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UNCLASSIFIED. Promoting the Resilience of Military Children BG Marianne Watson Director of Manpower and Personnel National Guard Bureau

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2 Promoting the Resilience of Military Children BG Marianne Watson Director of Manpower and Personnel National Guard Bureau 2

3 UNCLASSIFIED National Guard Children Data Army Guard 0-5 years: 93,044 6-12 years: 107,916 13-18 years: 76,861 Total 277,821 3 Air Guard 0-5 years: 26,552 6-12 years: 36,373 13-18 years: 28,324 Total 91,249 Military children located in every ZIP Code Individual mobilizations and cross leveling service members to prepare units for mobilization impedes any safety net for military children

4 UNCLASSIFIED Strategic Planning Child/Youth Develop key messages and implement methods (the Educator Tool Kit) to educate stakeholders on National Guard Child and Youth programs and issues Provide access to Child and Youth program information to Service Family members via the Joint Services Support and Joining Community Forces portals Compile and Evaluate States best practices for supporting Child and Youth through deployment support/resiliency training by utilizing both Service Staff and NGB Guard Teen Panel for evaluating curriculum as well as measured effectiveness 4

5 UNCLASSIFIED Yellow Ribbon Programs for Child/Youth Pre-Deployment –Stress Management & Coping Skills –United Through Reading During Deployment –Sustainment & Resilience –Project Y.E.S! –Operation: Military Kids –Operation Purple Camps Post-Deployment –Family Connection & Reintegration –Hero Award Presentation Throughout the Deployment Cycle –4-H Youth Development Programs Child and Youth Behavioral (CYB) Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) Community Resources 5

6 UNCLASSIFIED Guard Teen Panel Mission is to Connect, Support and Inspire National Guard Youth Nationwide Youth directed, adult facilitated national program 12 Youth delegates Way Ahead: Instrumental role in reviewing child & youth programming for Yellow Ribbon events; Increased ownership in identifying issues facing National Guard Youth 6

7 UNCLASSIFIED Joining Community Forces 7

8 UNCLASSIFIED What is Joining Community Forces(JCF)? A communication initiative that focuses on grassroots solutions in support of Veterans, Military members, and Families Expands on First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Biden’s national-level “Joining Forces” campaign Implemented at the Community Level Volunteers in Service to America (VISTAs) available to assist in the identification of resources or resource providers GOALS Strengthen state Inter-Service Family Assistance Committees (ISFACs) Foster a sustainable network of local support Facilitate governmental/non-governmental, non-profit, corporate partners and local citizen collaboration Fill service and information gaps 8

9 UNCLASSIFIED Community Covenant Build & Sustain Community Capacity State/Local Community Covenant signings are the launching events for a Community Forces. States can customize available Community Capacity Building templates. Joining Community Forces On-line presence nationally and in 54 states. States will promote available resources. JCF Collaborations VISTA Placement & Involvement (CNCS) Each state applies for a VISTA grant through CNCS’s State Office. 9

10 UNCLASSIFIED Phase 1 - What Optimizing the Aggregate Impact of Military/Family/Veteran Support Services at Community Level 10 Optimize Network Providers through Cross-Referrals: “ No Wrong Door” WHAT EducationEmployment HomelessnessFamily Financial/ Legal Behavioral Health Tricare Substance Abuse Treatment Community Behavioral Health NGO Provider VA Across Mission Communities Within Mission Communities  The goal of JCF is to create and maintain a service provider network within each focus area.  A service provider, whether governmental or non-governmental, will be able to enter the network in each of the areas in which they provide services.  JCF’s “No Wrong Door” model allows a Veteran, Military member, or Family member (VMF) to enter the JCF network at any time, from any location, and through any point.

11 UNCLASSIFIED Phase 1 - Website 11  Service providers are encouraged to participate in the JCF network by registering their services on the JCF website.  Once a service provider completes the online profile and are approved by the local Community Force or Inter-Service Family Advisory Committee (ISFAC), their organization will be available for searches and referrals.  Each organization will have a brief description of services available, geographic area to which they service, a link to their website, and referral contact information. Mental Health Education Employment WEB SITE 100 VISTA 460 FAC’s 54 SFPD’s 91 AFRPM’s 54 State VA Directors 54 TAG 50 Governors NGO’s Complete Profile Online Organization:________ Program Summary:____ Web Site:__________ Phone number:_____ Online Search Printable Local Directory Brief Descriptions NGO’s/Gov commit to train staff to make referrals Drive Gov/NGO’s to Website _______ ______ _______ Search + Refer 123 JCF Completes Gov Profiles Online 2 VA Services:___________ Area:______________ Referral Contact:_____ DoD Organization:________ Program Summary:____ Web Site:__________ Phone number:_____

12 UNCLASSIFIED Phase 2 – Find & Fill the Gaps 12  In addition to referrals, the JCF website provides a place to share best practices, community assessment and engagement strategies.  A toolkit is provided to jump start the process of community capacity building at the national/state/local levels. The toolkit consists of contacts for organizations who are already engaged in community capacity building.  CNCS’ Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) Concept Package, provides a template to assist states in applying for a VISTA grant; and community capacity building resources, such as capacity building guides and gap analysis techniques. Showcase New or Improved Services Where Gaps Exist Leverage Website to: 1. Provide toolkit for community assessment/engagement Army Community Covenant (Best Practice) Community Blueprint (Best Practice) 2. Provide checklist of possible “gaps”/solutions Community Blueprint (Best Practice) 3. Provides additional manpower (optional) Corporation for National & Community Service’s (CNCS) Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) JCF fills the gaps between governmental services and needs of military/family/veteran s through community collaborative support

13 UNCLASSIFIED Phase 3 – Sustainment 13  Two of the primary best practices identified for sustainment are the Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee (ISFAC) and Community Force meetings. These committees are conducted at the state and/or local levels to bring JCF network providers and military program managers together in person to share best practices; identify and communicate the needs of VMF; and coordinate resource requirements.  Another sustainment best practice highlighted is identifying each JCF network service provider by either a sign in their store front or special logo for their marketing materials. Through this sign or logo, VMF can readily identify providers who support them and are ready to assist. Sustainment 1.Monthly ISFAC/Community Force Meetings to engage partners on an ongoing basis 2.Provide feedback to community on what VMFs need 3.Best Practice Example: Welcome Sign - Network Partner sign/logo in store front of town/city Community Force Network Provider

14 UNCLASSIFIED State Web Site Template Communicating Network Providers Communicating Specific Community Solutions Communicating Volunteer Opportunities

15 UNCLASSIFIED Way Ahead Joining Community Forces: Building Partnerships at the National, State and local level Outreach Campaign to Educational Institutions National Youth Symposium focusing on resiliency and life skills Build C/Y Deployment Cycle Support Program 15

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