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Deliberate Practice Technical Assistance Day

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1 Deliberate Practice Technical Assistance Day
LSI Deliberate Practice Technical Assistance Day Copyright Learning Sciences International. Reproduction rights provided to Florida DOE Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International. Reproduction Rights Granted to FLDOE.

2 Goals Participants will:
Have a better understanding of Deliberate Practice Understand what the context is for DP Understand how DP fits into the framework Understand how to plan for DP Understand how to operationalize DP using the deliberate practice plan Understand how the DP score contributes to the instructional practice score

3 Teacher Evaluation Metrics
LSI Teacher Evaluation Metrics Focus: Instructional Practice Instructional Practice is where classroom observations and feedback are provided to teachers throughout the year.

4 LSI Review: Last Summer’s Scoring and Weighting Workshop - FLDOE Recommendation Year 1 Year 2 Instructional Practice 50% Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

5 Why do we need Deliberate Practice?
LSI Why do we need Deliberate Practice? Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

6 LSI What if? What if every teacher engaged in a self assessment of their classroom practice? What if the Individual Professional Development Plan was aligned to the teacher evaluation system to help teachers measurably improve the Instructional Practice score? Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

7 IPDP statute (4)(b)5 3(b) Each school district shall develop a professional development system as specified in subsection (3)…. The professional development system must: […] 5. Require each school principal to establish and maintain an individual professional development plan for each instructional employee assigned to the school as a seamless component to the school improvement plans developed pursuant to s (18). The individual professional development plan must: a. Be related to specific performance data for the students to whom the teacher is assigned. b. Define the inservice objectives and specific measurable improvements expected in student performance as a result of the inservice activity. c. Include an evaluation component that determines the effectiveness of the professional development plan.

8 Generates measurable improvements in teacher practice?
LSI Table Exercise Instead of creating a new thing, how do we take advantage of the IPDP to improve it into a high leverage process that: Empowers teachers? Generates measurable improvements in teacher practice? Helps teachers raise their Instructional Practice Score? Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

9 Districts follow the FLDOE-approved model as presented
LSI The Deliberate Practice Plan may be used as an option for districts in place of their current IPDP if: Districts follow the FLDOE-approved model as presented At least one of the Deliberate Practice growth targets is developed with consideration of appropriate student growth data Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

10 What is Deliberate Practice?
LSI What is Deliberate Practice? Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

11 LSI Deliberate Practice Deliberate practice is a way for teachers to grow their expertise through a series of planned activities, reflection, and collaboration. Involved in the series is a protocol: setting personal goals, focused practice, focused feedback, observing and discussing teaching, and monitoring your progress Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

12 Making the Connections
LSI Making the Connections Deliberate Practice Teacher Behavior Student Achievement Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

13 When these strategies are used, here is the typical effect on raising student achievement (percentile gain corrected) : Building Vocabulary 20% Effort and Recognition 14% Graphic Organizers 13% Homework 15% Identifying Similarities and Differences 20% Interactive Games 20% Nonlinguistic Representations 17% Note Taking 17% Practice 14% Setting Goals/Objectives 25% Student Discussion/Chunking 17% Summarizing 19% Tracking Student Progress and Using Scoring Scales 34%

14 Deliberate Practice Involves:
21st Century Approach to Supporting and Supervising Teaching and Learning Deliberate Practice Involves: Focused Practice Focused Feedback Copyright Learning Sciences International

15 LSI Remember the Goal An expectation that all teachers can increase their expertise from year to year which produces gains in student achievement from year to year with a powerful cumulative effect Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

16 Fundamentals of Deliberate Practice
LSI Fundamentals of Deliberate Practice Deliberate Practice begins with empowering teachers! Teachers should take the lead in identifying their personal growth goals, and collaborate with their principals on their goals. Principal must approve the IPDP Deliberate Practice should be structured, resourced and monitored by the principal. Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

17 Steps for Developing a Deliberate Practice Plan
1. Self Assessment 2. Identify Focus Strategies 3. Create Measurable Goals 4. Actions in the Classroom 5. Reflection 6. Tracking Progress and Celebrating Success Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

18 Linking Performance Scales to Teacher Reflection and Deliberate Practice
Autonomous Phase Shaping Phase Cognitive Phase Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

19 LSI Rating Scale for Domain Elements (State Model Teacher Evaluation Scale) 4 3 2 1 Formative Ratings Used for Each Domain Element Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using Autonomous Phase Shaping Phase Cognitive Phase Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

