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Daily Nutritional Value. Fat Unsaturated – The Good Provide large amounts of energy Help you grow Help keep skins health Helps lower cholesterol Avocados,

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Nutritional Value. Fat Unsaturated – The Good Provide large amounts of energy Help you grow Help keep skins health Helps lower cholesterol Avocados,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Nutritional Value

2 Fat Unsaturated – The Good Provide large amounts of energy Help you grow Help keep skins health Helps lower cholesterol Avocados, peanut butter, flower oil

3 Fat Saturated – The Bad Causes increased cholesterol Obesity, heart disease, diabetes Ice cream, butter, red meats, processed meat (bacon and peperoni Daily recommended in take of fat: 65 grams Krispy Kreme Donut – 12 grams Starbucks Brownie Frap – 22 grams

4 Carbohydrates One of the main sources of fuel Especially for muscles, brain, nervous system Carbs are broken down into glucose (blood sugar) and used for energy. Extra glucose turns into glycogen and is stored in your muscles. Too much glycogen will be turned into fat.

5 Carbohydrates Complex – The Good More nutritious and lower in fat. Digested slower to provide greater amounts of energy Brown rice, veggies, beans, lentils, whole grain breads and cereals.

6 Carbohydrates The Bad – Simple High in refined sugar Often found in sweet foods like cookies, candy, and fruit. Quickly turn into glucose and enter blood stream. This gives you a quick boost of energy or a “sugar fix”. Daily recommended intake of carbs: 300 grams

7 Fiber Keeps your body running smoothly Helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Naturally occurs in plant foods. Skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables. Whole grains Outer portion of rice

8 Fiber Insoluble Fiber Wheat, corn, bran, vegetables. Absorbs water as it moves through your intestines to help push waste out. Prevents constipation. Reduce risk of colon cancer. Accounts for 1 in 8 cancer deaths.

9 Fiber Soluble Fiber Oat bran, dried beans, carrots, apples, oranges. Help control diabetes and high cholesterol Also help trap salts and carry them out of the body. Daily recommended intake of fiber: 25 – 30 grams Apple with peel – 4 grams Banana – 2 grams ½ cub of brown rice – 6 grams Slice of whole-wheat bread – 2 grams Bowl of oatmeal – 4 grams

10 Protein Protein forms the basis for the body’s tissues, muscles, organs and immune system, outer layers of hair, nails, and skin. Maintains and repairs your body’s tissues. Makes antibodies to fight of infection. Forms hemoglobin which helps carry oxygen to the lungs. Helps muscles grown, increase in strength, and can improve athletic performance. Too much protein can make your body lose calcium.

11 Protein Found in: Millk, eggs, peanut butter, chicken, beef, seafood, beans, soy, tofu, rice. Protein deficiency can cause loss of hair and muscle. Daily recommended intake of Protein 50 grams

12 Sodium Some sodium is needed to regulated fluids and blood pressure, and to keep muscles and nerves running smoothly. Common sources Processed foods 77% Natural in foods 12% Cheese, milk Added at table 6% Added during cooking 5%

13 Sodium On average, Canadians consume twice as much sodium as recommended. Health risks of eating too much sodium High blood pressure Stroke, heart disease, kidney disease Daily recommended intake of sodium: 1500 milligrams

14 Cholesterol Important component to digesting foods. Vital for production of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. Need it to metabolize vitamins A, D, E and K. Your liver produces most of the cholesterol you need. The rest you get from food. Found in meat, eggs, dairy, and animal fats.

15 Cholesterol Too much cholesterol causes cardiovascular and heart disease. Daily recommended intake of cholesterol: 300mg

16 Sugar Provide quick and accessible energy for the body. Some sugars occur naturally in foods, others are added. Many different types Fructose Sucrose Glugcose Lactose Sugar provides very little nutritional value beyond calories. Daily recommended intake of sugars: 23 grams.

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