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Published byBuddy Joseph Modified over 9 years ago
WHAP Assignments Calendar August 2011 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8.9. Turn in summer assignment (maps and questions); Introduction to Advanced Placement Classes HW: “The Big Picture” reading packet & questions due 8/10 10. Class procedures; Summer reading discussion; “I Can” statements 1.1 I A-B notes HW: “Human Web” p.17-20 and questions due 8/11 11. “I Can” 1.1 I C & 1.2 E writing and discussion; Begin Neolithic Revolution lecture 12. Maps Quiz!! ; Neolithic Revolution, continued HW: “Human Web” 41-51 & questions due 8/15 15. Neolithic Revolution, cont. HW: Strayer textbook p.61-69 DOWNLOAD FROM ONLINE CLASSROOM & questions 16. Early Civs map; “What is a Civilization?” notes; Mesopotamia & Egypt examples HW: Strayer textbook p. 69-73 DOWNLOAD FROM ONLINE CLASSROOM & questions 17. Egypt/ Mesopotamia JIGSAW group work chart 18. Student graffiti: What is the difference between a state and an empire?; Early civilization primary sources work HW: Strayer p. 128- 133 & questions 19. Chinese Civilization & Philosophies Day HW: Strayer 133-141 & questions 22. Early Interactions: Religion and Trade primary source pair work, Early religious beliefs power point & Rig Veda reading 23. Learning Target Period I breakdown pair work and whole- class presentation 24. Early Civilizations whole- class essay prompt HW: Strayer textbook p. 97-108 25. Empires Unit Intro & Craine Brinton’s paradigm for Empires; Classical Empires map HW: Strayer 142-144 26. Whole-class timeline; Greece/ Persia SPRITE chart in small groups HW: Strayer textbook p. 108-119 29. Greece/Persia primary resources discussion circles HW: Strayer 155- 160 & 165-170 30. Whole-class timeline; Rome/China SPRITE chart in small groups 31. Han China and Rome primary resources discussion circles 1. China and Rome applying the Brinton paradigm of Empire HW: India reading by 9/6 2. Empires: Rome and China Venn Diagram to Thesis statement (methods of political control prompt from 2010)
WHAP Assignments Calendar September 2011 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 5. Labor Day – No School 6. Maurya & Gupta India power point HW: Strayer p. 156- 170 & questions 7. Social Hierarchy in the Age of Empires T-chart, Venn & Discussion 8. Empires QUIZ (Greece, Persia, Rome, Han China, Maurya/Gupta India) HW: Religions readings 9. Definition: The Axial Age; Religions presentation group work HW: be ready to present with your group on Monday! 12. Religions Presentations! HW: trade routes readings 13. Plan testing 14. Early Release Trade Routes Maps HW: Religions Readings by 9/20 15. Plan testing 16. Bridging World History Spread of Religion & Trade Networks videos 19. Zones of Interaction: the development of long distance trade & associated technologies & crops HW: “Southernization” & mindmap by 9/21 20. The Arts in Classical Civilizations: Hellenism and Indian culture 21. Southernization fishbowl After School Review from 4:00-5:00pm 22. Period II Target breakdown and class presentations After School Review from 4:00-5:00pm 23. Unit I & II Test (early river valley civs, early Empires, large empires; trade routes, religions) HW: Bulliet textbook p. 193-202 26. Islam Power point HW: Bulliet p. 202- 208 27. vocabulary sheet; Caliphates chart 28. The Messenger DVD HW: Bulliet p. 208- 216 29. Caliphates power point HW: When Asia Was the World Ibn Battuta Chapter p. 97-115 by 10/3 30. The Awakening DVD
