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IMC STRATEGIC PLAN 2008 - 2010. Contents 1. Acknowledgment 2. Why nation-branding is important 3. Achievements 2007/8 4. Priority Countries 5. Stakeholder.

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Presentation on theme: "IMC STRATEGIC PLAN 2008 - 2010. Contents 1. Acknowledgment 2. Why nation-branding is important 3. Achievements 2007/8 4. Priority Countries 5. Stakeholder."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMC STRATEGIC PLAN 2008 - 2010

2 Contents 1. Acknowledgment 2. Why nation-branding is important 3. Achievements 2007/8 4. Priority Countries 5. Stakeholder Analysis 6. Strategic Objectives 2008-2010 7. Key strategic shifts 8. Campaigns 9. Challenges 10. Spending Plan

3 Why nation-branding is important Nation-branding is an important concept in today’s world. Globalisation means that countries compete with each other for the attention, respect, and trust of investors, tourists, consumers, donors, immigrants, the media, and the government of other nations. Therefore having a brand strategy as a country means knowing exactly what we are good at, knowing how to show the world that we have those qualities, and knowing how they add up to a whole that is unique, truthful, distinctive and attractive. Simon Anholt

4 Achievements for 2007/08 [PMG note : photo’s have been moved] [PMG note : photo’s have been moved] Global Marketing Advertising 2418 TV spots on CNBC and CNN 100 Branded London taxis Online advertising on CNN, Time, The Times of India, Fortune and Economist Print advertising : Times, Fortune and Economist

5 Achievements for 2007/08 Global Marketing South Africa.Info web portal achieved 3.1 million page impressions & 300k unique users - highest level ever SA Story III translated into 7 languages 2 outbound Trade and Investment Missions to the USA and India Launched the Global South Africans project in the USA and UK Introduced

6 Achievements for 2007/08 Domestic Marketing Brand Essence alignment with SA Tourism, DTI and LOC Messaging and branding alignment with the Provinces “Moments of Pride” PR campaigns Advertising campaign “We’ve done it before” 2010 National Communications Partnership conference Participated in the 60 th World Newspaper Congress – Dep. President address International Media Forum 2007 Relaunched the Brand Champion Campaign

7 Funds Utilised 2007/8 Total allocation = R111 million Total Spend = R111 million Budget Split Global marketing = R56.3 million (50,7%) Domestic marketing = R30,7 million (27,7%) Support = R24 million (21,6%) Personnel (R 13,4 million) Admin (R3,2 million) Other expenses (R7 million) All activities contributed to building the brand presence internationally, and pride and patriotism levels domestically.

8 Stakeholder Analysis

9 Priority Countries Aligned with DTI, DFA and SA Tourism priority markets, namely: China India US UK/EU Brazil UAE Russia Africa (through an increased relationship with DFA and recognising African interest in the 2010 FIFA World Cup)

10 Strategic Objectives 2008 - 2010 International Objective Increase familiarity and knowledge of SA as a viable destination for trade and Investment SegmentActivity Investors 360 degree integrated marketing and mobilization campaign in targeted countries aligned with DTI / DFA and SA Tourism priority areas: Advertising: Flight investment themed TV commercial Electronic- continue to flight TV ad in targeted hubs On line-Extend TV campaign to on-line media to reach broader audiences Taxis-London- expand scope Print- increase number of translations for SA story to include soccer loving nations E-marketing- extend marketing of the SA Web portals Events- leverage international events – e.g. WEF in Davos 2009 and 2010 Investment missions- collaborate with TISA and DFA on key missions

11 Strategic Objectives 2008 - 2010 International Objective Global citizens Segment Activity Exports Establish a global network to profile SA’s achievements and responses to challenges Facilitate thought leader engagements Activity Development of value propositions for the sectors – e.g. export councils, pavilions Development of generic branding and promotional material for all exhibitions Publicity campaigns to support trade and investment missions Objective Integrated marketing of core clusters and industries in key markets Segment Mobilize South Africans living abroad to market SA

