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The Big Conversation Thursday 3rd April 2014. Why do we have The Big Conversation?

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1 The Big Conversation Thursday 3rd April 2014

2 Why do we have The Big Conversation?

3 We asked ourselves What are we enjoying about school this year? And What would we like to do / do more of? We shared our ideas… …in our Big Conversation groups.

4 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What are we enjoying about school this year? “There is more space at lunchtime because we have separate lunches.” “We don’t argue as much.” “School trips.” “Art with Mrs Hefferan.” “PE with Year 2 and Year 6.” “Big Maths / all Maths.” “Reading.” “Growing mould.”

5 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What are we enjoying about school this year? “Multiple Intelligence Days.” “Science experiments.” “Topic.” “Big Writing.” “Reading hard books for a challenge.” “Learning a different language.” “Doing tests and quizzes on AR.” “Music lessons.” “Learn Its.”

6 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What are we enjoying about school this year? “Art.” “Adding two digit numbers.” “Assemblies.” “PE / Gym / Dance lessons.” “Having football back.” “African Drumming.” “Computer Club.” “Stibbington trip.” “Sewing / cross stitching.”

7 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What are we enjoying about school this year? “Singing assembly.” “Peer Mediators.” “ICT days.” “Recorder lessons.” “Making things with clay.” “Play equipment.” “Playing with friends.” “Making bread and cooking.” “Break time.”

8 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What are we enjoying about school this year? “Shows - plays and pantomimes.” “Ukelele.” “Golden time.” “Art and DT.” “Having visitors.” “Exploding / making volcanoes.” “Breakfast Club.” “Smileys.” “Big Conversation.”

9 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What are we enjoying about school this year? “Hot school dinners.” “Basketball.” “New equipment in the classroom.” “iPads.” “Judo.” “Take Ten.” “New people joining.” “Teachers.” “After school clubs.” “Mr Bike.”

10 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What are we enjoying about school this year? “Class of the week.” “Head teacher awards.” “Top Table.” “Art and DT.” “Fudge tart.” “Choir.” “Teachers and other people coming in to teach us.” “We get to learn about different Topics.” “Mr Swallow.” “Halving.”

11 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What would we like to do more of? “More Multiple Intelligence Days.” “More Nature Smart.” “More iPad time.” “More cooking.” “More mini golf (Mrs Carrott).” “More puppet shows.” “More music lessons.” “More swimming.” “More cricket.” More reading.” “More art – clay / painting.”

12 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What would we like to do more of? “More writing.” “We can always tell someone!” “More art.” “More school trips.” “More Golden Time.” “More ICT days.” “More breaks.” “More Laser Tag.” “More football, dodgeball and basketball.” “Film Nights.” “More festive parties – like Halloween, Christmas, Easter etc.”

13 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What would we like to do more of? “More shows / pantomimes.” “More African Drumming.” “A whole school trip e.g. to Hunstanton.” “Pet days – horses, working dogs, rats.” “More Non-school uniform days.” “No homework.” “Indoor Lunchtime Club.” “More male teachers.” “More Big Maths / all Maths.” “Trips to football stadiums, theatres etc.”

14 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What would we like to do more of? “More drama.” “More music days.” “More Class Assemblies.” “More gardening / planting – e.g tree planting day.” “More dress up days.” “Sleepovers.” “Taster days.” “More DT.” “More Sports Days.” “More dance.”

15 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What would we like to do more of? “More sewing.” “More spellings.” “More tests.” “A rota of lots of different sports for playtimes.” “New play ship to replace old one.” “More science.” “More assemblies.” “A third playtime for KS2 like KS1 have.” “More PE.” “More history.”

16 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What would we like to do more of? “More Summer Fairs.” “More football.” “More sports goals.” “More Wyton Marathons.” “More things like Comic Relief.” “More Wyton’s Got Talent Shows.” “More pets like rabbits.” “More awards for good manners.” “More topic work.” “More visitors and teachers.” “Add a Year 7 to the school.”

17 What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What would we like to do more of? “An end of year trip for people who have an attendance of 98% or over.” “Choir competitions against other schools.” “More sports competitions.” “More sports / gymnastics equipment.” “School sports teams and competitions against other schools.”

18 Mrs Phillips and Mrs Green noticed that lots of you wanted to do more art and craft activities, so there is already a new lunch club run by Miss Churchill, which will provide opportunities for origami, Hama beads, creative crafting – as well as a Wii day! What is happening as a result of what we said at our last Big Conversation?

19 Staff also noticed that many of you wanted more animal / pet-related activities, so Mrs Phillips has asked representatives from The Dogs Trust and Zoolab to send us some dates when they might be available to come into school for a visit. What is happening as a result of what we said at our last Big Conversation?

20 Mrs Green will be meeting with the School Council to look at your ideas and make further plans. What is happening as a result of what we said at our last Big Conversation?

21 What is Today’s Topic? What do you think our school values and aims should be?




25 After the Big Conversation, all of the staff and School Council Representatives will look at your ideas and think about how we can represent your ideas in our school mission statement. We will tell you next term we thought. What will happen as a result of today’s Big Conversation?

26 Ground rules Take turns and listen Give good listening signals Respect other people’s ideas and feelings Help each other Everyone take part

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