WHAP Assignments Calendar October 2011 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 3. Dar al-Islam: Ibn Battuta’s travel postcards & essay prompt HW: Bulliet p. 219- 223 4. Byzantine Empire Overview; Constantinople googlemaps tour HW: Bulliet p. 223- 231 5. Byzantine Art & Western European Art animated Bayeux Tapestry HW: Bulliet p. 231- 234 6. Viking Migrations: Video Game & quick notes; Kievan Rus & the trading city of Novgorod HW: Bulliet p.234- 241 7. Medieval Europe Overview power point 10. Dar al- Islam/Medieval Europe Compare and Contrast in-class essay prep work 11. Dar al-Islam/ Medieval Europe Compare & Contrast in class essay HW: Strayer textbook (online classroom) p.241-247 12. Crusades & the revival of European trade contacts in trading city-states ; primary sources and video clip ( Islam: Empire of Faith) 13. FALL BREAK! 14. FALL BREAK! 17. Sui, Tang, Song China timeline HW: Strayer p. 247- 252 & 259-265 18. Pastoral contacts with China & the Asian commercial revolution; Video - Bridging World History unit 8 early economies 19. Solidifying Confucianism in China: Crack down on Buddhism primary sources and foot binding ppt HW: Strayer p. 252- 259 & Japanese feudal system wksheets 20. The influence of China & Eurasian trade networks on Japan HW: 21. “Fire is Born” National Geographic article and questions on Maya city-states HW: Inca Empire Nat Geo article and questions 24. Maya, Aztec, Inca ppt; Pre-Columbian primary resources whole class discussion 25. Maya, Aztec, Inca SPRITE Chart; thesis practice HW: Day of Empire online reading & questions (p.88-125 by 10/28 26. Interactions within the Americas: Bridging World History turquoise roads video; 2011 Compare and Contrast prompt individual work 27. Mongols DBQ documents Act-It- Outs 28. Mongols Fishbowl
WHAP Calendar November 2010 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1. Comparing Mongol Empires: Persia, Russia, China 2. HW: Day of Empire online reading p.178- 182 & textbook p.316 on gunpowder by Wednesday 3. Ming Dynasty HW: Ch. 14 & online homework by 11/8 4. African Islamic Trading Empires: Ghana, Mali, Songhay, Great Zimbabwe group notes 5. Finish group notes; Millennium video – Black Death and Malian Empire 8. Swahili Coast trade; Black Death group work HW: Ch.15 & online homework by 11/12 9. European Renaissance ppt; funny Gutenberg video 10. Medieval vs. Renaissance Art Analysis 11. Early Modern European Politics HW: Cortez & Aztecs primary sources 12. Early Explorations ppt; begin Guns, Germs, and Steel DVD HW: Spice excerpt & written questions (all on online classroom) by 11/16 15. Guns, Germs, and Steel Episode II DVD 16. turn in written questions from article; Spice fishbowl 17. Club Day Encounters between Europe and Africa primary sources After School Review from 4:00- 5:00pm 18. Unit II Review After School Review from 4:00- 5:00pm 19. Unit II Multiple Choice Test (Ch. 8-15) HW: Ch. 16 & online homework by 11/29 22. DBQ in-class work 23. In-class DBQ 25. Thanksgiving Break! 26.27. Zheng He’s Ship Columbus’s Ship Beef is good for you!
WHAP Calendar December 2010 SNOW DAYS ARE NOT EXCUSES! KEEP UP WITH READING! MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 29. Protestant Reformation ppt; Martin Luther Primary Sources HW: Ch. 17 & online homework by 12/6 30. Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment 1. Catholic Reformation & witch hunts discussion, Monty Python clip! 2. Political and Economic Changes in Europe ppt; Review vocab dice 3. Ch. 16 Quiz 6. Columbian Exchange Learning Stations HW: Ch. 18 & online homework by 12/13 7. Millennium Video & questions 8. Spanish Colonies Ppt 9. British & French Colonies – comparison pictures with Spanish; thesis creation 10. General Review Day; Bring your PRINCETON REVIEW! 13. The Atlantic System overview Ppt; Group questions 14. Sugar and Slavery; The Middle Passage HW: Indentured Servitude Docs 15. Point-of-View Practice: group work for Indentured servitude DBQ 16. Indentured Servitude: In-class DBQ HW: Ch. 19 & online homework by 1/3 17. Small Group DBQ Grading 20. Ch. 17-18 Quiz; The World That Trade Created excerpts & questions HW: bring your textbook to class tomorrow! 21. Textbook silent reading day – BRING YOUR TEXT TO CLASS! 22. No School 23.24.
