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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Role of Self-Reflection in Ethical Decision Making Laura Martin University of Oklahoma 2009 Research Conference on Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Role of Self-Reflection in Ethical Decision Making Laura Martin University of Oklahoma 2009 Research Conference on Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Role of Self-Reflection in Ethical Decision Making Laura Martin University of Oklahoma 2009 Research Conference on Research Integrity Niagara Falls, NY May 17, 2009

2 Self-Reflection Self-reflection depends on autobiographical memory Self-reflection depends on autobiographical memory Self-reflection allows for further mental processing on past events, which can facilitate present decision making Self-reflection allows for further mental processing on past events, which can facilitate present decision making

3 Ethical Problems Rely on past experiences to solve new ethical problems Rely on past experiences to solve new ethical problems –What aspects of the past situation are most important for increasing ethicality in current decisions? –What factors can contribute to more ethical current decisions after thinking about past experiences?

4 Study Design Valence PositiveNegative FocusProcess Outcome Process and Outcome Valence Valence Focus Focus

5 Response Material Four scenarios depicting ethical dilemmas a retail store manager might face Four scenarios depicting ethical dilemmas a retail store manager might face Order of Materials Order of Materials 1.Retail Ethical Dilemma 2.Reflection on Past or Present Situation 3.Retail Ethical Dilemma Solution

6 Response Material Four Scenarios based on Dimensions of Ethical Behavior in Research Four Scenarios based on Dimensions of Ethical Behavior in Research –Data Management –Professional Practices –Study Conduct –Business Practices Question Prompts Question Prompts –Four prompts elicit information specific to condition –“How effective was your final decision?”

7 Strategies Utilized Judged by expert raters Judged by expert raters Strategies employed Strategies employed –Recognizing Circumstances –Anticipating Consequences –Considering Others –Questioning Judgment –Analysis of Personal Motivation –Seeking Help –Dealing with Emotions

8 Content Coding Covariate Covariate –Relevance of Reflection Reflection Reflection –Ethicality of Reflection –Ethical Decision Making Strategies Current Decision Current Decision –Use of Reflection –Congruence of Decision –Ethicality of Current Decision

9 Main effects on Reflection Ethicality Fdfpη2η2 Covariates Relevance22.211, 1360.000.15 Main Effects Focus2.512, 1360.090.04 Valence0.851, 1360.070.03 Interaction Focus*Valence1.81*2, 1360.030.05 *=p<.05, **=p<.01 Outcome Positive

10 Current Decision Ethicality β R2R2R2R2 ΔR 2 Block 10.05 Relevance0.27* Block 20.06 Focus-0.05 Valence-0.08 Block 30.060.00 Reflection Ethicality-0.01 *=p<.05, **=p<.01

11 Strategies effect on Reflection Ethicality β R2R2R2R2 ΔR2ΔR2ΔR2ΔR2 Block 1.08** Relevance0.31 Block 2.31**.23** Recognizing Circumstances.39** Anticipating Consequences 0.08 Considering Others.20* Questioning Judgment -0.10 Analysis of Personal Motivation 0.03 *=p<.05, **=p<.01

12 Strategies effect on Current Decision Ethicality β R2R2R2R2 ΔR2ΔR2ΔR2ΔR2 Block 1.03* Relevance0.12 Block 2 0.070.04 Recognizing Circumstances 0.10 Anticipating Consequences -0.04 Considering Others 0.02 Questioning Judgment 0.16 Analysis of Personal Motivation -0.01 *=p<.05, **=p<.01

13 Current Decision Ethicality β R2R2R2R2 ΔR 2 Block 1.03* Relevance0.059 Block 2 0.070.03 Recognizing Circumstances 0.08 Anticipating Consequences -0.09 Considering Others 0.04 Questioning Judgment 0.15 Analysis of Personal Motivation -0.05 Block 3.13*.06* Use of Reflection 0.24 Congruence of Reflection 0.05 Reflection Ethicality -0.05 *=p<.05, **=p<.01

14 Discussion Reflection alone does not significantly increase ethical decision making Reflection alone does not significantly increase ethical decision making –Use of reflection –Congruence of reflection –Ethicality of reflection is irrelevant Implications Implications –RCR Training –Everyday decisions –Utilitarian strategy

15 Future Research Follow-up study will investigate self- projection into the future Follow-up study will investigate self- projection into the future –Which aspects influence ethical decision making? –Will consideration of past and future events increase current ethical decision making?

16 Limitations Undergraduate Sample Undergraduate Sample Common Method Bias Common Method Bias Recall Accuracy Recall Accuracy

17 Take Home Point Reflecting on congruent events increases ethical decision making Reflecting on congruent events increases ethical decision making –Using these reflections is key

18 Acknowledgments Faculty Faculty –Ryan Brown –Shane Connelly Students Students –Alison Antes –Cheryl Beeler –Jay Caughron Thank you to the National Institutes of Health and to the Office of Research Integrity for sponsoring this research. Thank you to the National Institutes of Health and to the Office of Research Integrity for sponsoring this research. –Lynn Devenport –Mike Mumford –Mike Tamborski –Chase Thiel –Xiaoqian Wang

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