20 LSI Rating Scale for Domain Elements (Danielson Framework Teacher Evaluation Scale) Distinguished Proficient Basic Unsatisfactory Formative Ratings Used for Each Domain Component/ Element Autonomous Phase Shaping Phase Cognitive Phase Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

21 Needs Improvement/Developing
LSI Linking Performance Scales to Teacher Reflection and Deliberate Practice Highly Effective Effective Needs Improvement/Developing Unsatisfactory Formative Ratings Used for Each Domain Element Autonomous Phase Shaping Phase Cognitive Phase Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

22 LSI Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

23 Self-Assessment Example
Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

24 LSI Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

25 Identify Focus Strategies Example

26 LSI Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

27 Write Measurable Goals Example
LSI Write Measurable Goals Example Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

28 LSI Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

29 Action Steps Example LSI
Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

30 LSI Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

31 Reflection Example Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

32 LSI Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

33 Tracking Progress Example

34 Appendix Tools Recommendations for Developing Goals and Resources
LSI Appendix Tools Recommendations for Developing Goals and Resources Goal #1 – Progress Check-In and Reflection Log Goal #2 – Progress Check-In and Reflection Log Goal #3 – Progress Check-In and Reflection Log Video Self-Observation Guide (Optional) Peer Observation Guide (Optional) Instructional Rounds Guide (Optional) Glossary of Terms Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

35 Recapping the Benefits of Deliberate Practice
LSI Recapping the Benefits of Deliberate Practice Empowers teachers to take responsibility for their own professional growth and development Generates sources of evidences for other domains (planning/preparing, reflection/professionalism, etc.) As teachers increase their effectiveness with target strategies, it tends to lift their overall teaching Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

36 5 Minute Pause What makes sense to me? What questions do I have?

37 Question: How is focused practice different from the common conception of practice? Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

38 Planning Timeline 2012-13 Example
August- September September October- December January New Teachers Teachers complete the self assessment Craft and approve deliberate practice plan Implement plan, monitor, make adjustments Review growth as part of the summative evaluation conference Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

39 Planning Timeline 2012-13 August September October March/April
May-June Category I Teachers and Category II Teachers complete the self assessment as part of the summative evaluation process Craft and approve professional deliberate practice plan Implement plan, monitor, make adjustments Ensure observations to establish end growth data point for focus strategies Review growth as part of the summative evaluation conference Consider Teacher Review Teams that would work with teacher teams to review and provide feedback regarding the plan before approval by the principal Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

40 Planning Forward: Brainstorm
What needs to take place this year for this process to be put in place for the next school year? Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

41 District Table Activity
Develop a deliberate practice implementation plan: Communication and buy-in from what stakeholders? Impact on current teacher evaluation policies and procedures? What training and resource needs are there to implement? What expectations need to be set with central office, principals, and teachers? What timeline milestones need to be determined?

42 LSI Scoring and Calculation
Deliberate Practice Scoring and Calculation Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

43 LSI Review: Last Summer’s Scoring and Weighting Workshop - FLDOE Recommendation Year 1 Year 2 Instructional Practice 50% Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

44 5 Steps to Calculate the Deliberate Practice Score
LSI District or teacher identifies target strategies following district policies Step 1 Obtain at least 2 data points for each target strategy Step 2 For each element, determine the number of growth levels from the first data point to the last data point Step 3 Use the average growth level and the final data points against the scale to obtain the Deliberate Practice Score for each target element Step 4 Average the Deliberate Practice Scores for each target element for the final element score. Step 5 Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

45 Example Step 1 Teacher identifies the following targets: Domain1
LSI Example Step 1 District or teacher identifies target element(s) following district policies Teacher identifies the following targets: Domain1 #1 Providing clear learning goals and scales (rubrics) #2 Tracking student progress #3 Celebrating success Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

46 Example Step 2 Obtain at least 2 data points for each element October
LSI Example Step 2 Obtain at least 2 data points for each element October Data Point 1 March Data Point 2 Domain 1: #1 Providing clear learning goals and scales (rubrics) 3 #2 Tracking student progress 2 #3 Celebrating success 1 Note: Scores are based on the Marzano scale: Innovating (4), Applying (3), Developing (2), Beginning (1) and Not Using (0) Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