WHAP Calendar January 2011 Remember to keep up with your reading and whapapp, even on snow days! MondayTuesdayWednesda y ThursdayFriday 3. 1450-1750 Mind Map HW: Middle East Resources Article & Day of Empire 182-191 – online classroom 4. Gun-Powder Empires Intro; Group Discussion – land or sea power superiority HW: Ch. 20 and whapapp by 1/11 5. Islamic Empires Chart; Empires Advertisement project intro 6. Advertisement Group Work 7. Advertisement Group Work HW: BE READY TO PRESENT ON MONDAY! 10. Advertisement Presentation Day 11. Gunpowder Empires vs. Trading Sea Empires: Compare and Contrast in-class essay 12. Club Day China in the late Ming and early Qing HW: Ch. 21 and whapapp by 1/25 13. China in the Late Ming and Early Qing 14. MacCartney Mission to Qing China – play and discussion HW: East Asia p. 331-338 with questions – online classroom 17. NO SCHOOL – MLK Jr. Day 18. Tokugawa Japan 19. Tokugawa Shogunate - DVD 20. Russian Westernization under Peter the Great; Thesis pairwork Comp/Contrast 2007 AP Exam question After School Review Session 4-5 21. Unit III Review 24. Unit III Multiple Choice Test (Ch. 16- 20) & Notebooks Due! 25. Age of Revolutions Intro; American Revolution 26. French Revolution 27. French Revolution 28. Haitian Revolution
WHAP Calendar February MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1. Revolutions Comparison work & Ch. 21 short quiz HW: 569-578 2. HW: 578-588 3. Industrial Revolution Ppt; Population Explosion demonstration Urban planning game HW: 589-590 4. Industrial Revolution Social Consequences: Child Labor & Disease; Train travel Primary Sources 5. Charlie Chaplain Modern Times clip; “Isms” notes & discussion HW: 593-598 8. Ch. 22 Quiz; Industrialization Goes Global wksheet; Industrialization and Social Change Discussion HW: 599-606 9. snow In-class DBQ: Industrialization and Laborers HW: 606-615 10. snow Latin American Revolutions characteristics ppt Early Release HW: 615-621 11. snow Latin American Revolutions group notes After school study session 12. Ch. 23 Reading Quiz; Finish group notes HW: 624-633 15. snow Millennium Video: 19 th Century & questions HW: 633-640 16. snow Guns, Germs, and Steel Episode III & questions HW: 646-648 & History of the World in 6 Glasses 17. snow Early Empire Building HW: Finish 6 Glasses 18. snow British Empire After school study session 19. Chapter 24 Reading Quiz; Tea & Empire Fishbowl HW: 651-653 ; 663- 667 22. Mohammad Ali – Late Ottoman and Egypt Ppt; Russia’s Expansion HW: 667-675 23. Chinese responses to the West: Isolation HW: 700-705 Africa Map Quiz NEXT Tuesday! 24. Japanese responses to the West: Meiji Restoration & Engagement After school study session 25. Chapter 25 Reading Quiz; Chinese and Japanese Responses: Writing Point of View statements for DBQs HW: 2002 AP Exam C&C Thesis & Outline 26. Lag Day