12 Strategic Objectives 2008 - 2010 International Objective Visitors Segment Activity Support key SA Tourism international campaigns: Collaboration on key projects Support key campaigns with promotional material Mobilize potential tourists to put South Africa in the consideration set Objective Global media Segment Activity Establish relationships at ownership level Use country offices for proactive engagements Hosting quarterly in bound media briefing tours for targeted countries Proactive engagement and partnerships with key media

13 Strategic Objectives 2008 - 2010 Domestic ObjectiveSegment Objective Civil society: Individuals Groups Segment Activity Build relationships with key media organisations Lobby media to support Brand SA campaigns Collaborate with media in facilitating thought leader programs Sustain efforts to build pride and patriotism Local media Activity The ”movement for good campaign” Mobilize for 2010 Proactive engagement and partnerships with key media

14 Strategic Objectives 2008 - 2010 Domestic Objective Government Segment Activity Facilitating alignment: Branding Media relations, messaging, crisis communication Collaboration on key projects: Domestic campaigns 2010 efforts Co ordination of Brand South Africa domestic marketing and mobilization efforts Objective Corporate SA Academia Segment Activity Develop partnerships for thought leader programs Establish a core pool for strategic use (advocacy and 3 rd party endorsements) Form strategic partnerships with thought leaders and key decision makers

15 Integration of international and domestic messaging – one “SA story” for all Increased allocation of resources to the East – China and India: research, marketing plan, joint brand manager with DFA, country manager for China In future, focus will broaden to include Africa, Russia, Brazil & Middle East Increased focus on Domestic Mobilisation, and more collaboration with partners to deliver active citizenship More targeted approach to thought leader programme – small groups Representation in thought leader bodies – account mgmt strategy Enhanced resources for domestic media management (SA country mgr) Development of a crisis management communications strategy with key stakeholders Key Strategic Shifts

16 Single Minded Message

17 Campaigns Campaigns [PMG note : photo’s have been moved] [PMG note : photo’s have been moved] International Focus is on changing mindsets Media Club Launch Invest in SA Investment Video

18 Campaigns [PMG note : photo’s have been moved] Domestic Priority is to reinforce Patriotism, Pride and Optimism Stories of ordinary South Africans doing extraordinary things We’ve done it before Movement for Good

19 We have a big mandate and a small budget – therefore need to design activities to leverage off others (ideas, time, human resources, money) Building and maintaining organisational capacity to fulfill objectives in the lead up to 2010 and beyond Ability to service varied stakeholder groups and their different demands Continued Staff development and motivation Challenges Challenges Internal

20 Challenges The IMC does not “own” the brand– relies on others to deliver the brand, over whom the IMC has little or no control IMC deals in perceptions, created by external events and media coverage e.g. SA’s competitiveness rankings, crime, electricity, perceptions of political instability, etc IMC mandate is to market the country’s assets and achievements, and to demonstrate how it is meeting challenges The key challenge is creating alignment of key stakeholders - buy-in to delivering Brand SA - sponsorship/championing of the cause - common messaging - look and feel External

21 3 Year Spending Plan PROGRAMME %2008/092009/102010/11 Global Marketing and Mobilisation48.5% 67,800,36880,221,18885,635,438 Domestic Mobilisation29.6% 41,312,30054,002,93357,773,654 Support21.9%30,609,33233,066,87935,721,909 TOTAL100% 139,722,000167,291,000179,131,000 GRAND TOTAL: SECTIONS 1+2+3100.0%R139,722,000R167,291,000R179,131,000 NET SURPLUS1,100,0001,204,0001,316,320

22 3 Year Spending Plan N o. 2010 SPECIFIC PROJECTS Percentage 2008/92009/102010/11 1Domestic Mobilisation 2,22%3,100,0003,300,000 2Global Marketing 2.43%3,400,00011,757,00012,800,000 3Media Club 2,15%3,000,0003,200,0003,400,000 42010 NCP Conference 2.15%3,000,0003,243,0003,500,0000. 5Tactical Projects 0.36%500,000 2,800,000 TOTAL 2010 PROJECTS Included in the baseline allocation 9.30%R13,000,000 R22,000,000R26,000,000 2010 Specific projects – included in baseline above

23 3 Year Spending Plan Allocation Comparison - % of Total 49% 30% 21% 52% 25% 23% 48% 27% 25% 46% 22% 34% R139m R111mR83mR69m


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