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Natural Disaters Chelsea Basson. Types of Natural Disasters Earthquake Tornadoes Hurricanes Floods.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Disaters Chelsea Basson. Types of Natural Disasters Earthquake Tornadoes Hurricanes Floods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Disaters Chelsea Basson

2 Types of Natural Disasters Earthquake Tornadoes Hurricanes Floods

3 Imagine if you were a natural disaster What would make you upset? Where would you like to make the most mess at? What disaster could be the worst? Do you think people would be afraid of you, and the mess you could make?

4 Picking your natural disaster!! ●Students will be in groups of four. ●One student from each group will pick a natural disaster and answer the questions pertaining to that disaster. ●At the end you will come together as a group and put all your information in a powerpoint with each natural disaster.

5 Lets find out about our disasters! ●What causes your natural disaster? ●Where is your natural disaster more prominent to occur? ●What could your natural disaster look like? ●Have you ever experienced your natural disaster? How did you feel? ●Which of the four natural disasters do you think is the worst? ●Do you know what precautions you need to take during your natural disaster? ●How many people does your natural disaster affect each year?

6 Hurricanes this is for you Need help finding out about yourself? Well don’t worry the weather man is here to help!! *Weatherwizkids for hurricanesWeatherwizkids for hurricanes * Hurricanes * hurricanes * Hurricanes

7 More for the Hurricanes Need extra help?... Pick up a book

8 Floods Floods Floods Take a boat on a journey to discover your disaster! * Floods * Floods * Flooding

9 If you aren’t Flooded with info Here’s some books for additional help

10 Tornadoes you’re up! You keep spinning around you won’t be able to stop… Alright now STOP and tell me about yourself. * Tornadoes * Tornadoes * tornadoes * tornadoes

11 If you’re still spinning If you can’t stop spinning from all the information you didn’t find, use these!!

12 Earthquakes Try not to break anything or split the computer in half in frustration * earthquakes * Earthquakes * Earthquakes * Earthquakes

13 Stop shaking and grab a book Take it literal when the book hits you on the head… read it

14 Lets see the mess when we get back together *Get back with your groups, share the information you found. *As a group you will create a powerpoint combing all of your information. *You will then present this to the class. Good Luck!!!

15 Hows the mess look?! Congrats disasters.. I sure am glad you didn’t make as big of a mess as you could have. THANKS!!!

16 Extensions *Students can create a tornado with a soda liter bottle. *Students use the knowledge about where a disaster occurs and look into that areas geographical location. *Students can represent a disaster in the classroom. *Students can look up other natural disasters and research them. *Students can graph what the difference between how many people each disaster affects every year.

17 Evaluations Students will be graded as a group for their collaborative work on the powerpoint. Each member will have an individual participation grade in addition to the group grade.

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