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Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY From Embedded Systems to Enterprise Applications: What is Computer Science and Engineering? Dr. Bina Ramamurthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY From Embedded Systems to Enterprise Applications: What is Computer Science and Engineering? Dr. Bina Ramamurthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY From Embedded Systems to Enterprise Applications: What is Computer Science and Engineering? Dr. Bina Ramamurthy CSE Department University at Buffalo (SUNY) Partially Supported by NSF DUE Grant: 0737243 Presented at Gaskill Middle School, Niagara Falls Middle School, NY 8/20/2015

2 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY Objectives Improve awareness of the important role of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) plays Illustrate some motivating concepts in CSE through hands-on activities Inform you about opportunities available at University at Buffalo and at CSE Encourage high school and middle school girls to pursue higher education and careers in CSE-related fields 8/20/2015

3 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY “Recipe” to CSE “From Minimalist”: STIR-FRIED CHICKEN WITH CREAMED CORN Time: 20 minutes 1 pound boneless chicken (breasts or thighs), in 1/2-inch chunks 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon sherry, rice wine, sake or white wine 2 tablespoons peanut oil or another neutral oil, like corn or grape seed 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 tablespoon minced ginger 1 small chili, seeds and stems removed, minced (or dried red chili flakes to taste) 1 15-ounce can creamed corn 1 cup corn kernels (fresh, frozen or canned) Chopped cilantro leaves for garnish. 1. In a small bowl, mix the chicken with the soy sauce, the sesame oil and the wine. Put the peanut oil into a deep skillet or wok, preferably nonstick, and turn heat to high. Drain chicken. When oil is hot, add chicken to skillet, and cook, undisturbed, until bottom browns, about 2 minutes. Stir once or twice, and cook 2 minutes longer. Turn the heat down to medium-low. 2. Add the garlic, the ginger and the chili to the skillet, and stir; 15 seconds later, add the creamed corn and the corn kernels. Cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through, 3 or 4 minutes. Garnish, and serve over white rice. Data Algorithm Program Hardware 8/20/2015

4 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY The Binary Number System Consider the statement: “I will pay you $1001* per hour.” (*wages in binary!) 8/20/2015

5 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY The Number Game (1) 1357 9111315 17192123 25272931 8/20/2015

6 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY The Number Game (2) 2367 10111415 18192223 26273031 8/20/2015

7 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY The Number Game (4) 4567 12131415 20212223 28293031 8/20/2015

8 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY The Number Game (8) 891011 12131415 24252627 28293031 8/20/2015

9 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY The Number Game (16) 16171819 20212223 24252627 28293031 8/20/2015

10 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY Analysis What is theory /concept behind this game? How did I arrive at the number you guessed? How can I automate this process? What is the data and what is the algorithm? How can we convey these to a computing machine? While a computer talks binary, we humans write programs in languages such as Java, C#, C++, Basic etc. Binary numbers (1’s and 0’s) is the number system used by the computer systems. We humans use decimal number system that has 10 distinct symbols (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) Lets look at systems that are built on top of this foundational concept. 8/20/2015

11 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY Embedded Systems 8/20/2015

12 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY Beyond Search Engines: Enabling Information Technology Applications Financial: Build Portfolio Medicine: Find Cure Environment: Plan Forestation Travel: Plan a Trip Simple Search (stateless) Complex multi-business applications 8/20/2015

13 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY HealthCare Enterprise* Clinical data Ex: JNIJNI Research Knowledge Ex: Blast Clinical experiments Ex: drug discovery Transform results Ex: integrate, generate metadata ontology Academic Knowledge Ex: cell, psychology molecular search Diagnostic tools Treatment methods Dissemination Of results *From The Semantic Web: real world example from Industry: Edited by. J.Cordso et al. 8/20/2015

14 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY Course Management System* University databaseXML feeds Html feedsOther data source formats connectivity layer Source layer Conn. layer *From The Semantic Web: real world example from Industry: Edited by. J.Cordso et al. 8/20/2015

15 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY Course Management System OWL instances RUD/SUD warehouse Instance generator RUD (OWL schema) SUD (OWL Schema) University databaseXML feeds Html feedsOther data source formats connectivity layer Source layer Conn. layer Instance layer 8/20/2015

16 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY Inference layer Rules Repository (SWRL) Rules Engine (Bossom) Semantic query engine RQLRDQLBuchingae Query layer Course Management System OWL instances RUD/SUD warehouse Instance generator RUD (OWL schema) SUD (OWL Schema) University databaseXML feeds Html feedsOther data source formats connectivity layer Source layer Conn. layer Instance layer 8/20/2015

17 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY OWL instances RUD/SUD warehouse Instance generator RUD (OWL schema) SUD (OWL Schema) Inference layer Rules Repository (SWRL) Rules Engine (Bossom) Semantic query engine RQLRDQLBuchingae Query layer Course Management System University databaseXML feeds Html feedsOther data source formats connectivity layer Source layer Conn. layer Instance layer Application layer Rules Editor Query Editor Course management Report generator Dynamic Web site student teacher 8/20/2015

18 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY OWL instances RUD/SUD warehouse Instance generator RUD (OWL schema) SUD (OWL Schema) Inference layer Rules Repository (SWRL) Rules Engine (Bossom) Semantic query engine RQLRDQLBuchingae Query layer Course Management System University databaseXML feeds Html feedsOther data source formats connectivity layer Source layer Conn. layer Instance layer Application layer Rules Editor Query Editor Course management Report generator Dynamic Web site student teacher Admin 8/20/2015

19 Gaskill Middle Schools, Niagara Falls, NY Summary Computer science and engineering is a very interesting and rewarding field. It is inherently cross-disciplinary. UB has an very strong CSE program and an well known School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Consider CSE and UB Engineering for your higher studies.CSEUB Engineering Apply Buffalo-area Engineering Awareness for Minorities (BEAM) summer program for high school students.BEAM 8/20/2015

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