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6th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors Summer 2015 Ann S. Bisconti, PhD Bisconti Research, Inc.

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1 6th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors Summer 2015 Ann S. Bisconti, PhD Bisconti Research, Inc.

2 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors May 26 through June 13, 2015 Full-time residents within 10-mile radius of U.S. nuclear power plant sites Excluded households with people who work at a nuclear power plant 60 sites X 18 = 1,080 total interviews Margin of error +/- 3% Interview 15-18 minutes Phone interviews (80% landline, 20% cell) 2 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

3 Member Service: Plant Neighbor Benchmark Reports NEI members added interviews in the 10-mile radius of 22 nuclear power plant sites. Objective: compare attitudes of the plant’s neighbors with attitudes nationally, in the region, and at sites with similar population density. 3 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

4 4 Topics Covered in the Survey and Report Attitudes toward nuclear energy Branding metrics Impressions of plant and perceived community opinion New reactor acceptability Plant impact on local economy and jobs Plant safety and environmental protection Plant community involvement Radiation Waste management Messages for using nuclear energy How well informed on topics and how likely to seek information Information sources used and rated Energy education center visits and impact Emergency communications 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

5 5 Plant Neighbors More Favorable to Nuclear Energy Than the General Public 16 30 83 68 Strongly favor Somewhat favor Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Overall, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose the use of nuclear energy as one of the ways to provide electricity in the United States? (%) 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

6 Plant Neighbors’ Favorable Impression of Nearby Nuclear Power Plant Continues 6 Thinking of the nuclear power plant closest to where you live, would you describe your general impression of this plant and the way it has operated recently as very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable? Total Favorable 87 86 90 86 89 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

7 All Subgroups Have Favorable Impression of Nearby Nuclear Power Plant 7 Thinking of the nuclear power plant closest to where you live, would you describe your general impression of this plant and the way it has operated recently as very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable? Total Favorable 91 88 93 89 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

8 8 Favorable Impression of Nearby Plant Strongest Outside Northeast and at New Plant Interest Sites Thinking of the nuclear power plant closest to where you live, would you describe your general impression of this plant and the way it has operated recently as very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable? Total Favorable 83 92 91 88 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

9 69% View Adding a New Reactor At Nearby Plant Site as Acceptable 9 If a new power plant were needed to supply electricity, would it be acceptable to you or not acceptable to you to add a new nuclear reactor at the site of the nearest nuclear power plant? Not acceptable Don’t know Acceptable 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

10 10 New Reactor Acceptable to Majorities of Women, Men, and All Age Groups If a new power plant were needed to supply electricity, would it be acceptable to you or not acceptable to you to add a new nuclear reactor at the site of the nearest nuclear power plant? 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

11 New Reactor Most Acceptable Outside Northeast And at New Plant Interest Sites 11 If a new power plant were needed to supply electricity, would it be acceptable to you or not acceptable to you to add a new nuclear reactor at the site of the nearest nuclear power plant? 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

12 Most Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors Rate Nearby Plant Safe 12 Still thinking about the nuclear power plant that is nearest to where you live, how safe do you regard this plant? Please think of a scale from "1" to "7," where "1" means very unsafe and "7" means very safe. The safer you think it is, the higher the number you would give. 83 9 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

13 High Confidence in the Company: Safety and Environmental Protection 13 Now, I’d like to ask you about the company that operates the nuclear power plant nearest to you. Please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements about this company. Total Agree 90 83 82 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

14 Favorable Opinions on Plant’s Impact on Economy/Jobs and Community Involvement 14 Now, I’d like to ask you about the company that operates the nuclear power plant nearest to you. Please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements about this company. Total Agree 89 81 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

15 Messages for Using Nuclear Energy In this Area Still Viewed Favorably 15 Please tell me if each of the following points is an excellent, good, fair, or poor reason to use nuclear energy in this area. How about... Excellent & Good 81 82 75 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

16 Plant Neighbors Feel Quite Well Informed, Some Gaps 16 Do you feel very well informed, somewhat well informed, not too well informed, or not well informed at all about the following topics? Total Informed 83 87 84 81 61 39 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

17 Plant Sources Most Credible for Information About Nuclear Energy 17 Please tell me if you think each of the following would be an excellent, good, fair, or poor source of accurate and reliable information about nuclear energy. Excellent & Good 72 75 65 62 68 42 40 29 22 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

18 Index of Favorability to Nuclear Energy: Plant Neighbors and General Public 18 INDEX SCORE76.962.4 Plant Neighbors: Summer 2015General Public: Spring 2015 Source: Bisconti Research Inc. national surveys of public opinion, Fall 2014 and Spring 2015.. Nationally representative samples of 1,000 U.S. adults interviewed by telephone, most recently both landline and cell phone, margin of error plus or minus three percentage points. *This measure was obtained in a separate survey conducted March 16-22, 2015. * 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

19 Observations 19 Plant neighbors (on average across all U.S. sites) continue to show extraordinary support for nuclear energy and the nearby plant. This support is essentially unchanged over a decade. Support is grounded in favorable perceptions of the plant’s safety, environmental protection, contribution to jobs and the economy, and outreach. Plant neighbors feel quite well informed and give highest trust to information from plant sources. 6 th Biennial National Survey of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Neighbors 2015

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