WHAP Calendar March MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1. Meiji to Modern: Discussion HW: 681-691 2. Chapter 26 Notes & Art Activity HW: 691-700; conclusion 3. Changes in Europe: Nationalism HW: 708-713 4. Imperialism Overview Ppt & Motives pairwork HW: 722-727 After School Review 5. Imperialism Learning Centers HW: 713-722 8. Berlin Conference: Notes & Discussion of bias – African v. British primary sources HW: 727-732 9. Complete Africa Map Quiz; Wanting to be Top Dog: Imperialism primary source discussions HW: study CCOT Essay rubric 10. Change and Continuity Over Time: The Final Essay Frontier 11. Unit IV Review After School Review 12. Unit IV Exam (Ch. 21-27) (Unit V in your Barron’s review on p. 259) HW: 736-745 15. WWI HW: 745-752 16. Russian Revolution & WWI Aftermath 17. WWI & Aftermath, cont. Early Release HW: 766-769 18. Stalin’s Russia Mr. Faust teaches! After School Review HW: 769-776 19. No School! 22. World Economic Depression & Fascism HW: 779-784 23. WWII in Europe HW: 786-790 24. The Homefront & Propaganda: What is Total War?; Sniper Grannies video HW: CCOT Thesis/Topic Sentences & Evidence in bullet points! 25. WWII in the Pacific – video After School Review 26. WWII Events History Alive Activity; Atomic Bomb discussion HW: p.776-779; 784- 786; 840-842 29. Modern Chinese History: Communism in China HW: worksheet 30. Modern China HW: 821-830 31. Cold War ideologies; iron curtain wksheet HW: 830-832; 839- 840; 845; 858-862 1. Cold War HW: 807-815 2. Cold War Ppt HW: 807-815; 835- 839; 848-852
WHAP Calendar April MondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday 5. Spring Break! Do your homework! 6.7.8. Be sure to complete readings on Latin Am! 9. ARE YOU DONE YET?? 12. Decolonization: Latin American Compare & Contrast: Mexican revolutions HW: 794-800; 832-834; 836-837 13. Decolonization: Africa HW: 856-858 & handout 14. Decolonization: Asia; Millennium Video “Asian Tigers” HW: 858-861 15. CCOT Practice: 2007 Exam, National Identities; Russian government and economics HW: 800-806; 894- 897 16. Indian Independence; Alphabet Soup: Modern Organizations & NGOs HW: India Aftermath: Choices reading & questions 19. Indian Independence 20. CATS21. CATS CHOICES HW: 842-844; 861- 862 22. Modern Problems: Israel-Palestine ppt & vocab HW: handout 23. Decolonization Quiz; Israel-Palestine maps and primary sources 26. CATS – Go to the auditorium if you are taking the WHAP test to fill in millions of bubbles ! Weee! 27. Modern Problems: Social Stuff HW: 852-853; 862- 870; 883-885; 892-893 28. Modern Problems: Fundamentalist Islam; Totalitarian Dictatorships (North Korean propaganda videos of hilariousness) 29. Review Unit I: 8000BCE- 600CE 30. Review Unit II: 600CE-1450 MAY! 3. Review Unit III: 1450-1750 4. Review Unit IV:1750-1914 5. Review Unit V: 1914- Present 6. Review: Weak Points! 7. Final Exam/Mock MC Exam SATURDAY MOCK MC EXAM: 9:00- 1:00 @ SCHOOL 10. Analysis of commonly missed questions HW: C&C Thesis; CCOT Thesis After School Review! 4-5 11. Essay Practice After School Review! 4-5 HW: DBQ Thesis 12. Essay Practice After School Review! 4-6 Eat Well! Sleep LOTS! 13. AP Testing Day! Arrive Early for Breakfast! Test is at 8:00 am!!! Breakfast at 7:45 14. Gossip Day – how’d the test go?
Early release dates: November 5 December 10 January 21 February 11 March 11 April 22 Breaks: Sept.1 Oct.6-10 Fall Break Nov. 4 – Election Day November 26-28 Thanksgiving December 22-Jan.2 – Christmas Jan. 19 – MLK Day March 20 – Flex Professional Day March 30-April 3 – Spring Break May 25 – Memorial Day June 1 – Last Day for Students
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