47 Example Step 3 October Data Point 1 March Data Point 2 Growth Levels
LSI Example Step 3 For each element, determine the number of growth levels from the first data point to the last data point using the Marzano Scale October Data Point 1 March Data Point 2 Growth Levels Domain 1: #1 Providing clear learning goals and scales (rubrics) 3 #2 Tracking student progress 2 1 #3 Celebrating success Note: Scores are based on the Marzano scale: Innovating (4), Applying (3), Developing (2), Beginning (1) and Not Using (0) Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

48 Needs Improvement or Developing
LSI Example Step 4 Use the scale to obtain the Deliberate Practice Score for each target element Highly Effective (4) Effective (3) Needs Improvement or Developing (2) Unsatisfactory (1) Grows 3 levels Grows 2 levels Grows 1 level Achieves no growth Or grows to Level 4 Or grows to Level 3 Or grows to Level 2 Or scores at Level 1 Note: The district may decide which rule takes precedence Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

49 Deliberate Practice Score
Example Step 5 Average the growth levels across target elements LSI Levels Grown Final Level Deliberate Practice Score Domain 1: #1 Providing clear learning goals and scales (rubrics) 3 4* #2 Tracking student progress 1 #3 Celebrating success 2 Final Deliberate Practice Score: 3.33 * This score may be vary depending on the precedence of the scoring rules. This scenario uses the highest scoring rule. Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

50 Deliberate Practice Score
LSI Highly Effective Effective Needs Improvement Or Developing Unsatisfactory Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

51 Issue: How to Handle No Growth
LSI Issue: How to Handle No Growth Two Options: Score as “Unsatisfactory” – 1 Point Score as “Unsatisfactory,” but allow for one target element with no growth to be “forgiven” if multiple elements were targeted Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

52 No Growth Sample Scenarios
LSI No Growth Sample Scenarios Deliberate Practice Score Start Finish No Growth = Unsatisfactory Forgive One Element 3, 3, 3 1 (Unsatisfactory) 3, 3, 4 2 (Needs Improvement) 2.5 (Effective) 3, 4, 4 3 (Effective) 4 (Highly Effective) 2, 2, 2 2, 2, 3 1.6 (Needs Improvement) 2, 3, 3 2.3 (Needs Improvement) 2, 3, 4 2.7 (Effective) 3.5 (Highly Effective) 3, 3 3, 4 2, 2 2, 3 2, 4 3 2 Highly Effective Effective Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

53 Final Instructional Practice Score
LSI Two Methods for Calculating Instructional Practice When Including Deliberate Practice Additive: Status Score + Addition of Deliberate Practice = Final Instructional Practice Score Inclusive: Status Score + Deliberate Practice = Final Instructional Practice Score Deliberate Practice Status Score Final Instructional Practice Score Final Instructional Practice Score Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

54 Additive Method Considerations:
LSI Additive Method Considerations: Deliberate Practice is added to the Instructional Practice Score Performance in Deliberate Practice only adds to the Instructional Practice score; it is not punitive Top scores are possible without growth in Deliberate Practice High reward for high growth More teachers will rank higher on the performance scale Deliberate Practice Status Score Final Instructional Practice Score Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

55 Inclusive Method Considerations:
LSI Inclusive Method Considerations: Deliberate Practice is a percentage of the Instructional Practice Score Performance in Deliberate Practice can be punitive if the teacher shows no growth. Top scores are not possible without growth in Deliberate Practice Reward for high growth and high status score More teachers will rank lower on the performance scale Final Instructional Practice Score Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

56 Sample Scenarios Typical Teacher
LSI Sample Scenarios Typical Teacher Deliberate Practice 2.5 Status Score 3.1 Additive Score: 3.60 (Highly Effective) Inclusive Score (40%, 60%): 2.86 (Effective) Difference: .74 points The Additive method puts the teacher in the Highly Effective range rather than the middle of the Effective range. Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

57 District Table Group Activity
LSI District Table Group Activity What are the benefits and drawbacks of the additive and inclusive model for teachers and for students? Additive Inclusive Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

58 FLDOE Recommendation 2012/13 2013/14 Additive Inclusive OR 2012/13
LSI FLDOE Recommendation 2012/13 2013/14 Additive Inclusive OR 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Pilot Additive Inclusive Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

59 Next Steps Implementing the Monitoring Plan
LSI Next Steps Implementing the Monitoring Plan Monitoring for results and making adjustments Identifying and sharing best practices Celebrating successes Copyright 2011 Learning Sciences International

60 Remember to Complete the Survey! THANK YOU!

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