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Key Issues What is retail strategy statement

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Presentation on theme: "Key Issues What is retail strategy statement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Issues What is retail strategy statement
How does it differ from “mission” and “tactics” Career-search “strategy” The building blocks of retail strategy Process of developing retail strategy The characteristics of a “window of opportunity” SWOT analysis

2 Success comes from having a good strategy & executing it well
Strategy vs Tactics Strategy Tactics Planning, Direction Broad Unstructured Problem solving Creative External focus Irregular Long-term Difficult to evaluate Success comes from having a good strategy & executing it well Implementation Specific, detailed Structured Problem solving Analytical Internal focus Regular Short-term Easy to evaluate

3 The Building Blocks of Retail Strategy
Controllable Variables Store Location Store Format & Layout Merchandise Management Pricing Communications Uncontrollable Variables Consumers Competition Technology Economic Conditions Seasonality Legal Restrictions What are the environmental variables? What are the elements of the retail mix?

4 E.g., McDonald’s Retail Strategy
What is McDonald’s … Target market Retail format Bases for competitive advantage What threats might it face in the future?

5 Developing an Overall Retail Strategy
Target Market What’s the 3rd element of retail Strategy? Retail Marketing Mix: Controllable Factors Competition & Environment: Uncontrollable Factors Controllable Variables Store Location Store Format & Layout Merchandise Management Pricing Communications Uncontrollable Variables Consumers Competition Technology Economic Conditions Seasonality Legal Restrictions Retail Strategy The main focus: Bringing harmony between the controllable variables and the uncontrollable ones. Uncontrollable variables drive the controllable ones!

6 Which are Sustainable Competitive Advantages?
Dropping prices Building a store at the best location Selling hot merchandise Increasing advertising Attracting better sales associates by paying higher wages Providing better customer service

7 Sources of Sustainable Competitive Advantages
More Sustainable Less Sustainable

8 Process of Retail Strategy
Define the Mission Situation Audit Identify Strategic Opportunities Evaluate Strategic Alternatives Establish Objectives, Allocate Resources Develop a Retail Mix Evaluate Performance, Make Adjustments

9 Situation Analysis Define the Mission Organizational Mission Statement
Ownership & Management Product Category SWOT Analysis

10 Form for Mission Statement
A mission statement should include: The product/service to be delivered The store’s claim (USP) Other important claims Identification of the target segment What the segment will get What the segment must give up

11 Situation Analysis Define the Mission Organizational Mission Statement
Ownership & Management Product Category SWOT Analysis

12 Window of Opportunity Strong Weak High Window of Opportunity Low High

13 Identify the Strategies here SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses
SWOT Analysis is a systematic approach to optimizing the fit between external & internal var’s Retail Mix … plus Management capabilities Financial Resources Overhead Cost Structure Merchandising Capabilities Store Management Capabilities Store Locations Loyalty of Customers Retail Mix … plus Management capabilities Financial Resources Overhead Cost Structure Merchandising Capabilities Store Management Capabilities Store Locations Loyalty of Customers Opportunities Identify the Strategies here Consumer Trends Competitiion Economic Conditions Seasonality Legal Restrictions Threats Consumer Trends Competition Economic Conditions Seasonality Legal Restrictions

14 Process of Retail Strategy
Situation Analysis Sales & Profit Corporate Objectives Satisfaction of Publics Image & Positioning Identify Consumers As a result of the Situation Analysis

15 Objectives Statement Any objective must be clear, concise, and realistic. Objectives are often based on profit, market share, growth, etc. E.g., “…to get a 15% market share and maintain a profit margin of 25% by the end of the fiscal year” for a particular store. Or, “to increase comp store sales by 15% by end of the year.” Note that each objective must have a time frame. 15%

16 Suggest Objectives for:
Krispy Kreem Wal-Mart Burger King

17 Finalizing Retail Strategy
Situation Analysis Sales & Profit Corporate Objectives Satisfaction of Publics Image & Positioning Image = how a retailer wants to be perceived by consumers Positioning = the strategy to project this image Identify Consumers Overall Strategy

18 Finalizing Retail Strategy
Situation Analysis Corporate Objectives Identify Consumers Overall Strategy Retail Mix Variables Uncontrollable Variables Short-term operations Specific Activities (Tactics) Response to the environment

19 Monitoring Retail Strategy
Situation Analysis Corporate Objectives Identify Consumers Overall Strategy Retail Mix Var’s Uncontrollable Var’s Short-term operations Specific Activities (Tactics) Response to environ. Evaluation Control (Monitoring) Adjustment

20 E.g., Chevron’s Control Mechanisms

21 Developing an Overall Job Strategy
Your Target Jobs What’s the 3rd element of retail Strategy? Your “Marketing Mix”: Controllable Factors Competition & Environment: Uncontrollable Factors Controllable Variables Your education Job history Skills Interests Commitment Ability to distinguish yourself Uncontrollable Variables The economy Job availability The “competition” Etc. Job Strategy The main focus: Bringing harmony between the controllable variables and the uncontrollable ones. Uncontrollable variables drive the controllable ones!

22 Your Own “Product” Strategy
Determine your target market Area of country Type of company Type of position Assess & exploit your competitive advantage Unique skills Experience Knowledge Develop then present yourself as a desirable “product”

23 What Firms Want How Important is this Characteristic? Critically
% 8 12 16 54 Specific Business Concentration 50 16 9 24 1 49 GPA 40 17 10 33 31 Relevant Work Experience 30 21 22 14 Being a Bus. Major 20 10 How Important is this Characteristic? Critically Extremely Very Somewhat Not

24 % Critically Important
What Firms Want % Critically Important Attribute Integrity 96.7 Strong work ethic 86.9 Professional demeanor 85.2 Initiative 83.6 Emotional maturity 80.3 Self confidence 79.0 Leadership ability 78.7 Personable 62.9 Creativity 55.0

25 E.g., Interpreting a Mission
Action Skill Derived Knocking on doors Teaching Contacts Missionary Training Learning a 2nd Language Living in a Foreign Culture Working Long Hours Self-motivation, self-discipline, handling rejection, creativity Training, interpersonal skills, self-confidence, goal setting Leadership, time management, planning, communications Learning skills, adaptability to new concepts, perseverance Ability to work with a new culture, tolerance Dedication & hard work

26 What Is the Interviewer Really Asking?
Tell me about yourself Why are you interested in this position? What are your geographical requirements? What are your salary requirements? Tell me a story! Do you have any questions?

27 Selling Yourself Preparation & Interview
Network Practice Interviews Cover letter/ Resume Information Interviews Testing Resume Self- Evaluation Placement Center Library Alumni Database InfoTrac, Lexis/Nexis, Internet Self- Knowledge Employer Knowledge A Career Position

28 Telling the Same Thing …
Should we tell the same story to every interviewer? Should we customize our presentation? … our resume? … our cover letter? Why? (Or why not?) For the same reasons, retailers must focus their strategy on their target market

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