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MINISTRY OF ECONOMY NUCLEAR POWER PROGRAMME FOR POLAND Objectives, Assumptions and Basic Infrastructure International Atomic Energy Agency TM/WS on Topical.

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Presentation on theme: "MINISTRY OF ECONOMY NUCLEAR POWER PROGRAMME FOR POLAND Objectives, Assumptions and Basic Infrastructure International Atomic Energy Agency TM/WS on Topical."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY NUCLEAR POWER PROGRAMME FOR POLAND Objectives, Assumptions and Basic Infrastructure International Atomic Energy Agency TM/WS on Topical Issues on Infrastructure Development: Managing the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power Vienna Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

2 Ambitious Objective MINISTRY OF ECONOMY
Construction of Nuclear Power Plants in Poland. First unit commissioning in 2020 Nuclear Power Plants in line with all international safety requirements Modern nuclear power law and other legal acts enabling efficient and effective development of investments regarding construction of subsequent nuclear installations Investment process carried out in an optimal way to boost Polish economy and bring additional benefits Power plants generating clean energy on rational costs versus other technologies; stable operating base load power plants with 60-year lifetime The greatest challenge in the history of Polish energy market and post war economy Project of a strategic importance for domestic economy Project requiring work coordination of a number of entities and institutions, representing various interests and expectations Ambitious schedule for the project, extorting fast and efficient actions Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

3 Challenges for the Polish Power Sector
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Challenges for the Polish Power Sector Security of electricity supply Diversification of fuel mix Development of interconnections and transmission grid Restrictions on SO2, NOx, CO2 emissions Development of new generation sources Increase in electricity generation efficiency 3 Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

4 EU Climate Energy Package – Additional Challenges
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY EU Climate Energy Package – Additional Challenges New Emission Trade Scheme (ETS) – linear decrease of available CO2 allowances Full auctioning within ETS for electricity sector since 2020 15% share of RES in final energy consumption in 2020 – target for Poland Implementation of CCS technology – participation in the EU Flagship Programme 4 Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

5 Fuel Structure of Electricity Generation in Poland
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Fuel Structure of Electricity Generation in Poland 1.7% 0.3% 58.7% 0.1% 2.0% 2.2% 35.0% Hard coal power stations and CHPs Lignite power stations Gas power stations Hydro power stations (included pumped-storage) Wind power stations Biogas and biomass power stations Other fuels 5 Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

6 Age Structure of the Existing Power Plants in Poland
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Age Structure of the Existing Power Plants in Poland 6% 7% 5% 16% 17% 44% to 5 years 5-10 years 10-15 years 15-20 years 20-25 years 25-30 years over 30 years 6 Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

7 Poland’s ”Energy Policy until 2030” – priorities
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Poland’s ”Energy Policy until 2030” – priorities (document approved by the Council of Ministers) Energy efficiency improvement Increasing security of fuel and energy supplies Diversification of power generation sources through implementation of nuclear power Increasing use of renewable energy sources, including bio fuels Development of competitive fuel and energy markets Limitation of energy sector’s impact on environment Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej 7 7 7

8 Net electricity generation by fuel type in 2030
Natural gas 6.6% RES 18.8% Lignite 21.0% Other fuels 0.5% Hard coal 36.0% Nuclear fuel 15.7% Oil products 1.5%

9 Nuclear Power Plants in Polish power system
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Nuclear Power Plants in Polish power system stable and reliable electricity generation sources with 60-year lifetime new capacities to replace old public power plants; limiting import of coal predictable and stable in long time period electricity generation costs, possibility of fuel storage for many years ahead known spent fuel and radioactive waste management technologies; possibility of uranium suppliers selection from various regions and stability of fuel supply internalization of numerous external costs CO2 and other emission free Based on our analyses and the European and world wide experience we came into conclusion that there are a number of rationales for implementing Nuclear Energy into our Power System Just to briefly mention the most important arguments. Nuclear power plants in the Polish power system means: - Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

10 Advantages for the Polish Economy
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Advantages for the Polish Economy CO2 and other emission free saving organic fossil fuels for future generations economic revival of the regions possibility of boosting national industry development of Polish R&D resources development of new faculties at universities economy innovations development Based on our analyses and the European and world wide experience we came into conclusion that there are a number of rationales for implementing Nuclear Energy into our Power System Just to briefly mention the most important arguments. Nuclear power plants in the Polish power system means: - Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

11 Poland’s committment for nuclear power - documents
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Poland’s committment for nuclear power - documents Resolution no. 4/2009 of the Council of the Ministers of 13 January 2009 on nuclear power development activities Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 12 May 2009 on establishing Government Commissioner for Nuclear Power in Poland „Framework time schedule for nuclear power activities” acknowledged by the Council of Ministers on 11 August 2009

12 13 January 2009 –Resolution of the Council of Ministers on Nuclear Power Development Activities
Nuclear Power Programme for Poland will be prepared and implemented (after public discussion and government’s approval) Government Commissioner for Nuclear Power in Poland will prepare the Programme PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA (Polish EnergyGroup) will play a leading role in the implementation of the Programme At least 2 nuclear power plants will be built, first NPP will be commissioned in 2020

