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The Life of Gus Nick Darby PSYC 2314 (T/Th 11-1p) Professor Alas.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of Gus Nick Darby PSYC 2314 (T/Th 11-1p) Professor Alas."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of Gus Nick Darby PSYC 2314 (T/Th 11-1p) Professor Alas

2 Who is Gus? White male, 45 years old Marketing Manager (High SES) Father (2 daughters) Divorced (5 years) Victim of domestic violence Currently, he is battling a severe diagnoses of Prostate Cancer and is looking into other treatments available for his care.

3 Objectives with Gus Discussing alternative treatment plans as allowed by Oregon but illegal in other states Death and Dying

4 Growing Up with Gus Gus has appeared to have developed normally not having any delay in development and no apparent disabilities. Honor Roll student Class President in High School Played Baseball in high school which led him to a 4 year scholarship for college. Graduated top of his class in both high school and college

5 Marriage Life Gus and his wife, Sherry married shortly after completing college at age 24. Becomes a proud Father of 2 daughters. Domestic violence begins 3 years into the marriage.

6 Marriage Struggles for Gus Hospitalized at age 30 for contusions to the head. Which he blamed it on armed robbery to cover it up. He often contemplated divorce but his wife became pregnant and he feared he would lose his family. Continuos ER visits covered with more lies.

7 Life After Marriage Drinking habits increased as Gus began to cope with being a victim of domestic violence. He has even isolated himself from society because of guilt and shame of being a male victim of domestic violence. Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at age 44

8 Domestic Violence Statistics show that 10% of men experience non sexual partner abuse Over 700,00 men have experienced domestic abuse in the last year According to the American Psychological Association, men suffering from Domestic violence tend to develop poor health as a result. Cited souces: American Psychological Assoc. The Guardian

9 Diagnosis At age 44 Gus was diagnosed with Stage 3 Prostate Cancer. His treatments were aggressive but after one year showed no improvements so doctors gave him 6 months or less to live.

10 Death and Dying

11 Oregon Law

12 Physician Assisted Suicide Physician Assisted suicide occurs when a physician facilitates a patients death due to terminal or painful illnesses. Legalized 4 states: -Oregon -Vermont -Washington -Montana Cited Source(s):

13 Eligibility? Physician must be a licensed M.D. by the Board of Medical Examiners for Oregon. Must be 18 years of age Resident of Oregon Must diagnosed with a terminal illness Given 6 months or less to live Cited source(s): Oregon DWDA

14 How It Works?

15 Patients are given two types of drugs called: -Secobarbital: central nervous system depressant -Pentobarbital: free acid The dosage can be given in a pill (9g of Secobarbital) or liquid (10g of Pentobarbital) The two are combined together with a sweet substance to disguise the taste. CAUTION: If after taking the medicine the patient decides to change their mind medical staff must be contacted immediately so lifesaving measures can be taken. Source(s):Medscape

16 Statistics. Legalized in Oregon, 1997 (Oregons Death and Dignity Act) As current as 2014, there were 1,327 written prescriptions but only 859 were reported dead. In 2014, 155 patients received DWDA prescriptions. 37 of those patients didn’t take medication and died of other causes. Research has also shown that Divorce was the 3rd most common factor among patients and 50% of those patients had a college education or higher. Cited source(s): Oregon DWDA, public health

17 Cited source(s): Oregon DWDA, public health

18 Brittany Maynard Story Her Story Her Story

19 Patients Choice After discussing treatment options Gus has decided to be in search of local Doctors who will perform the Physician Assisted Suicide.

20 Gus died at age 45 just 2 months before his schedule suicide date. His daughters gave him a simple Memorial Service where they were surrounded by family and close friends as their farewell goodbye.

21 Q & A

22 References: National Domestic Violence, “Get The Facts & Figures” CNN library, “Physician Assisted Suicide Fast Facts” “Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act” American Cancer Society, “Marijuana and Cancer” Shoichet, Catherine E, “Brittany Maynard advocate for death with dignity dies” CNN Hines, Denise A; Douglas, Emily M, “Relative Influence of Various Fomrs of Partner Violence on the Health of Male Victims: Study of a Help Seeking Sample” Alan, Travis “Domestic Violence, 1.4 Million women suffered domestic abuse last year, ONS figures show”

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