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What do Jews believe? Aim: to explain what Jewish beliefs and how it affect the lives of the believers Copy the following table (summing up from last lesson!)

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Presentation on theme: "What do Jews believe? Aim: to explain what Jewish beliefs and how it affect the lives of the believers Copy the following table (summing up from last lesson!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do Jews believe? Aim: to explain what Jewish beliefs and how it affect the lives of the believers Copy the following table (summing up from last lesson!) One God (Monotheism) Covenant (pact) Commandments (instructions) Promised land/Canaan/Israel Torah (teachings) Diaspora (dispersion of Jews in the world) Ritual and traditions (give 2 examples) Holocaust/Shoah

2 Who was Moses? Name five things you know about Moses MOSES

3 Watch the clip and answer =active (explain what happens) ctive (explain what happens) =active ctive Who started Judaism? A) Moses B) Abraham C) Jesus How did Judaism start? a)With the commandments b)With baptism c)With sacrifice of Isaac

4 How Judaism evolved? After Moses the commandments and teachings were united as we call “Oral Torah”, later it became written The Temple, the Jewish community played a great part. The diaspora also played a part in some variation of interpretation and application of the Torah Copy down in your books : There are two main ethnic groups inside Judaism  Ashkenazi (Jews from North Europe and Russia) and Sephardim (Middle East, Spain, Africa)  There are different ways to interpret the Torah: Mainly: Progressive and Orthodox

5 How do we know about all stories? What is the holy book of Jews? The complete Jewish scriptures are called TeNaKh o Torah (the book of Teaching) - o Nevi’im (the book of the Prophets) o Ketuvim (the “writings”)

6 Copy down the Jewish holy texts: Torah – Nevi’im & ketuvim TORAH NEVI’IMKETUVIM GenesisTeachings of the Prophets Writings Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy It has 613 rules ! Talmud – (teachings of the Rabbis) Contains stories from Jewish history! Most used book is the Book of Psalms (a special poem rather than a hymn)

7 Read Thirteen Principles of Faith written by Maimonides (a Jewish “scholar” a teacher ) – These are essential beliefs to Judaism Activity – sort out statements : Beliefs you hold (bh)Beliefs you don’t hold (bdh) Qualities of God Things God will do Things God had done  Choose three beliefs which you think might affect the life of a Jewish believer. Explain your choice and describe how these might affect a believer’s life. (level 4a to 5) –      Even better: making clear references to religious teaching - You are acting at level 5a to level 6 !

8 1.God alone has made, does make and will make all things 2. There is only one God, and He alone is our God, who was, is, and ever will be 3. God is not a physical body, no physical phenomena can apply to Him and He has no form whatsoever 4. God is the first and the last 5. God is the only one to whom it is proper to pray 6. All the words of the prophets are true 7. Moses was father of all the prophets, both of those who came before him and those who followed him 8. The entire Torah that we now possess was given to Moses 9. The Torah will not be changed, God will never send another Torah 10. God knows all actions and thoughts of human beings 11. God rewards those who keep His commandments, and punishes those who breaks His commandments 12. The Messiah will come one day 13. God will resurrect the dead

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