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Comics as a Mass Medium. What are comics? A comic is a series of words and pictures that is presented in a sequential manner to form a narrative. Comic.

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Presentation on theme: "Comics as a Mass Medium. What are comics? A comic is a series of words and pictures that is presented in a sequential manner to form a narrative. Comic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comics as a Mass Medium

2 What are comics? A comic is a series of words and pictures that is presented in a sequential manner to form a narrative. Comic books use everyday language in dialogue balloons to communicate a point quickly and directly by using a series or sequence of pictures, a cast of characters that the audience can relate to, and lots of dialogue and text within the picture.

3 Comic Books To most people the word “Comic” means reading material, a simple medium not meant to be taken seriously; but in addition to superheroes whooshing around fighting evil villains bent on world destruction, it also includes a wide range of categories, genres and artistic styles. Although white males aged 10 – 17 make up a majority of the readers, there are a growing number of females as well.

4 Comics Uniqueness Comics are unique in two primary ways: 1 – Text/Illustrations. They combine text and illustration in a single integrated system (books rely more on text). The text gives meaning to the illustration and the illustrations give meaning to the text. 2- Format Presented. Comics communicate by presenting a sequence of snapshot moments – a series of freeze frames laid out in a logical order. These “snapshots” are usually contained in boxes called panels.

5 Panels = Boxes that contain the illustration and text. This is a six panel comic

6 Comic Categories Comic Strips Graphic Novels Comic Books

7 Comic Strips This is the first of the three major categories of comics. Comic strips first appeared in newspapers in the early 1900’s. Due to newspapers vast audiences, strips have always been the most widely read category of comics. Monday – Saturday (Usually two to four panels) Sundays (Usually six to ten panels)

8 Peanuts Charles Schulz is the creator of Peanuts. Over the years "PEANUTS" has expanded beyond the realm of daily comics, growing beyond Charles Schulz's wildest dreams.

9 Graphic Novels Graphic novels are the second category of comics. A graphic novel is a full length story illustrated in traditional comic book style. It is bound like a paperback and usually printed on higher quality paper than standard comics. Although it is growing in popularity, it accounts for only a small percentage of the comic industry

10 Comic Books The third and best known category of comics is the traditional comic book, which in its current familiar form dates to 1930. The first comic books were simply bound collections of strips which had previously run in newspapers In 1938 the modern comic book was born with the publication of the first issue of “Superman” the father of the superhero genre

11 Comics Genre Superheroes take up most shelf space in the comic book stores. After superheroes the most popular genre is fantasy/horror (such as tales of the Crypt or Star Trek) The next popular genre would be general humor.

12 History of Comics 1930’s. Newspapers comic strips grew in popularity while comic books struggled to find a unique identity. Two events sparked the popularity of “Action Comics” in 1938. 1) The creation of Superman #1 and 2) America’s entrance into WWII. Having lived through the great depression, Americans were finally feeling optimistic about America’s strength as a nation During the war, American comics reflected and reinforced themes of patriotism and industriousness.


14 After WWII and through the 1950’s comic books suffered an identity crisis. Without the war as a motivating theme, superhero and adventure comics seemed to lose their appeal. Comic book writers turned to crime and horror themes to interest young readers, but were criticized for it. 1954 the Comic Code Authority was formed. They established guidelines for acceptable content.

15 The Comeback of Comics A rebirth of comics occurred in the 1960’s with “Spider Man” and the “Fantastic Four. Readership in the 1970’s and 1980’s remained stable The Market is dominated by DC and Marvel. They account for 57% of comics sold.


17 Create your own Comic Pick a partner and storyline for your comic Create a storyboard for an 8 panel Comic At least 6 of the 8 panels should have text Your comic will eventually be presented through digital photos The comic can either be presented by powerpoint or a posterboard Next Class you will need: Your storyboard completed A camera to create your comic Any props you may need to take the photos during class

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