scan Raw glass Fluorine: 4% Damaged electrode Fluorine: 38% XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

24 Future work plan Systematic study of RPC stability problem
Fabrication of more large area RPCs and studies Detailed studies on timing, spatial resolution, cross-talk Optimization of detector gas composition INO prototype detector; needs about 16 large area RPCs Performance studies of prototype detector; comparison of results with those from simulation studies RPC Parameter inputs for electronics and data acquisition system design Full pledged RPC device simulations XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

25 Backup slides XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

26 Applications in HEP research
RPCs of modern designs Hybrid RPC Micro RPC Multi gap Applications in HEP research Cosmic ray experiments: EAS-Top, Cover-Plastex, Argo, Auger Accelerator based experiments: Belle, Babar, Star, Harp Future experiments: Alice, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb Medical applications etc XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

27 Telescope stability monitoring
XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

28 Preliminary cross-talk measurements
Gas Mixture Tele window (mm) Cross talk (%) 62:8:30 10 6.8 15 6.7 20 6.2 57:8:35 6.5 52:8:40 5.9 46:8:46 6.3 XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

29 Recovery of a damaged RPC
Purging with pure Argon at high flow rate. Bubbling pure Argon through pure ethyl alcohol. Bubbling pure Argon through 3% Ammonia solution for 24 hours with high voltage off. Recovers efficiency and brings down noise rate. XVI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

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