13 „Framework time schedule for nuclear power activities” - stages
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY „Framework time schedule for nuclear power activities” - stages I until preparation and approval by the Council of the Ministers of the Polish Nuclear Power Program II 2011 – NPP site selection and conclusion of a contract for construction of the first NPP III 2014 – preparation of technical design and obtaining all required decisions and permits IV 2016 – construction of the first NPP in Poland Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

14 Strategy for nuclear power infrastructure – to be defined in the Nuclear Power Program for Poland which should: determine the optimum scope and conditions for nuclear power development specify the necessary activities and tasks to be fulfilled by the state administration within a proposed time schedule estimate the costs of nuclear power development and indicate the source s of its financing assess the economic, social and environmental impact of the Nuclear Power Program for Poland

15 Preparatory phase – key issues
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Preparatory phase – key issues Status of the NPP Construction Project, shareholders structure, model for nuclear energy sector Economics of nuclear power, including „externalities” for the first NPP Legal regulations on nuclear energy (and investment related issues) Role of public administration in the Project – scope of involvement, split of tasks, responsibilities and competencies Broad political support for the Project Selection of the nuclear power installations sites Technology selection Nuclear fuel cycle including spent fuel management and radioactive waste storage NPP decommissioning Public consultations, information campaigns, PR actions Financing preparatory works and NPP construction Role of other entities in the Project (financial institutions, advisors) Integration of development plans for transmission infrastructure with the NPP construction Project HR preparation (education, NPP staff, nuclear regulatory and radiological protection body) Best use of Polish industry capabilities in the Project Availability of the uranium in Poland and its impact in the fuel supply policy Transfer of technology and knowledge Financial engineering of the Project Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

16 Nuclear Power Programme for Poland Preparatory Team – activity fields
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Nuclear Power Programme for Poland Preparatory Team – activity fields Government Commissioner for Nuclear Power (Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy) NEPIO NEPIO Supported by Nuclear Energy Department Electricity Market Study and Economical Assessment Legal Research and Development Public Consultation Technology Assessment Human Resources Development National information programme International communication Public consultation Transboundry issues Planning and consents process Environmental assessment Electricity market structure Electricity mix Base load/peak load Infrastructure development cost Plant cost Operation cost Fuel cycle cost Industrial benefits Domestic production and services Nuclear laws Energy Law Construction law International agreements Law establishing regulatory body and radiological protection Environmental laws Licensing Commercial laws Public procurement law NPP site Site, project and construction of low level radiation waste depository NPP construction: licensing Operation Waste management NPP decommissioning Nuclear power education programme for human resources specializing in nuclear power Staff training International cooperation Education programme R&D resources development Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

17 Nuclear Power Programme for Poland Other (main) partners involved
REGULATORY AUTHORITY President of National Atomic Energy Agency Supported by National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA), activities: –Development of legislation related to nuclear safety and radiological protection –Licensing –Safety assessment –Inspections –Nuclear materials accountancy –Radiation Emergency Center –International and bilateral cooperation LEADING INVESTOR PGE SA (Polish Energy Group), biggest power producer&supplier in Poland: -12,4 GW installed capacity -45,1 million tones annual lignite production -56.0 TWh net power production km distribution lines -5 mln customers -46 thousand employees

18 Framework time schedule for nuclear power development - tasks
Investor Long term forecast of electricity generation sources development Consortium for the first NPP construction Feasibility study for the first NPP Final site selection for the first NPP Determining financing sources for the first NPP A request for proposal documentation for the first NPP Bidding process and selection of technology supplier for the first NPP Technical design for the first NPP Obtaining all required decisions and permits for the first NPP Construction of the first NPP Government administration Adaptation of Polish legislation Cost analyses for electricity generation NPPs sites analyses Site analyses and research for low and medium radioactive waste depository National Plan for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Human resources training programme for nuclear power institutions Information and education campaign R&D resources development Involvement of Polish industry in Nuclear Power Programme Searching for uranium sources in Poland Preparing National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) for fulfilling the duty of nuclear and radiological regulator Designing and construction of low and medium radioactive waste depository

19 Preparatory phase – main threats and risks
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Preparatory phase – main threats and risks Wrong organization of the Project management, chaos with competencies, absence of a strong Project leader Underestimated Project budget Problems with financing Incorrect time schedule of the Project Wrongly defined or undefined requirements Improper plan or no plan of the Project Lack of effective communications between involved parties Unrealistic expectations from interested parties No use of former experiences, including international Organizational issues Insufficient understanding of business processes Inadequate knowledge transfer between Project participants Personal issues of Project Team members Ineffective PR – lack of public acceptance Lack of decisions from competent entities Hanna Trojanowska, Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej

20 Thank you for your kind attention
N u c l e a r E n e r g y E v o l u t i o n i n p r o g r e s s Competition for poster advertising the issue of public acceptance for nuclear power in Poland (Cracow, – )

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